Explain your ideology in one paragraph.
Explain your ideology in one paragraph
Other urls found in this thread:
Post-fascist Prussian constitutional monarchy with social democratic characteristics.
Interventionist anti-imperialist national Stalinism with Juche influences.
Paragraph!? Uh, no. One sentence. "If it works, its true." Fucking leftists, always gotta church shit up. For people who constantly knock patricians, you guys sure do talk a lot like them.
Can you explain what you mean by "works?" Like, does capitalism work?
Hold a gun to my head for a yes or no answer, then, Ill say yes. But, nothing is perfect, everything requires maintenence and evaluation.
Non interventionist post revisionist Anarcho hoxhaism with Albanian characteristics
Fully Automated Luxury Primitivism
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for autistic children.
MarketSocialism/Mutualism to Democratic Confederalism to Anarcho-Communism
Step 1 can be skipped if we have advances in technology and revolutionary potential.
Wage labor abolished, occupancy and use, an individual can own a means of production as long as he/she is the sole laborer using said capital and not exploiting others, no taxes, no state, Bash the Fash is the national anthem, liberated markets, etc.
Yankee Fascism (think 1800s in rhetoric with 1930s aesthetics) with Stalinist economics
Mein Kameraden
Why did you kill Rosa?
For the same reason why communists killed social democrats in 1917`s Russia.
Well you are capitalists.
Liberal Mixed Market Socialist
go read Rosselli pls
Lies damn lies. You don`t care who you kill, long as they are not marxists.
The international proletariat is a useless, idiotic shell of a man that quite simply deserves a pathetic whimper of a death, for their complete inability to care for themselves, fight for themselves, or both reading a book to learn for themselves. The bourgeois will continue to live towards FALC.
socialism with canadian characteristics
apologizing profusely while you're slaughtering the bourgeoisie?
Anarcho-syndaclism/ Democratic confederalism/ Libertarian socialism/ anti idpol
yes also all meals must have gravy and cheese on it
what the fuck man
Gulags with gender quotas so it isn't 98% male this time
He's as Nazi as any of you guys. He just fucks men as if they were women.
Government a cancer.
Fucking hell
Haha "attractive", and not creepy / uncanny valley.
Third worldist matriarchal ultra collectivist agrarian folk nationalism with fascist aesthetics and mandatory vegetarianism.
Wow me 2 fam
the h bomb explode=>aliens come for the rescue=>we gommunism now.
Marxist Syndicalism
basically what the CNT FAI did, but not pretending to be an Anarchist
Worker self management in a market economy with a state based on direct democracy.
If you can't let go of your authoritarian dogmas even after they failed a bajillion times then you need to get out.
What would socialism with american characteristics look like?
This but with even more gulags than the CNT/FAI had.
Revolutionary terror can know no bounds tbh.
Strong unions, co-ops, syndicates and a government willing to defend these elements and bring the country/world to post scarcity automated communism
Sounds bretty good.
I don't know what's going on, but I don't like it and it needs to stop
It don't matter. None of this matters.
Anarcho-oceanist anti-humanist animal theocracy
Non-Marxist socialism
4 U
Welfare state.
direct democracy in city states unified with cultural ties.
Uruguayan Social Nationalism (Wilsonism) with state owned means of production that are managed by working-class/union representatives
At last I truly see.
Neo-Strasserite National-Syndicalist/Guild Socialist.
Guilds are one of the best ways to abolish the division of labour.
Read Bordiga and don't post again until you finish.
Central planning with a bottom up approach and lots of computers. Also nordic style human rights and free healthcare and shit.
Service in the way of Allah.
Some chick from that new trending Twitter hashtag. #bigtittiesbreaktheinternet
Considering you're a polfag you might hate it because there are a lot of black women participating, and few white women. In fact, the picture in the OP is a light skin black woman.
Robot gfs, video games, and simulated lsd trips, with no government to ban them.
My dick ain't racist if you know what I mean.
non interventionalist, isolationalist, nationalist market socialism with nordic caractheristics
My bro.
Read Sorel.
Well, it's a good way to bring back the artisan spirit of the proletariat.
