has hit the bump limit. I'll kick this off with an exploitable meme I posted in the political compass thread.
New OC Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey guys! I'm back to working on Catgirls stuff again; both of my contracts should be finished in January, so I'd like to see if I can support myself working on the comic full time instead of working for various Porkies.
Also, what is this board's opinion on selling merch of Alunya, like stickers/magnets/etc? I'm hoping to have a table at Sakuracon and wanted to try selling some catgirls stuff to get the comic out there, and maybe later when the site is up or as Patreon rewards. Thoughts?
I sincerely doubt that Holla Forums would be good base to sell anything for obvious reasons(ie. most of us are just young students aka. poor)
who else /like why the hell are we even working at all/ here
I think that'd be cool: I'd probably chip in a few bucks.
That being said, as implied, make sure you've got a substantial enough following outside of here before making any leaps into merchandise since most of us are FILTHY AND BROKE PROLE BLOKES.
Yeah, the comic is actually getting a ton of attention from outside of Holla Forums though, which is why I want to continue it. So I know you guys are poor (like me, lol) but I wasn't sure if people would feel betrayed watching me profit from the masses.
There is nothing wrong about selling counter-culture to current hegemony trying to challenge standing cultural and political hegemony form within.
The heart of darkness of the river spectacle.
I love the comics but I don't recommend trying this without testing the waters first and building up some patreon supporters.
What is Sakuracon is it in Europe?
Well I figured it wasn't all Holla Forums sending me messages begging me to continue it every week. I just feel like I'm letting people down…
It's an anime convention in Seattle in April. IDK if people would be interested in PICG there but it's worth a shot, especially to see how it's received among weebs.
Yeah if I can't make at least $500 a month from Patreon and merch sales, which is more or less what I need to live here, I figured I could knock it down to one comic a month and spend a minimum amount of time on it while doing contracts.
I don't want to use twitter how can I harass you to make more situationist kitty comics?
I sketched out a comic featuring her last night! :D It will be in the new updates.
good oc
Also for those who don't know this is ZSK -Antiascista
just a lil video, about mao and hoxha.
I don't get it. The original pic at least. Why does the Soviet win when the Soviet Union collapsed?
You know how one common theme with Clinton losing the election was that liberals vastly over-estimated her popularity because they filtered out everything on facebook, twitter, etc? So, I'm trying to grasp here how popular these various ideologies are in society at large, and maybe I wouldn't go into debt to buy a fridge-magnet factory and dedicate it to merch of a catgirl representing a love for glam rock and achieving world peace with the help of atomic bombs and UFOs.
I would be super-paranoid about somebody asking about their pet political theory (Georgism, Distributism, Technocracy…) and then me having no idea what that even is, and them getting really loud and telling the public how stupid I am. So basically, I would read a book every day until then.
Another issue to consider is the politics of the place. Seattle means Amazon, the 1999 WTO protests and the founding of Indymedia, and Kshama Sawant and her minimum wage campaign.
It was Kshama Sawant who turned me into a commie in 2013 during her campaign there, actually.
When I was up there a few weeks ago, I was really shocked to know that three of my friends had already seen the comic on the internet from tumblr and various forums. So, it has appeal to the masses based on the ridiculous concept, I think? As long as I specifically brand it as "a comic for political science nerds", it should be able to proliferate fans.
You probably don't need to brand the comic as being for nerds. I think you'd be better off acting like awareness of these ideologies is normal and ignorant liberals coming into this space are waking up from the Matrix or something. Don't be too on the nose about it, just kind of treat the liberal vs. conservative paradigm as humorously naive. If you brand the comic as for nerds you run the risk of getting the Big Bang Theory audience who reduce "nerds" down to jokes they can laugh at because the obscure reference is a non-sequitur that makes them feel better about being ignorant (at least I'm not a loser like Sheldon :DD). You also run the risk of getting the xkcd audience who will treat knowledge of a subject as if it's a trivia category they can use to feel smug (leftcoms basically).
I suppose by making America give up its liberal values or something.
Fuckin yea!
Also I doubt people will know the catgirls, but you can try I guess.
That sounds so shit but its true.
