We're so attractive to the working class
/r/socialism and /r/latestagecapitalism are hitting /r/all on reddit
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I like watching reddit drama. From afar.
Thanks for sharing redditor.
Should we reach out to r/socialism for a Popular Front?
no they think we're brocialists
and we're always calling each other fags and retards would would give have of their user base PTSD
Do it for the big laughs fam
share the reaction
I find the Unabombers critique of "leftist psychology" to be spot on when it comes to /r/socialism tbqfhwyfp
He tried to tell you about those moderators fam why didn't you listen.
The only reason we should be reaching out to them is to grab them by the neck and throw them bodily into The People's Executionary Wood-chipper.
No matter what kind of political alignment one takes, the moment it gains momentum on reddit (i.e. hit /r/all) it boils down to shitty apologetics and some sort of a compromise with the other side. I genuinely rather have Day of the Rope and be hanged on a lamppost for being a commie than let redditors define any aspect of the left.
Also, almost none of the people there are "working class" and none of them read theory.
Realistically, they would have to compromise and let go of their hypocritical idpol bullshit and we would have to accept that feminism and anti-racism have a place in communism. I don't see any of this happening.
that's not inherently bad. don't get me wrong most toffs are cunts but Kropotkin and Engels were cool
Maybe, but the total spergout of Holla Forums whenever feminism or feminist topics are mentioned seems to suggest otherwise.
you're golden
Holla Forums is in all of us
Do you feel in charge?
Obviously not, all of your threads get derailed. Railed like a white girl at her first party
To be fair the entire history of socialism is basically purging, factionalism, and autistic power struggles over minor doctrinal differences
fucking Tai Lopez at it again with the KNOWLEDGE
Liberals defend this, they are the ones complaining that things will be too expensive if we bring manufacturing back to the west.
Seems like a shitty lineup. Do you guys usually have coalition governments?
Blame the fucking trots. God I hate those sneaky jew faggots.
All of them deserve an ice pick.
the only good thing about romanian elections is that we don't have pro russian parties
fight me
I get that they're just mad and in stage 4 grief, but in what world do they think that an unelected judge could install a president without the American people chimping out?
Redditors will be exterminated in the revolutionary holocaust.
Fun fact, ice-pick jokes aren't allowed on r/socialism
Jokes aren't allowed on /r/socialism.
Because only fags get violent over differing political ideologies
You muslim scum
What do you suggest the white race do instead?
Go quietly into that good night?
It's so disappointing to watch the chance of our message reach millions of people be wasted all because of idpol.
You KNOW that if the people who ran r/socialism wernt fucking retards, reddit would be far leftist right now. There are so many bernie bros there just BEGGING for an alternative to the system that literally backstabbed their hero, but to them the far left is just what they see on r/socialism.
To be honest I'm genuinely starting to suspect r/socialism is COINTERPRO, no memes.
His linguistic theory is very nice and incredibly useful to computer science, other than that he can choke on my dick and die. Why would you even care about his political views?
holy shit buddy I hope you didn't make this
The Iran Deal was a fucking terrible waste of money, regardless of how it affects Israel. Obviously we shouldn't invade the country again but ripping up the deal is not equivalent.
trump would just win again, his numbers are already way up after the carrier and other deals and hes not even president yet
suck it cia faggots
Abortion is wrong and a sin against God.
An unborn baby is not responsible for the crimes of their race so the whole "muh nigger abort more" is a really stupid logic.
hopefully soon, we already got enough of you spaceniggers here
build the barrier, and you will pay for it
some things go without saying, Vladimir
Are they for real? This shit is going deeper and deeper
It's….strange? It must be hard to be a smart individual who belongs to a helpless race.
what happened?
wtf are you talking about? every washington post, ny times, and cnn article posted here is met with many declarations of "fake news" accusations
Holla Forums seems to really really hate fake news
Fuck off, that's why.
If you're going to outlaw things that will kill you, might as well outlaw life.
Powerplants need enriched uranium and Europe wasn't about to sell centrifuges to us.
Huh? Stuxnet was a computer worm, what does that have to do with nuclear weapons?