The only way to abolish the division of labour is to eliminate capitalistic labour (like police men, lawyers, accountants, bankers etc), automate labour and turn the remaining labour back into skilled labour (and the best way to do this is decentralized planning where the actual labour is done in a guild system).
Smash the state!
world wide self-sustainable industrial, militar and mediatic coop conglomerate, cohesioned by a labour-voucher system, in a direct democracy, where the factories and farms are of public access.
who's with me?
Material conditions produce all other aspects of society and, this being the case, a system of more efficient energy and data transfer, geared toward satisfying human needs, must be sought by any means necessary.
Basically, I'm a for a bicameral, republican confederation based on local direct-democratic citizen's assemblies (Like the ward republics of Jefferson) and guilds, which would consist of the all local self-employed or worker-owned businesses/workplaces in an industry/craft. Additionally, we need universal service in a citizen's militia which would form the basis of the army. The citizenry would form the economic, political, and military apparatus of the state. Basically, combine radical/democratic republicanism with national-syndicalism.
Hail to you all, comrades. ;)
I thought I'd seen it all, but then I saw pure ideological cancer.
Culturally Marxist Manarcha-Feminist National Social-Democracy with Liberal Characteristics, but unironically
Shut up Wobbly you literally had one job and it STILL hasn't happened yet.
all your toothbrushes are belong to us
Another great shitpost from this faggot
Ponyfags gtfo
All i want to do is run over my landlord with my personal M1A1 Abrams tank. Is that really so much to ask for, you commie bastards?
guarantee adequate and necessary nourishment, accommodation, sanitation, medication, communication, and enrichment, for all persons. respect and protect the natural world and non-human animals. use science and technology for the betterment of life on earth. prevent the centralisation of authority and wealth and the ability to do violence.
Workers control MoP, small holdout government designed to keep tabs on decentralised network of soviet councils.
Revolution is no longer possible in the first world, almost any time a Socialist revolution has ever happened and actually achieved anything such as state control has happened in the backwards, third world countries instead of the advanced first world nations like Marx predicted. People in first world countries have a lot more to lose than their chains, and therefore are not going to go into revolution and fight against their own government. The only way a global socialist revolution could still happen is if it happened in the third world first. A plan of action to make this happen is to support anti-Imperialist struggles and to support third world situations where people are willing to fight.
I believe that first world socialism may be possible via entryism. Subvert an existing party and radicalise it form within. When you attain power, use the position to launch a coup backed by your comrades.
Who the fuck doesn't wanna do that??
gulags to the kulaks
Work, i.e. obligatory activity in face of either a punishment for not doing it and
reward for doing it should emerge only from personal need as a battle of survival.
All else is play or something similar: voluntary activity without a set, enforced
outcome either way for taking part in it or not, or lack thereof, that being leisure.
We need to minimize the significance of work in our lives in that our lives are not
jeopardized by incapability or unwillingness to work or controlled arbitrarily.
We need to regain our communality and freedom by rescinding all of our social taboos.
These taboos pertain to many positive consensual interpersonal activities dictated by
tradition with arbitrary social groups owning the rights to them by unspoken contract.
We need to combat the misconception of antisocial individualism, because individual
and society are two sides of the same coin. There is no individual without society,
as there is no society without the individual. They are as concepts one and the same.
big tit nationalist
we must secure a future for big tits
Shidbosd-lefdism :::DDDDD
I fully support this ideology
As long as it's left-wing big tit nationalism
More Leninist than Lenin Leninism with Bordigo-Zizekian undertones.
This world is a fucking disaster and we'll probably all die or live in a horrific dystopia before 2100. Leftist ideology is generally completely impractical and stupid, as it is divided between utopian dreamers and Stalin apologists, both of which have 0 support in general society.
Oh, and the right is just twisted and evil and believes that running even more speedily down the path to demise is a solid move.
Found your revleft username.
Post-feline national pre-Dorean feminist with Kazakh characteristics
Market Posadist
Democratic confederalism
decentralized local non-hierarchical decentralization.
Why can't we have the kitties?