Hey rachel you should really post your new comics on your site. You have plenty of art and comics on twitter that aren't on your site, such as this one about situationalist.
Also fascism cat in lederhosen is really cute.
yeah I will, I've got a new site design that will accommodate everything.
I hadn't thought of it this way, interesting.
tip top notch comr8.
Didn't you hear? If you kill your enemies, they win.
We must fight for the right to be lazy.
Also more OC to add just in case
Also, requesting Pepe with backdrop of dead Mussolini (hanging from Meathooks)
This image to be exact
Requesting retarded political compass memes. Found one on the Discord servers.
One wonders whether this graph does make sense other than providing mockery of the political compass.
Other wonders why one would wonders such things here.
Is this about people failing to find a purpose while FALCbots cruelly mock them?
you can have this shitty Reichstag Pepe for now
also here's a template to mock Holla Forums
/r/ing a template of naziball.
oh shit sorry
here's something that'll get on their nerves. Because let's face it, "kek" is Chaos as fuck.
Better template
Memeball doesn't really work with Holla Forums because being retarded is intentional on their part so they can pretend they're being satirical or ironic when it's convenient.
It works so well for ancaps because it's probably the least logically coherent mainstream political ideology in history.
You can't get as absurd with making fun of something which exists and which you understand, as you can get with making up random shit about a system which has never actually been implemented.
However, anarcho-capitalism is completely coherent. You oppose it for other reasons
Sure, you can be a little more machiavellian about it than just working 4free. These comics can spread ideas that most normies never knew even existed, all the while wearing a sweet smile.
Selling catgirl plushies to pay the bills just means you'll get to work full-time on the same project. Working full-time means you'll be able to quickly adapt to circumstances and harshly criticize things like DAPL when they're still fresh. Do you see where I'm going with this?
Sort of. The creator tells me that what they're on about appears to be their way of putting Stirner's philosophy and Marx's philosophy together; they say that the reason why people are not free is because they are forced to work for others in capitalism (they extend this to apply to any system which is not FALC). This means that to exist in society - which, when communism is not the system, extends to survival itself, one must participate in society and force themselves to follow society's cause or a different cause which is not their own, however much overlap their is between causes. Aside from this, it appears to be a meme which mocks the meme-like nature of the alternative right's ideology.
Are we not free to enquire? It is a brilliant freedom to have, though not the only one.
anyone have the "lefties watch out" pic?
I cut this. But I had to do it in the command line with ffmpeg since I am an amateur.
but they are as liberal as ever? idk
speaking of catgirls, here. name suggestions. esp. if we want the comic to start appealing to outside Holla Forums I think we need these to be actual characters etc
Not esoteric enough?
these are just the ones that exist so far. There's a few glaring absences, but I figure we'll name these first before getting into socdems, anfems, maoists, whatever else
There is, she's called Sieglinde/Hilde/Berenice
Berniecat is socdem
I can guess why Alice but why Paula?
she reminded me of my sister who's named alice paula
I'm open to any other suggestions, it's just at some point we have to start going on. Meme logic works on someone pushing things and others following, etc.
Oh, I though it was because of Debord's wife, Alice Becker-Ho.
Is your sister single tho
no and she's also 50
leftcom is the cutest
How old are you
You could make money but donate some of it to stuff that helps poor people (which includes funding leftist groups).
A centrist catgirl would make a lot of sense to add. An anarcho-primativist would be amusing.
Glittergold should be ancap cat, not neolib. Although I do have it right now to where neolib has some pull on the media because her dad is an exec, she's not as greedy as ancap girl.
Centrist is a good idea, been meaning to design one, if anyone gets to it before me I'd love suggestions!
would you keep neolib as warbucks?
Base her on this cat breed, its called an exotic shorthair.
It looks like a scottish fold, Leftcom is one. I'm thinking she's just the most normest of norms to ever norm.
I'm pleased that someone from this board could incarnate such a delightfully subversive concept: turning the bourgeoisie's bludgeon against himself. It is an honour and a pleasure to be accompanied by such skilled memesmiths, that we may one day utilize our thought-provoking memes to make the common worker laugh, think, and, dare I say it, seize the means of production and achieve our goal at hand.
