Why is this board so hostile to r/socialism...

Why is this board so hostile to r/socialism? What's the point in trying to divide up other comrades and encourage sectarianism? As far as I know r/socialism hasn't done anything to warrant any vitriol besides the Reddit connotation.

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Located the problem.

This, lurk more maybe?

I don't mind the militancy in trying to stamp out sexism and racism, I think calling people bitches should be looked down upon (unless it's used in a way that doesn't have such connotation, like "son of a bitch," which I think is where I'd stray from the policy of r/socialism.) But a lot of them are larpers or outright liberals, which makes it pretty useless for discussion or giving updates on struggle. I mainly use these places to see what other people are going through elsewhere in the world, and I don't really get that there.


It's full of idpol'ers and cointelpro

You can get banned for calling someone stupid. That's a good reason to stay far away.

Why don't you ask r/Socialism?

/r/Socialism's rules are insane. Its existence is an argument against the concept of a vanguard party, as you can see just what happens when the clique in control of everything goes insane and decides that using the word "stupid" is forbidden. Everything that could possibly offend *anyone* is out of line according to these people. Their highest priority appears to be that every marginalized group can have their own soapbox, even if that means creating an environment completely detached from real social norms where any normal working class person would be banned within an hour if s/he spoke like s/he did normally.


Because I was almost banned there for calling an idea dumb. Wasn't even directed at anybody and it was called ableism. That doesn't even make sense.

But IMO such militancy will drive people away from researching more about socialism and that is no good for us.

And also there was a picture floating around showing with a conversation between a mod and a feminist who wasn't socialist, being invited in with open arms, while a socialist who wasn't a stated feminist being turned away. Doesn't really make sense either.

Can you imagine the USSR being run by them? Pretty hilariously tragic vision.

Death toll: Saganocide.

Y O U ' R E G O L D E N!

lol thank you man

The USSR was run by tankies too, though.

Lurk moar, they ban you if you say you post on leftypol merely by association that this board exists on the same website as Holla Forums

Also they ban you for saying class>feminism/mra shit.

all the chans are hostile to reddit
i'm not sure if its a meme or what
i've never been to reddit so i'm not even sure what it's about tbh

Neh, they hate Leftypol specifically because this place doesn't see the struggle of transsexual lesbian disabled black people as the primary vehicle of the people's liberation.

Right, but political correctness didn't get to such a ridiculous degree that petty insults would land you in the gulag. /r/socialism isn't even tankies, it's confused liberals.

I think in the earliest days it was due to them watermarking things that were from chans, as well as stealing all the old rage comics and shitting them up. Later it became more evident the entire premise of the comments system was shit and created an echochamber and became a point of mockery.

There is no reason to be hostile toward /r/socialism and it isn't hard to not get banned. People just like to whine about them because they got banned.

even the "anarchists" on there are massive authoritarians who love control

fuck 'em

They're a bunch of SJW IDPOL turbo cucks. There is nothing socialist about their LBGT First Worldist liberal garbage.

Why don't you fuck off back there then, you big no-no doodoo head.



Getting real sick of these not so thinly veiled shilling attempts every 10 minutes. It feels like we get dozens per day. Fuck off.


I am starting to see why Holla Forumsyps don't like my people very much.

because they're idpol and idpol divides :^)


It reeks of identity politics.
They're what's killing the left.

TWists in the third world are almost always reactionary or are at least aligned with local reactionaries. TWists in the first world are usually just liberals who want to be radical but don't want to actually do anything locally. Really though, third worldism, for a first worlder, really is just an extreme form of liberal guilt.

How delusional can they be?



If you didn't realize yet, r/socialism is the one being sectarian and hostile to everyone else. They ban you if you say the word "idiot" cuz muh abelism. Fuck retards and fuck r/socialism. Buncha faggots.

spend 5 minutes in the comment section of any major sub reddit.

u r plzin me

I'm not banned, but being forced to engage in self-censorship whenever I wish to call a capitalist an idiot turned me off ever posting there again.

I got banned from there for fact checking a news source. Tells you all you need to know about that subreddit and Reddit in general.

Is this guy an idiot? If he lived during the late years of Stalin's rule he would probably be purged for "rootless cosmopolitanism"

r/socialism would need to be leftist for us to be sectarian with our antipathy towards it. Same with other supposedly leftist subreddits.


top lad

Tell that to white blue collar worker, you fucking dumb cunt


On the other hand, almost all communist regimes emerged from miserable, ass-backwards countries.

Fuck off. This mocking disdain for free speech is one of the worst things about socjus and the shitshow that currently passes for the left in America.

Why do reactionaries deserve free speech though?


4chan also banned people over gamergate and over half their traffic now is from /r/The_Donald yet they still bitch about redditors there. At this point it's nothing but a meme.

