Bombing innocent civilians is feminist.
I guess this is why progressives wanted Hillary to win.
Bombing innocent civilians is feminist
Hey anfem, come see feminism in action!
So, did the anfem turn us into even bigger brocalists, or is this due to our gamergate experience?
What went wrong that turned us into so reactionary, completely ignorant of marxist feminism?
Liberal feminism
The latter. 8ch and halfchan is filled with neets and losers, it's obvious they would resort back to reactionary ideas when they are confronted with feminism.
What does this have to do with my obvious joke of a thread?
Fuck off.
No such thing. Just more idpol using marxist window dressing.
I like (you)`s
HRC is not a feminist, just like CPUSA is not communist.
Are people still this butthurt about a bunch of people who just want to play good games without being lectured on social issues and expecting industry professionals to be, I don't know, professional and ethical? I mean, it's almost as if people are intentionally refusing to listen when people speak up.
>BLM protests regularly have violent anti-police rhetoric pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon
I can't stand this double-standard bullshit. The only reason this is still a fucking argument is, once again, the goddamn media pushing this retarded fucking narrative. If these assholes want to be respected, they need to stop thinking about only themselves and show a little respect to other people, and that should go for everybody, on every side of every argument; it gets really old watching people bicker back and forth that refuse to accept facts and make up their own 'reality' to justify the garbage streaming out of their mouths.
What's the context of this?
From a communist standpoint, breaking down gender roles is good because it unites proletarians.
top kek.
They were brocialists
It's the military industrial complex in action. Your post is stupid.
It's clearly feminist, it's breaking down gender roles stupid
Blaming feminism for the military bombing the exploited sounds like Holla Forums to me. Must be force of habit.
What about that white on white crime?
Greasy nerds is different from people experiencing police brutality.
Police were created to control the proletariat and poor people.
Well it's supported by Feminist Queen Hillary Clinton so it's clearly progressive, you reactionary shitIord.
Or are you trying to silence the voices of women and people of color?
I mean, that's clearly what the Washington Post is implying.
The Washington Post is The Washington Post. I don't think I really need to comment.
We all know.
Do you not understand intersectionality?
Maybe you need to speak to a woke Twitter user like Propane Jane. You are not a good feminist.
I don't get what your problem is. Nearly everything you think I believe I don't. It's like…bias…or something….
I don't get why you're such a horrible feminist and insist on silencing the voices of the oppressed.
Gookfem ain't even that bad tbh, and this is just more media reporting on bullshit because clicks=$.
You need to go back.
Every feminist isn't a caricature just like every one of us here is a caricature.
*isn't a caricature I mean
Uh, are you saying these are not legitimate feminist views and thereby silencing the womyn who hold them? I think you need to check your priviIege there.
Are you saying the emancipation of man from his brutal labor isn't emancipation? Check your material conditions
See what I did there? I was being, how you say, general and fucking arrogant.
Disagree with me all you like, let's not make a pissing match of who can insult each other better. Because I'm not one who ascribes to anything you think I do.
I think you really need to go back and read your feminist lit sister. I'm ashamed to call you a fellow womyn.
pack it in fella
I'll pass. There's more sectarianism in the batshit land of internet feminism than there is in the meat of the matter, which is class.
Incel shitposting is off the charts!