Onward, ye glorious saints of the revolution! Go forth and do battle against the porky's weak and feeble-minded memes, that the world may see we are iron men and women possessed with a might and fury not unknown to followers of the radical ideological concepts of Karl Marx
I thought you could use that cat breed to turn her into a naive looking scared cat.
"lol fuck you i can do whatever i fucking want"
yes, this is my political ideology summed up perfectly
I'm sorry you don't understand the true brilliance of our radical thinking
Glasses rule.
Leftcom > Situationist > Berniecrat > Leninism
you should remove neoliberalism desu
it's very confusing for non americans and americans when they use it to refer to democrats or neoclassical liberalism.
i love you for making leftcom cat, she's cute af
Syndicalist cat is also cute
That's fucking sweet man.
I didn't realize people liked this comic sincerely and all my enjoyment derived from how goddamn terrible it was.
Here's my OC
My bad, missed this thread.
This is advanced subversion.
what are your favorite comics then?
10/10, fucken kek
Absolutely mindless nonesense
Pic related is my fresh, rare, only-been-posted-once, limited edition, collectible OC
So taking part of and profiting from the capitalistic system is okay as long as you claim to be subversive in some way? How are you going to make the books, order a printing store to print them or hand draw every page? How are you going to get the drawing materials, Crafting your tools by hand or purchasing them online?
What you are doing is supporting a captialistic economy through your actions. It won't even surprise anyone either. Communistic literature is sold every day, just because someone will buy it. That's a great set up to a joke if you think about it, buying and selling communism for profit.
Honestly, I admire your fundementally captialistic idea. People only buy what they want, and people want cute catgirls. I say go for it, and make a product you will be proud of selling.
Marxism isn't a meme for ascetics or lifestylists. A few capitalists will inevitably side with the class-conscious workers in the dictatorship of the proletariat.
I get it man, who needs to stick to their ideology when a profit could be made?
People have lives before the revolution you know. There's very little "honest money" to go around under capitalism, and to assert otherwise marks a horrible understanding of leftist thought. What has been described by the drawfag is about as minimally exploitative as it gets in the realm of non-wage labor under capitalism.
Is there profits being made? Yes. Are those profits being derived from the exploited labor of others? No more than any worker derives some of the value encompassed in their wages through the exploited labor of those who provided the materials/tools of production; and at that point of abstraction literally EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING someone does that isn't done with items and materials crafted/collected by hand is exploitative. The point of an endeavor like this is not "get rich," it's "help create a subsistence wage that has minimal on bourgeois meddling when combined with other commission work." No wage labor is being used, and it allows the drawfag to have their work potentially be useful for the struggle.
It's the only means to distribute the material under capitalism without running a loss for the creators who don't have money sitting in piles to indefinitely pull from to print more books. The difference is that, with the aforementioned communistic material, it is almost always available legally and free of charge on digital platforms because the primary purpose is the dissemination of that information: the price tag exists only to cover the cost of the physical media.
Nice spooks nerd haha
Thanks friendo.
Yeah I mean all of the mats for this will inevitably involve 3rd world labor along the way. Did you guys ever hear about that guy who tried to make a toaster from scratch?
please don't hate me forever for linking to a TED talk: ted.com
He tried to order the raw petroleum to craft the plastic for the handle, but the oil company wouldn't sell it to him. Damn globalism destroying the small town mom and pop plastic operations!
You do realise paper comes from somewhere right? That people are paid to chop down trees and then ship logs over to a factory to pulp them down into a paste which is then made into paper. I will admit the process has been automatised more in the recent years, but there are still low paid workers doing shitty jobs to make that paper. Nobody can escape exploiting someone somewhere, if they want to improve their own standing. Just because you yourself is not working, doesn't mean somebody else isn't.
And the reason for aquireing the money is a long winded way of saying 'It's okay when I do it like this, because it's not to get rich'. I honestly hope she gets more money than she knows what to do with, donates to charity and then figures out later the charity was for profit. That would really wrap this whole situation up in a pretty bow.
That's not even true for before the internet. If communism was as ideal as some of you seem to think it is, word of mouth and self made pamphlets for meetings would have been enough.