I know it's bait and all, but it's a legitimate question. I reckon that absolutely any social system will have shitters who want to fag things up for everyone, in our case, reactionaries. The problem isn't what you do to them. Hell, that's almost an afterthought. The real questions are, what's the definition of a reactionary, and how is this definition applied to a suspect. Or if you want to borrow a page from Uncle Joe, who defines what is a reactionary, and who applies it to a suspect. Regardless, the point is, you can't nab reactionaries with much reliability outside of extreme cases, and the process is absurdly open to abuse.

Why do you think these tactics are employed primarily to stop or are remotely effective against reactionaries?

1: Has shitty discussion. Most people there are fucking tanky larpers, "SJWs", teenagers or all of them combined.

2: Has no problem with " send to gulag" and denying genocide and ethnic cleansing that takes place in Leninist, Maoist etc states or by far-left groups, but then bans people for using words like "dumb", "blinded", "Psychopathic", "Tone deaf" because ableism. Mods are dyslexic or some shit because suddenly, reading context doesn't exist.

3: Edgy as fuck calls of murder for anybody who does anything slightly reactionary.

4: Mods ban people who disagree with them in debates.

5: Every fucking mod aside from one is a Leninist.

6: First port of call for possibly millions of people who want to see what Socialism is about and has fucking Mao and Stalin in the side bar.

All of modern day Communism is basically LARPing.

There is a difference between us talking as candid individuals and them running speech through a revolutionary filter and flowery language like they are standing on a soap box.

/r/socialism is cringe worthy. I know exactly the type of people that post there as well because I used to be a edgy tankie teenager a decade ago, so I recognize the larping.

I've never understood this. It's like the numerous Tumblrinas I've seen who will bleat teary-eyed about muh self-diagnoses of ten different depressive disorders and delicate psyche in dire need of Rated PG Parental Guidances because of how they and all their friends were almost raped, then if I glance at their profiles they're invariably stuffed with things like "interests: BDSM, Game of Thrones".

Put up your dukes, or step out of the ring, jeez.

censorship encourages radicalization on their part and circlejerking on ours

Here's the full thing

lol I did something similiar, I asked if I can be accepted there if I don't support Palestine and got immediately banned

Hey! Calling the mods dyslexic is ableism you know!

This. "Reactionary" is necessarily a judgement call, not an objective category based on one's relationship to concrete things (like bourgeois or proletarian.) Thus the political response is a response ultimately based on subjective value judgements. Defending the policing of "reactionary" speech is necessarily defending political impressionism of the worst sort.

It's a pretty fucking accurate descriptor.

Either their dyslexic, or their being purposely fucking obtuse to push power tripping authoritarian bullshit

fuck r/socialism holy shit

Does it depress anyone else to see this place? Makes me feel like a post-revolution world would be a PC surveillance state.

PC is the social mores of the bourgeois class and muh privilege theory is nonsense. They're both devices of class rule and will cease to function in a post-revolution society. Have faith, comrade.


Why do people get so assblasted about being called that though
Reactionary faggots can suck my cock




this is the shit we need to keep making

They literally banned anyone who said they posted on Holla Forums. Because were all reactionaries even if they dont know what we do on Holla Forums

Kalinin survived the entire time, Stalin seemed to dislike urban educated Jres not Jews as a whole..but he felt i guess inadequate….

or it just wasn't about jews

Stalin said "purge the synagogue" when he wanted to fire all the jews in the foreign ministry to talk to Hitler..

Personally I just think they're st*pid

what IS a good place for discussions, does it exist?

reddit is unusable because of too much circlejerk and reliance on the moderating style of the mods - leftist subs in particular ban for anything immediately that offends them and i'm not even talking about straight bigotry (calling people faggots and niggers etc or the millionth time weve heard trumpsters argue how liberlulz are the real oppressors), im talking about people voicing opinions that go against the circlejerk. hell u can get banned from most subreddits for saying you visit Holla Forums

8ch suffers from its lack of moderation and the anonymity it provides, people flamebaiting each other (bigotry i was talking about) is in return allowed here, nazbols are a common sight due to the proximity to Holla Forums, basically all the undesirables gather here since mostly anything is allowed. there is no way to exclude them either

what im looking for is a middle of the road kind of thing, i want to be able to challenge people and be challenged in my opinions WITHOUT reactionaries, bigots and brocialists crashing the party. i would engage in my local university but the sad truth is many sociology and political science students dont actually take interest in what they study and are obnoxious to talk with (reddit irl) and with those who arent its hard to engage due to the lack of an efficient medium (meeting up isnt one imo)

pls respond


Print out some flyers and stand on a street corner handing them out.

