so i've been thinking lately
the world is pretty shit right now and most if not every country is going down a steep slope
where can i escape where can i go
i've been thinking about vast but empty countries
now i haven't started searching on how to emigrate but might do
so eh
not sure if this is possible, but being that far from civilization seems comfy
but on the other hand they have a cruel dictator
sure sounds comfy, it's wast and open, even seen pictures of Ulaanbaatar and the city looks empty
but on the other side i've read some user posting that they have a actual nazi party there
like literal nazis walking around with their symbols
not sure why but i read they are also vast lands with low density
so eh any other suggestions
and do any of you ever plan on escaping your countries
Where to guys
Other urls found in this thread:
Probably the Amazon rainforest.
In the event of Fascism you can always trust those hispanics to tell them where to fucking go, particularly in a jungle climate.
i'm not much of a tropical climate person
i love mountains and the cold
no one ?
Don't be dumb, the whole world is in capital's grasp, the only option is to stand and fight.
I can fight nukes.
If you desperately want to risk your life for something, go to India.
what i want to do the opposite of that
run somewhere far with a wide country around myself
Isn't that like a deer ass or something?
I forget, is Enma-Oh unaware that we're acting under the orders of Amaterasu regarding the spiritual health of Japan?
If not, then he we shouldn't tell him right?
Or… or wait a sec, what if that's what it's really about? Or at least the pretext? What if Enma is accusing us of making it so after the disaster we cause, everyone will be more focused on Shinto and Koshinto as opposed to Buddhism? Like I'm not really sure if you can even convert to Shintoism, but it's plausible right?
Because they have fins
It was obvious.
Mad props to all the chumps who fell for it and gave him even more clickbux :^)
starve yourselves, goy
I guess we'll have to disagree then, Flip
I plan to create some kind of anarcho-survivalist commune, so that I can damage control the coming collapse. I'll do it in the mountain or countryside, only problem is that I don't know how to grow food.
let's start with how retarded that shit is in the first place.
OP here
growing food is not that complicated
you should basically just revolve around a small potato crop (or rice since it can survive easy)
a pen for pigs (they can feed on anything)
and if you want something sweet go with
Red raspberry crops (why them, well because there are kinds that can give fruit all season long.)
a single person can even take care of all of that for a larger group.
and what is with all these faggots fucking up my thread
i'm seriously asking
fuck of nerds
dig a bunker
Is this MGS: Peace Walker IRL ?
Yes you can.
Most Hispanics I've met are Traditional Catholics and very Nationalistic. They only support the US "left" for immigration because it forwards the goals of La Raza Cósmica.
And the Cartels are the only real Ancaps
fuck off Holla Forums
Yeah the assblasted trump supporters that realize they fucked up harder than ever before. People will literally praise Bush after this.
Bump for Romney.
But…but…but…its not true!!
Because the best of us don't bother going to shit hole frozen wastelands overrun with rapefugees. We like to go to fun places.
mandela effect
lol, Jesse Cucks
Machinima has sucked since 2010 when they ripped off and fired all of their actual machinima content creators and they've stopped being relevant since 2011. Why the fuck are you still watching them?
He doesn't have to be inaugurated for us to be able to analyze his choices for his cabinet.
Good luck draining the swamp when the God Emperor us giving power to the swamp.
Can someone tell me what's the difference between Brazilian oxi and crack?
Crowd fund a trip to Dacau?
shit link, but its the best I could find
When? I've only been here since like 2012 and its been worse than this but never better
The Michigan recount is halted, senpai.
Yes, but the welfare would work as intended without the refugees. So no refugees and everything's good. I don't oppose technological advancement if it serves the people. I don't want to live in an Elysium universe. Businesses only care about profit and would kill your mother if it helped their shareholders.
Then who is fucking black women?
0.000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of that happening
you need 37 electors to switch their vote – these people were chosen BY TRUMP AND THE RNC
It's fucking impossible, also theres fines to voting differently in some states anyway
Only 1 or 2 might do it.
Also stop fucking worrying
It is not a point, it is a reality and i has been that way before Brexit. Brexit changed nothing. Europe is ours, not yours. Thanks for not even fighting for it, you pussies.
tbh fam you could be extremely obese and win arm wrestling contests even easier
Humanitarian mapping.
Great for autists who can hyperfocus on tracing maps from satellite imagery, and normies think it's the coolest thing you you're making maps for countries that don't have any
So you have a crush on him?
That's cool, I kinda do too, user.
Listening to him for 15 minutes undoes the cucking of 1500 soy lattes.
Marry her
Only decent thing to do
same shit
Of course there will be a re-vote.
So you don't want the truth? You want "memes" ( gags ) to convince of you of something you want to believe is true. Sad!
thanks bill gates
what the fuck is happening to my thread
what are all these autists doing
fuck off
i'm asking serious questions
fuck OFF!
I lived in Mongolia for about 4 months, and it would probably one of the best countries to escape to. If any kind of nuclear warfare were to start there would be a pretty low chance of anyone nuking the main city, since Mongolia is on okay terms with Russia and China, and even have some good diplomatic relations with the DRPK. Most of the people are nice and won't really heckle a foreigner on the streets. It's generally pretty peaceful and it's got tons of open and public land to escape to. I've got enough contacts in the country that if America starts drafting soldiers for an Iranian invasion or some shit then I'll hopefully be able to dodge.
finally someone
thank you and that really sounds nice
is living way out in the plains possible
i mean for them it is, but a foreigner
I would be possible, but you would have to be in some group to be able to survive, since the majority of food produced in the country is done from herding, so most people living away from the cities live off what they produce. So if you're able to find a group of like minded foreigners and learn how to raise goat or something you could probably get by pretty well. The language is a bitch to learn though, and it gets well below freezing for a good portion of the year. If you can get past that you should be able to make a pretty decent living
well i come from a small village and for the better part of my life i was working with farm animals
this sounds interesting
it might take years but i can put things into motion
Go to the ultimate in unpopulated areas:
Seriously, just hollow out an asteroid, get it spinning, provide light, and you'll have an Asteroid Space Commune.
Most people wouldnt know it, but the hills of venezuela. Think about it….people are too weak from no Just In Time Inventory so they cant raid you for food cause none in the shelves! Grow your own food….trade with other people.. right now our girls are sellung their hair to.columbian girls and making a KILLING. I mean,200 dollars for hair and you are set for 3 months no problem!