Any other /felon/s here?
Attempted murder in 2nd degree
Why did you do it?
Did you attack the guy who cucked you with your social democrat waifu?
come back when you've actually committed a murder
totally a perfectly sane person :v)
Well done, we have to kill those kulaks fam.
I just purely hated the man. There was no other option at that point he had(this happened back in junior high) bullied me consistently for 2 years before I lost my nerves.
According to the police, court, doctors who analyzed me and my psychiatrist I`m mentally sound and fine.
Domestic assault < did not do, did go to prison for.
Vandalism< did do
drug possession< did do
only they don't have 'felonies' in my country
I usually like you pirate flag. You haven't gone down a notch, but now you're on my radar.
He fancies himself a market "socialist", meaning he's entirely fine with the hegemony of capital over labor so long as it has the veneer of "democratic" decision making while nonetheless being completely dictated by impersonal market forces and inter-firm competition over capital accumulation. Don't expect much from this retard and his insecure gooktoon posting.
A tankie, a murderer…. well at least you're a fellow fingol like me. Perkeleen kommarisympatisaattorit voi elämä perkele ku pistöö vihaks tuullanne! Lapuvan Liike tai kvolema!
Not a felon but I did a couple months for not paying child support
Fuck this liberal "justice" system. Bullies should be slowly tortured to death personally by their victims or victims' loved ones not protected by the state!
So…the constitution in Finland doesn't have a stand your ground law or something similar?
Jos ollaan täysin rehellisiä niin en ole kommunisti kuin teoreettisessa merkityksessä, sillä kuulun sdp:n jäsenistöön ammattiliittoni ja puoluejäesenyyteni puolesta. Vaaleissa lähinnä olen äänestänyt vasemmistoliittoa tai demareita.
No we don`t and even if we did I doubt that it would be applied in school.
and what exactly did you done? I can't read that paper…
impotency at its best
I'm not american reeeee