There are probably good places outside of the internet. This is why I recommend joining the DSA because it's an organization based around socialists meeting up and Chapo Trap House is basically the unofficial podcast for them so they don't seem like an organization high on idpol.

The problem with online is basically as you say, Socialist forums always become these crazy cliques of extremist idpol nonsense or you have leftypol which is filled with immaturity, shitposting and reactionaries.

Maybe LibCom is decent? I would recommend avoiding RevLeft.

I spend most of my time now here and on /r/ChapoTrapHouse.

To be fair, this is a chan, and no one would post on chans if they didn't have the freedom to spout whatever impulsive and childish thoughts pop into their head.

i mean we wouldnt be here if we werent aware of that, doesnt mean you have to support it

eh im not from the US but from germany and the political left here is the most incompetent it has been since the fall of the third reich, would be pretty hard to find something local where i live right now. i dont even have a problem with identity politics specifically, what i have a problem with is the inevitable circlejerk that always forms in closed communities and only here on /r/leftypol seems to be for some reason less intense than elsewhere online. which is weird since Holla Forums is the most idiotic circlejerk in the whole internet

i want to be challenged by idpol statements and exchange views that i do or i do not agree with, thats why i seek out discussion in the first place

Exactly. Anyone who thinks we are going to convince the entire working class to use correct pronouns, be inclusive of LGTB people, be aware of cultural appropriation etc. is delusional and counterproductive to building socialism.

Leftypol seems to sperg out at the mention of social justice is a bad thing and thinks it is counterrevolutionary.

*sperg out at the mention of social justice is a good thing and leftypol thinks it is counterrevolutionary

It's a narcissist doesn't get why narcissism is bad episode #454985497


Social justice is a valid concern. Treating it as if it is in any way of comparable importance to the class struggle is liberalism.

cuck idpol feminists like pic related.
socialism is a edgy trend for them before papa gives them a cozy job

not about race or gender, that's what capitalism uses to divide us since capitalism is about class :^)

They really should read Bordiga.

Because you literally get banned for saying you don't want to have sex with a transgender person


Making a non-tankie infested shithole version of ShitLiberalSay.

Stole /r/socialisms pretty decent css, modified it a bit.

What modifications should I make Holla Forums?

interesting thought process


all i want is bans for certain expressions like faggot, cuck, sjw etc to keep the reactionaries and edgelords of /r/leftypol and more importantly the rest of reddit out, rest probably does not matter. imo allow liberals to come into the sub and get ridiculed if they want to


Ban anyone who tries to enforce /r/socialism's retarded standards, and anyone who uses Holla Forums-speak. That should keep most of the cancer out.

Based on real life stereotypes obviously.


also your post history is hilarious, that hate towards liberals is real

its half people actually being reactionary tankies and half people being annoyed with identity politics. reddit.com/r/socialism/comments/4irt9y/eli5_what_is_the_socialist_position_on_identity/d310g49/

Remeber when they polled their user base and it turned out they where 90% white guys

probably 90 %bourgeoisie too

How "problematic"

Love your posts, dude

*forcibly deports people on the basis of race*
*sends homosexuals to labor camps*

I'd rather do that and socialize the means of production than prevent that and leave them in the hands of capitalists.

Since when has it been an either or situation?

Since the seventies.

whatever nazbol

Not that it matters. LeftComs will never do anything except bitch about what everyone else is doing anyway.

ML has been dead for decades. fuck off.

We should signal this more. Maybe make a thread on it?

It's still the most successful socialist movement arround the world.

If ML is dead y'alls ideologies must be dinosaur bones by now.

Hardly unprecedented

Probably need to do that, also need to work out mods as well.

Basically, I want a non-tankie, non-idpol version of Shitliberalssay, considering SLS is literally just tankie idpol gcranked up to the extreme.

That's the plan.

Can you believe that 2 years ago I used to shit on Socialists for hating liberals so much? I was one of the "We should work with liberals and slowly try make them move to our side'.
Over the past year 3 things have happened though.

Betrayal of Jeremy Corbyn.

Betrayal of Bernie Sanders.

Purging of the Eco-Socialist faction from the Australian Greens.

And Liberals all cheered this and acted all high and mighty and smug. This was the final straw for me thinking Liberals act in good faith, they don't. They're fucking scummy right wingers that think they're left because they're slightly to the left of hard-right reactionaries.

I'm all for "liberals" who have an open mind like Sanders and Corbyn supporters, but I've found they're the minority among the people who follow politics out there.

top kek, go carry on sucking some ethical corporatist dick, or shoot some comrades into a canal in Berlin

That reminds me of during the US election in 2016, when we burgers would push the green party as the greater good, chock full of genuine socialism and scientifically rigorous environmentalism, and foreigners were in total disbelief as to what we're talking about. I was already aware of the German greens being a middle-of-the-road socdem party, but I was in stitches when I was told about the state of the Aussie greens, and especially the Tumblrina-incarnate nightmare that are bongistani greens.

