Imagine such a world /leftycucks/

explain why this is a bad idea
also man would this make for a nice game/movie/book series

Other urls found in this thread:

Its a fantastic idea

It's beutiful

looks pretty comfy

My inner sovietaboo is crying in joy

why even live


Imperialist porky stole this from us!


isn't it the other way around?
as in the oligarch being pets of putin who just keeps gathering more power?


Why must you remind me that 1991 happened, and that coup attempt at that same year failed?

This video made me a SovietBoo.

This is soviet nostalgia general now.

sovietaboo thread
I wanted to make one of these to ask if anybody knew the name of a novel by a bulgarian writter that was supposed to be eastern block's answer to James Bond and if had been translated to english

honestly, just what the fuck is up with that music?

Let's say you've been elected as Chair of the Space Communist Party.

What would your program be to get us into space at the earliest possibility?

Hire the most competent astrophysicists with experience in leading an expedition.

Pretty funky. CPRF is shit though


1.) maximize propagandaaka marketing efforts
we need as many children studying phisics/stem as possible, and as many people in country supporting it as possible.

2) find a way to determine which astrophycist is most competent to lead the research to ensure the research will go on even in case I would lose my chair

3) try to allocate as many resources for him as possible

1. Seize the means of production
2. Establish Centrally Planned economy
3. Prepare and execute education reform
4. Start research program for Space Elevator project that will be capable of let at least 100 million people go off-planet (and back) yearly.
5. Start research program for habitable space stations: construction, use, efficiency.
6. Begin total robotization of industry. By the time it's finished (10-15 years), there should be first generation of engineers, an army of robots, and plans on how to proceed further.
7. Gulag corrupt politicians.


Thats extremely long term, not "as quick as possible".

Unless you mean building one on the moon, which is already possible with kevlar.

man as a Holla Forums raider seeing this makes me sad
looks comfy af

Stop raiding and join us user. We can make this happen if enough people like yourself come to our side.

nah i can't join you
the idea you fucks push around is alright
but not possible in our lifetime
maybe our children or their children will manage
we're just a transition generation


Not that attitude that's for sure.

If you like your memes so much just join the nazbol gang.

i'm a slav that lives around commieblocks
hopefully my children will have a better future

why do you fight against a bright future?

this looks nice
yugoslavia didn't
i'm OP btw and this was meant to be a infiltration

pic related is honestly my personal favorite of the bunch

The point is "get into space", not send a man to Mars.

How many people should we get out of our gravity well to say "we got into space"? Few thousand people per year aren't going to change anything.

Also, it's not "extremely long term". It's about 20-25 years (provided we don't get WWIII). Well, until the "first million", at least. You still need to build stations and stuff for people to actually go off-planet.

That's the political equivalent of "tomorrow not today"
Just imagine Elijah Wood telling you to do it

You… you tought that we were not going to like the video? What planet do you live in?

no i just post random shit all over the place
fuck frodo and the west, they ruined serbia

and like i said, the video is cool, but then again serbs support anything anti-american

jesi ti iz srpske akcije ili ipak nisi toliko retardiran

hey, i love this feel

Wouldn't communism break down in space? You can have an international classless society, but how to do you prevent societies stemming off and disbarring social ownership by monopolizing their region for themselves.

Space nationalism seems far more likely just due to the distances involved, though earth communism is a lot more likely to allow us to get space travel going in the first place. As long as I'm freed from capitalism and have robots doing everything for me, then that's enough to fulfill my currently existing class interests. The idea of a galactic scale mono-society seems a bit romanticist, idealist, and ironically reactionary, taking aside it's likely impossibility.

Not in the Holla Forumsyp sense (so don't get excited), of course, since it's not like race would matter by that point. More just a civic thing due to the distances leading to very slow communication compared to Earth distances, and local government being more important and people then feeling more patriotic towards it like it's theirs. The thing that centralized government on Earth was material factors that sped up travel and communication, but unless you find a way of breaking the light barrier that can't happen. Left wing space nationalism is more likely than Galactic scale communism.

I want fully automated luxury space communism now!

Getting real, judging by the website the video is announcing a book
Any one here that speaks soviet runes can explain us what is this all about?

Post Soviet space posters

Darkest Timeline



The only book that comes to mind is 17 Moments of Spring, but I don't think the author was Bulgarian.

Because i don't want to live in a standardized communist/capitalist planet. That's the porky dream as well.

Kek no russians on here because they hate the sssr, anyhow I'll try translating it, bit rusty with orcish

Communism and socialism was not formulated to deal with implications of outer space, and neither was capitalism. The distances are so vast that trade is pretty much impossible, so each planet and their sphere would be self governing.



translate please