Canada is the worst Asian country
we cant all be as logical as you barron
Forgot to add on, the entire process of storing the body requires NO electricity whatsoever.
Good job OP
this is a normie thread detector
Did they all leave or something? There used to be gorillians…
r/FULLCOMMUNISM is significantly better.
This triggers me so much. Fuck you.
The neutral observe question "everything" doesn't work when you don't actually question "everything" shill.
Why aren't you questioning the questionable article itself? No, you don't question this, only that.
The neutral observer, just interested in posing innocent questions act has worn COMPLETELY out, you overused it. Tell your boss!
Yeah ya minda
Was meinst du mit dieser Frage?
The best tip is to not be a passive asshole like .
If you want a good wife, make a good wife. Don't mope around because of your "bad decisions", change your own circumstances. It'll make both of you happier.
If you ever go on r/Canada they get extremely butt-hurt about him
There is a notable time gap between 2016, and the early 1990s.
Did you take it up the ass in prison?
It's called warfare and has been going on since forever
I know yous trolling, but this is legit stupid.
Fixed for ageism.
Thank you r/socialism.
Gives off a Trump vibe in that pic
If he sinks National's popularity and gets Winnie historic numbers next year then yes.
I liked how easy it was to trick nu/pol/ into believing that anyone who trolled or shitposted was a paid shill.
The troll/shitpost/"DRUMPF BTFO LOL" rate literally never changed from 2015 to 2016 yet every nu/pol/ack will swear they saw it increase
It's like they forgot what site they're on, and deliberately overreacted to people shitposting in order to show everyone else how to shitpost to get a reaction..
No one said your country was irrelevant, but we all agree you are….cucks.
Invest in gold today!
Sorry ur not not normie drumpfkin :)
CIA are faggots
You're so insecure that your fears have manifested into inane conspiracy theories. Sad.
Show me one document.
Lincoln said that if he could keep the Union together without ever freeing a single slave he would.
Oh yea we mad. The way your mom gets mad at the Kardassians.
I can already get pussy whenver I want. Yesterday I just went to my gfs place uninvited who lives with her parents and did just that.
The show is GOAT, don't know if this was the goal of the producers but it was a bit of a redpill.
Philly phags just don't care, it's a rough trashy culture.
it's just regular libertarianism without property rights awkwardly attached to it
explain to me how property rights can exist without a state
That's probably my main reason for supporting it.
It's like you think "Maybe if I just make fun off them enough, the facts just stop mattering."
Look worse to whom?
The people in a thread arguing with me that facts aren't relevant to discussions?
You wound me, sir!
You're using the anarcho-transhumanist flag, you're looking for the anarcha-feminist flag, it's six spaces above.
No it's not
The fuck is this shit?
"Everything that disagrees with me is reactionary"
also apparently sticking to theory is reactionary in nature, who knew.
I'm pretty sure that the average r/fullcommunism poster is around 14 years old. That would explain why they are so obsessed with tumblr-tier SJW-isms.
LOL dude they all have ties to Socialist Alternative (which I like to think is generally a good organization) which is more than a little suspicious, I bet they're part of the FBI's COINTELPRO efforts on both SAlt (the only socialist organization in America that still has fangs- not necessarily the only good one but the only one that still has fangs) and Reddit. There's no moderation on Twitter which would explain why these guys aren't on it. Twitter and Reddit and to a lesser extent Facebook meme pages are the largest tools for recruitment into socialism so it would make sense for the FBI to focus on Reddit where they can moderate.
Acutally most /r/socialism redditors are students and white males
But Socialist alternative is tied to the CWI
which has numerous cases of Sexual Assault
Neither of those things imply working class.
Exactly, I find it funny that the majority of them are white males when they complain about idpol topics, idpol is narcissism and self guilt-tripping
That's the Swedish and Australian chapters. The CWI isn't really an organization so much as it's a council of organizations.