Because ideas don't go away if you stop people from saying them

Because "speech acts" is a meme and they do not exist

Because controlling speech is only possible within a hierarchy

Because everything that enables one to be controlled in such a matter is exactly what a socialist stands against

Like how do you even ask that question

lmao your posts

Nothing pisses me off more than smug hypocritical liberals who don't condone US Imperialism.

I've worked in fucking intelligence, one of my good friends who was one of the main people who turned me into a Socialist was the former advisor of Donald Rumsfeld since he was one of the leading world experts on Al Qaeda and middle eastern terrorism when 9/11 rocked around. (pic related on of his trophies)

What caused him to snap and leave the Pentagon was actually that photo of the 3 year old Iraqi girl covered in blood screaming over the bodies of her dead parents. He turned into a far-left Socialist, extremely anti-war and quit.

It pisses me off these liberals act all smug and allmighty because they think they're geniuses by repeating what the fucking NYT and WaPo say to them and you have to trust the NYT and WaPo because the media tells you to.

I absolutely cannot stand people who handwave away US extrajudicial killings, drone strikes whatever.

Go google "Drone strike children", it's those images that are in my head every single time I see one of these fucking liberals handwave this stuff away and pretend Putin is the great evil while the US is a spreader of peace and justice.

Also, "The US doesn't annex countries" give me a fucking break. What the fuck.

Sorry, who condone US imperialism.

Sorry in a ranty mood. /r/politics, circlebroke and shit just send me into a rage.

I hope to have one such place, if my forum takes off after I launch it.


Look at those comments. This kind of behavior is very clearly counter productive. When will these fucking idiots realize it?

the mods are teenagers on a power trip, what do you expect


This. Holy shit I never knew how one man can be betrayed so much by his fellow 'leftists'. I don't think I can set foot on UK without being disgusted at the populace.

They wanted an outside during 2015 and when they got it, he was demonized so much that they hate despite agreeing with him most of the time.

the UK is a through and through shit country tbh

My brother came to me super pissed after he got banned from late stage capitalism for saying his store's holiday practices were "insane." I had to explain to him how fucking trash all the major leftist sub moderators are.

What a joke

jesus fuck man no chill


More o' dis

The whole jew/goy dichotomy is one of the oldest examples of a socially constructed hierarchy designed to rationalize the actions of those in power as well as justify their continued dominance over those without. A jew calling a non-jew a goy is a lot like a white guy calling a black person a "spook" or even a nigger.

Uncritical morons are everywhere. Reddit is fucking Stormfront at this point.

jesus christ some cunts are arguing in that thread that intersectionality, idpol and socialism are essential to each other

those people are all confused liberals, nothing more

Jesus fuck they'll never learn

How fucking predictable.
This is why I started browsing r/anarchism instead

another one bites the dust

Have these mods ever fucking learned of CONTEXT!?

r/socialism is just a bunch of young white boys trying their hardest to be as left wing as possible. It's all about stroking their e-peens.

it's a meme?!?!?!?!?
of course i can't assume things about a person i don't know, but that's not the point. It's just a fucking meme joke.

Jesus Christ you redditors are so cringy

nice meme party you got there, keep the urn revolution rolling xddd

let's wait for the glorious leftcom revolution

I'm telling you /r/socialism is run by COINTELPRO. Fucking hell. How can we fix this shithole?

Basically just harass the mods until they quit. The easiest way to do this is to procure information about their real identities. If they are true COINTELPRO (and not just informants) this will cause them to scatter almost immeadiately.

doesn't one of the major leftist subreddits have a head mod that wants to purge but their offline identity is known by others who threaten to fuck their shit up

I guess, but how does one extract said information? I'm not a fan of reddit whatsoever, but since it's a popular place I feel it's important that we make an effort to get these dickheads out of power. The left is unpopular as it is, we don't need anymore "COMMUNISM == 1984 XDXDXDXD" faggots.

I'm a vegan carnivore.

The head mod Cometparty?

Everyone hates him because he purged the fuck out of that dickhead crazy fuck G0vernment for being a fucking metal case who just banned for no reason other than she got mildly annoyed by a post.

Then she made up that Cometparty was going to out her to her organization as a Socialist or some shit. Which is funny, because Cometparty is a union organizer.

The sad thing with /r/socialism is the major clique on the site sucks the fucking dick of the mods, so no matter what the mods do, they get positive reinforcement for it.

Same way they were installed, entryism. The Fempire must burn.

I have bad news:

It clearly implies sneering at non-Jews.

that place is even worse

tumblr central