Cats are inherently bourgeois. Lazy, unemployed, entitled NEET's. On the other hand, pic related
Get out Žižek…
Jesus Communism without Tankies
Inherently bourgeois: the post
Wanting to seize the means of production while wanting to seize the means of production ( ° ʖ °)
Classical Liberalism with sensible welfare policies.
Dogs are the master animal race
i like big tits
Anything that isn't the consensus here
Everything that disagrees with Zizek
Anything that disagrees with the current bougie trend Marxism.
Within anti-capitalist frame of reference.
Trusting no one.
that dog is stealing wheatbix from that disabled lady.
that sounds extremely arrogant
post-human anarcho-extinctionism with posadist characteristics
So basically you're just a contrarian cunt for the sake of contrarianism? Sounds pretty gay tbh.
Get out.
You first.
You ontotheologist faggots haven't even read Heidegger and he was a literal nazi.
Um… I don't even know where to start with you. I mean, do you even know who you're talkin' to? Do you have any idea, any idea who I am? Basically - kind of a big deal! Ya' listenin'? OK. Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brotha' I hurt people. I'm a force a' nature! If you were from where I was from, you'd be f**kin' dead!
Monastic Order.
I miss u Teutonic and Livonian Order.
Roman based nationalist socialist isolationist religious zealots of all religions
Get out cappy scum
Protip: Whether it's politics, economics, or just big tits, the best results come from being in the center.
Mocha girls are love. Kthanxbai.
When we all give the power
We all give the best
Every minute of an hour
Don't think about the rest
And you all get the power
You all get the best
When everyone gets everything
And every song everybody sings
fuck off and let me smoke weed
Capitalism is an unsustainable and unethical economic system that humans must move beyond. If we do not, our planet's resources will be extinguished and the masses will suffer. Communal ownership of industry through labor unions and worker co-operatives transforms our economy on one based on need rather than profit. If organized federally under a small state, socialism has little potential to lead to misery. Without a strong government, there is not much room for repression.
I also subscribe to this ideology.
Libertine Satanic Anarcho Fascism with FALC and Jim Profit Characteristics.
only Libertarian Stalinism promises Fully Automated Luxury Gulag for all
Americommunism – an interventionist libertarian socialist philosophy in which the state is mostly responsible for projecting power to combat imperialism. Liberal ideals (sans property rights) are protected by constitutional scripture. The state manages communes, but they are autonomous and protected by grassroots militias. The main role of the state is to manage issues that cross communal boundaries. Socialist patriotism is encouraged, but bourgeois patriotism and any kind of reactionary bigotry should be suppressed.
Dope flag and dems couldn't possibly be any more incompetent so we might as well meme this into their platform
this is me
but I'd also embrace using the US military as an organizer of production (to some extent)
and co-ops for transitioning
Unironic post-left anarcho-posadism with a sprinkle of leftcom and situationism (meaning: I drunkenly read Bordiga)
My comrade
Cats are socialist individualists who see exploitation under the hand of humans as it really is. Dogs, on the other hand, are class-cucked lumpenproles who only seek to please their bourgeois masters.
Cats and Dogs are both dumb animals. But Dogs have way the fuck more use-value.
So are you but you're still kept around
very disappointing
this is perfect wtf
hell yeah
Bordigism with post left elements
Who created this autism?
Sing it on vocaroo
Socialism with capitalist aspects
Which aspects?
Pro-tip: capitalism has nothing to do with markets
I know that, it was merely a shitpost
Though I've heard a lot that markets make it "not true socialism" because wage labor still exists, but from my point of view it is the best way to transition a capitalist economy that loves competition (like the USA) to a socialist one
So edgy SocDem?
Anyway, socialism-as-mode-of-production-markets-as-method-of-commodity-distribution here too
Depends on how exactly you define wage labour. The problem with Capitalism is the extraction of surplus value from the workers - that the capitalist is taking value generated by the worker and keeping it for himself. The capitalist extracts the surplus value in exchange for a wage.
However, if a workplace is owned collectively (and equally), then there is no capitalist to extract the surplus value. Even if they still work for a wage, they are the ones deciding how much they are paid and how much is left for the workplace (buying goods, maintenance, utilities, etc).
idc as long as i can watch my chinese cartoons without being sent to a labor camp im cool