I have tried, repeatedly, to explain to the hivemind on several of those subreddits that there are scores of people at the threshold of socialism, but the tactics expressed on the subreddits through the posters and the mods are alienating them. You can't get recruits without putting up with "stupid questions" from people that have had little exposure to the concepts you already accept, and saying stupid shit like "READ -insert author- DIPSHIT"
isn't going to get results, it will just alienate people.
Coupled with the absolutely stupid automod that has been programmed to remove "problematic language" like the words crazy, idiot, stupid, crippled, etc, it's just driving regular people away and turning the place into another shitty echochamber of LARPers.
Solidarity means people with a unified message, not unified opinions, these tumblr socialists don't understand that, and because of that, socialism is going to remain a fringe concept to most normalfags.
Well at least Holla Forums is growing, r-right? Shame that we are much smaller than /r/socialism
We're bigger than them in terms of active users by a longshot, but they're more famous because redditors are normies.
yeah but there's no way to know how many of those subscribers are actual socialists and not just LARPing Liberals. Also, Holla Forums isn't exactly known for it's leftism, I'm betting next to noone even knows we exist, and those that do are probably those idiots that keep pushing the "brocialist" meme.
We have actually 1645 active users, while /r/socialism has ~270 online users, /r/fullcommunism ~300, and /r/anarchism ~130 right now.
Even though is right, this board is still way more active and dynamic, which is quite a feat considering that Holla Forums isn't even indexed on Google.
And I think that with Trump president and liberals still refusing to step back a bit from idpol, we have more room to grow.
Before the bots struck we had around 780~850 active users. The bots have really inflated the numbers.
I didn't use this to gauge their activity, and I didn't use our botnumbers either. Their mod teams have stifled the discussion there to such a degree they're basically fighting against entropy at this point, go check out their Hot tab, rarely gets more than 10 comments iirc.
I am just playing off memory though from when I was spying on /r/soc a week or two ago so I could be completely wrong.
Hopefully a database leak occurs one day and we can royally fuck all the liberal mods along with Holla Forums
That's right this instant. Our active user count is both bot-inflated (usually around 800) and counts for the last three days. They have about 12,000 unique hits over any 3 day period but the vast, vast majority are lurkers whereas active users on Holla Forums counts posters. For us to be about the same size as them about one in fifteen users would have to be posters with the rest being lurkers.
Really their main advantage is being on normie central. As their subscriber count shows they're babby's first socialism because nobody gives a shit about /r/asksocialists or whatever it is.
Actually the head mod hates all those other guys he just can't be assed to kick them all and start over.
I'll put on my saddest violin mp3 when I inevitably fuck him over then. What a tragedy.
why are the only okay """left wing""" subreddits the leftcom ones?
I actually found Holla Forums through negative comments about it on /r/socialism. All publicity is good publicity?
Because they're actually in it for the theory rather than a more edgy extension of their, at best, left-liberal politics.
/r/leftcommunism for serious discussion, /r/ultraleft, /r/shitleftistssay and /r/muhcoops for bantz.
Pretty much. Anyone who hates trot hang outs like r/socialism should be welcome here.
Pretty much. We also publicly raid Holla Forums because they'll just infiltrate any attempt we do to make it secret - so we decided giving them a wealth of information, and thus paranoia, and thus free advertising was the best/funniest option.
Whenever I sense someone may be from reddit I always try to get my imageboard insult badspeak bingo card filled so they go back and cry about it and get us some people who are sick of their shit instead of having them slowly slide the board.
Reminder to always call redditors a combination of niggers, faggots, kikes, retards, spastics, mongoloids, trannies, transniggers, fat, dumb, stupid, gay, suffering from terminal downs syndrome, islamic and anything else you can think of that may upset them.
Jynx you pokeniggertranny!
The power of memes, huh.
I just skimmed through his post history and it's pretty sad.
The only comments he made on his subreddit over the year are basically there : reddit.com
That's a good thing. He was shit. If you aren't ideologically correct then you don't really have any place leading socialist movements.
Should we try and contact him and make a good case for why we should get control and have it handed over to our BO? I've seen some of the shit you fuckers get up to with a modicum of administrative power and you'd fit in on /r/socialism as it stands.