Was he a precursor to Deng or a good theorist?
Was he a precursor to Deng or a good theorist?
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Too often dismissed for his similarity to Deng and thus treated as if he was never a Marxist at all.
In truth I'd say he represented a necessary and worthwhile faction within the Bolsheviks. Contrary to what the "would-be" teenage revolutionaries of today think socialism isn't just a button that can be switched on - especially in a non-industrialized country. Ignorance of this leads to the many garbage Holla Forums critiques of Stalinism, Maoism and the like.
Tell me more about russkie I never heard of before
Nikolai Bukharin, prominent Bolshevik within the "right wing" of the party. IIRC, he believed that Russia ought to be modernized through small scale private capitalism under the party's direction; basically a perpetual NEP until the circumstances were right for real socialismâ„¢
Personally, I'd say Bukharin was probably the most rational Bolshevik in terms of practical economic realities in a capitalist world system, but it would have been impossible for a Bukharinite USSR to retain its Socialist ideology over the long term and not just sell out to capital forever.
I've always been a bit curious about this guy. Anyone have more on why exactly he started moving to the right later in life?
"right" within the context of the Bolshevik party who were presiding over a politically and economically isolated dictatorship of the proletariat that had taken hold in a semi-industrialised country.
I disagree with him but I dislike the tendency of modern marxists completely dismissing the conditions the Bolsheviks found themselves in and instead offering substanceless platitudes about how "giving the means of production to the workers" and creating communism - as if they're merely sitting on top of the MoP like a dragon and are debating what to do with it.
The "right" of the Bolshevik party is still far more radically left than anything you'll find in modern day bourgeois politics. I figure he supported limited market economics because it was an economically efficient policy, even if it wasn't "ideologically pure" or any such crap. In hindsight, his ideas were substantially less retarded that those of the Left faction.
He was not a precursor to Dengism. The NEP was approved and developed by Lenin HIMSELF!
There has never been a Soviet who had his name so dragged through the mud, perhaps only second to Trotsky, by Stalinists.
He was really intelligent and meant well but unfortunately he was part of the tragedy called the ussr.
extrapolate, plx
No one here has actually read Bukharin or knows all that much about him, they're just repeating cliches.
Really gets your gears grinding.
It's not about hindsight, it's about how they quite openly failed to make the best of a massive opportunity, even if they were in the right when they started off.
It's easy to see how Russia would have descended into liberal poverty classcuckery if they hadn't stepped in, but this doesn't change the fact that the anti-Stalinist left exists for a reason.
The “classless state" - a notion that turns the heads of social democrats -is a contradiction in terms, a nonsense, an abuse of language, and if this notion is the spiritual nourishment of the social democracy it is really no fault of the great revolutionaries Marx and Engels-from Anarchy and Scientific Communism
There was no "massive opportunity". Socialism was not feasible in Russia until it completed it's capitalist phase of development.
Lenin's NEP though was a better idea than what some of the later leader thought though.
Does anyone know what exact policies he was advocating? What could have been the consequences?
who /rightopposition/ here?