How /fash/ are you Holla Forums?
Measure your fascist levels in Adorno's F Scale test and post the results ITT
How /fash/ are you Holla Forums?
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did this nigga actually label a glass of water "WATER"
Fuck I laughed.
It's "fluoride water".
This is Ben Garrison we're talking about.
Don't want to derail my own thread but if he's draining the swamp and the swamp is globalism doesn't that just mean he's rehashing globalism with different people?
Your F Score is: 2.13
You are a liberal airhead.
I'm not liberal, I just think some people deserve punishment.
Is that a pepe and a 4 leaf clover in the bottom left?
I think globalism is just the tree that's growing in the swamp.
who /ULTRA-ANARCHY/ here?
ben garrison drawings are physically unfit to watch
the are sickening
No, no, the elephant is Ryan.
I love this meme.
It wordfilters to that? Fucking kek
Ryan being labeled is especially funny because he as an individual is basically irrelevant compared to the Republican party as a whole. It's that great man history leaking through.
Really makes your synapses fire up don't it?
Even Ben Garrison knows how to sort of hide his power level.
1.40 reporting in.
It just makes it more obvious that his entire audience is Holla Forums
TIL I’m not a tankie, but really a softy lib
He literally just wrote 'rapist' on bill clintons buoy
Your F Score is: 4.13
You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.
We get it Ben
You know as retarded as his style is you have to give him some credit because it makes his views clear and understandable in a way. Why do you think libertarians were popular for a while on the internet other then the Koch bros money?
1.57. Feels good mang
1.41 here
Literally the most non-Marxist thing came out of so-called Marxists
literally how much of a cuck r u–the test
my F score was 1.
Whining rotter master race
Oh, fuck you.
This one, however, made me laugh:
> Fully 77 percent of senior ministry officials in 1957 were former members of Adolf Hitler's Nazi party, a higher proportion even than during the 1933-45 Third Reich, the study found.
Whining rotter here.
Is this actually what fascism is?
Because the questions in the quiz are exactly the things I personally oppose the most.
People who honestly believe any of these fucking statements make me go into a sperg rage.
I had no idea I was so anarkiddie.
What do they mean by this?
I love how a test about authoritarianism doesn't seem to have any problem arbitrarily defining limits within which you're considered a "normal" person, and calling you political epithets if your score is lower.
I got 2.3
Is he autistic? He labels fucking everything.
Your F Score is: 1.67
You are a whining rotter.
I scored higher than you?! Whaaaat? You might wanna change flag
Nah, it is just stupid. The mist obvious example from the ship comic is what, exactly, is Merkel doing? Is she saying they need more immigrants, or pointing at the wave and calling a warning.
Of course, a Holla Forumsack already knows Merkel is a dirty globalist seeking to destroy the white race and so on, but the Holla Forumsack doesn't need to read the comic to gain any new information. As an effort at communication, it fails.
Lolberts became popular because of South Park, and because (if you know absolutely nothing of theory or history because your brain has been turned into pudding by the American school system and pop culture) the Lolbert perspective makes a lot of sense. Especially if you're on the outskirts of social life and place your primary values on being left alone.
Non aristocratic/ not form well established background. Usually refereed to people whom are not form higher classes yet manage to get into them.
Well, you are a socdem after all
Jesus fuck that is some next level autism.
Fuck this test.
"The manufacturer" obviously means the pig sitting on his ass counting the money his factories made, not the labourers.
Is that what you read out of that? I read it as a contrast between two representatives of the economic community and two representatives of the liberal arts.
It is class collaboration bullshit, remember fascists belive in capitalism, as they are liberals
Yes, it is a good idea to wear a condom. What the fuck?
Yes, its common sense to do vaccinations against more diseases now that travel becomes easier and faster. Dont see how its fashist.
But I am left handed…
2.4, I thought I was lower. A little disappointed desu.
whining rotter here
Your F Score is: 1.87
Your F Score is: 1.90
You are a whining rotter.
whining rotter master race
Your F Score is: 5.30
You should practice doing things with your left hand.
reporting in
1.10 Reporting in
was expecting you to get a higher score. I'm disappointed in you Stachefag
No thanks
You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.
I think I got this score because of some of the stupider questions, like what does:
have to do with measuring weather I'm a fascist or not?
I feel like this is normal. I guess not compared to 1946 USA.
I agree, which is why fascists need to be culled.
So basically, get rid of humanity?
I'm fine with that tbh.
What did they mean by this?
Your F Score is: 2.50
You are a liberal airhead
Rather a liberal than a fascist
That one may be a humourous reference to le Helicopter ride maymay. So i guess this one make the cursor go more fash.
So maybe it's some kind of joke test?
Trust me user, everything produced by the frankfurt school is a joke.
Your F Score is: 5.03
pic related
This is paradox tier
Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a helicopter.
Then you are dumb for expecting Liberals to be honest about Fascism.
Most of the test has either stuff that is completely irrelevant, or has New Right on one side and Old Right on the other. Except both are Fascist.
Look at the test:
> Authoritarian Aggression: Tendency to be on the lookout for, and to condemn, reject, and punish people who violate conventional values
As if it isn't Fascism if value are unconventional!
Moreover, willingness to punish for crimes somehow makes you more Fascist. Except Fascist stance on crimes is not about punishing/forgiving crimes: it's about forgiving crimes of Fascists and punishing crimes against Fascists.
"He is our bad guy" - that's Fascism. And - yes. There is a difference between this and murdering people "for the Greater Good".
How does it feel, Marxists? Knowing a couple of shitposters have refuted your entire 5 billion words+ corpus of schizo-Hegelian intellect worship babbling?
What are you on about?
I'm not going to pretend I understand what this should've meant.
And Marxism is obviously (and openly) "amoral" from the perspective of Bourgeois morale - morale that is dominant in Capitalist state.
Are the furrybots online again? Or is this regular Holla Forums-posting?
2.87 Liberal Airhead
I guess im a natural born leftist even when i try to lean right.
im okay with that
How fashionable am I?