Trudeau looks like hes going down in flames, guys

Trudeau looks like hes going down in flames, guys

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The greatest speaker of our age tbh

Quebec was a mistake, Charles Lawrence should've finished the fucking job

Les langages sont des spooks

But seriously, its hard to understand the first half with the translator speaking over, it's like two people talking into your ears

I understand they might sometimes speak in French and sometime speak in English but why do they repeat everything twice? Isn't that what translators are for?

They don't repeat themselves because there are two languages, they repeat themselves because Trudeau refuses to address the question.

This guy wants to triple Canadas population to 100m in the next 80 years, he's a stooge and he's not even hiding it.

I really hope he survives this. He is the left's last hope in North America.

*teleports in front of you*
*punches you in your fucking face*


Please kys

Just liberal me up family.

I can't believe I know people who defend this guy

So was he basically Canada's Obama? Talked a big game about change, but then just sat and stacked fat checks?

I don't know a whole lot about his policies other than the recent oil shit.

Also he used the current year maymay unironically

I think he's working on privatizing canada's infrastructure to pay for infrastructure building
enjoy those tolls proles
accept the free market and privatization, it is 2016 after all

I love seeing neo-liberal hacks getting roasted.

This. Incidentally liberals are currently freaking out over Trump's proposal to do something similar. Liberals are dumb as fuck. As long as you are a young attractive guy they will basically let you do anything in the name of "progress."

He came to power because people got tired of Harper and decided they wanted to give someone that didn't have the personality of oatmeal.

I don't think anyone even cared about his policies they just wanted someone else for a change

He started the meme in fact.


Was that not John Oliver?

john oliver's meme was that stupid drumpf thing


No he went full current year to show how truly liberal he was about social issues.

Trudeau gave it as the actual reason for some of his policies.

Fuck he's got such a smug fucking face.

Glad we sent him to the states with Piers tbh.


Not to defend the piggies but firebombing should be easy to pull off without getting caught. I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often.

Typical white patriarchal society

Why do Americans always accept our trash

Won't they obsessively pore over CCTV and post your face everywhere for good cucks to report you?

They are our trash.

Didn't every other party do this as well?

If only they could be turned into co-ops instead. Fucking liberals. I'm sure to expect the what to be contaminated for sure sometime in the future.

Reminder that canadians drink milk out of bags and so are incapable of socialism

Hahaha, I remember that old picture.

I've made some Canadians lash out in anger and confusion by saying it in real life.

It's funny because I usually have milk in carton.


In fairness you did take back Simon Cowell.

We've been trying get rid of Piers Morgan since you bastards fobbed him off on us, and no one will take him.

Don't remind us.

Not falling for that again after Simon Cowell.