No the price tag exists because people buy it. I can garuntee there is some guy getting rich from comunists buying comunist literature, and laughing his fat ass off.
So is there any socialist space on the internet that's not retarded? Reddit is full of teenage communists who call the Soviet Union state capitalism and defend it as a successful socialist state at the same time (and they WILL ban you), 4chan is a joke and this board is overrun by Holla Forums, although still the most useable of the bunch. Where to go?
here's a better filename for you
You act like existing in a capitalist mode of production is some kind of retreat from anti-capitalist "principles."
Might as well contribute ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You're fucking salty and it shows.
Rojava :^)
Webcomics or paper? There are so few good ones Gone With the Blastwave is classic. Oglaf is pretty good ironically enough is better when not explicit. Actually published, All-Star Superman, Sandman, Saga, From Hell and The Long Halloween are great reads. Don't know much manga, but Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer and Nijigahara Holograph are excellent.
But that's not important. This really falls into the same rut that every bad web comic being used as a mouthpiece does: the pictures don't fucking matter. There are so many words that it stops being about the characters and the sole focus is the author masturbating about how RIGHT they are. This is Buckley tier.
Honestly, even as propaganda it's shit that only true believers will be convinced by.
Why are you comparing a gag webcomic to graphic novels? They're not the same genre, and they don't serve the same purpose.
These are perfect, don't change them.
I propose leftcom be named Katherine
Am I the only one laughing at the obvious joke here?
kek fucking communist resorting to capitalism.
top of kek
Happy to see the site running again
also just a heads up:
and yes leftcom cat is the greatest
That thread is fucking toxic waste, even for Holla Forums.
Also, hello Holla Forums.
don't bump it
hi reddit
wouldn't dream of it
Is this cat girl based on zim?
naughty hentai when???
sure, so much surplus value to extract from his own drawings. dumbass.
go back to Holla Forums.
I believe there's some smutty fanfics floating about nihilism x egoism.
Why aren't you NazBol Holla Forums?
kek'd @ stirner
it's a meme
This is great bait.
how profound and enlightening
National egoism exists.
try again, Holla Forums.
Maybe she could charge slightly more for them so she can have a co-op/fair trade/country with good labor regs/other least-of-all-evils make them? inb4 >muh lifestylism
God dammit I read that in his accent
"An"caps don't understand BASIC ECONOMICS
That's not how you tranny commie
Some art just isn't worth suffering for.
Also nice.
8/10 would hold hand
why did i make this ?
th-thanks t-tankie-kun
wtf i'm a capitalist now
y-you too
I can't tell if you're actually a girl.
I'm not. I'm comparing it to joke-a-day strips like Doonsbury and Control Alt Delete.
Actually, Doonsbury and Dilbert are similar to this in that the pictures don't really matter outside of establishing a character archetype. The difference being that Dilbert is brief and to the point and Doonsbury has actual bite. This is just long winded.
To be blunt, the wordy nature and one-off naming of every political ideology under the sun (the one where they talk about that bullshit ideology was actually a good gag) makes it feel very much like a comic aimed at college students.
It's an AK74M
well either way all kalashnikovs here are restricted
wew lad
I'm not even from america
If I had any idea who you are, I would have just lost all respect for you.
ITT: he-complains-about-feudalism-while-being-a-serf-how-ironic-lol analysis.
"Being a Socialist is all about living nekkid in the woods. The nekkider you are, the socialister it is."
-Karl Marx
Member the one about how
Real knee-slapper that one. Fucking ghoul with a parrot's beak instead of a nose lecturing you for an hour. That's supposed to be quality?
That's the kind of shitpost not even someone from pol would make, they would feel ashamed.
with a dick or
yes, a big juicy femcock
I need more Stirner cat.
Stirner cat is my favorite.
I guess you never read Nancy
m-more please ;_;
Can we come to common ground with the truth of antifa's terminal lameness?
fine, just because you ask so nicely
Dropped the first episode of a podcast yesterday
I managed to fuck up the post, so here you go
Adorable face.
Shitty theory.
Nice, join market anarchists already
What are ye then?
Can't work on its own tbh.
Market anarchists, ie markets without rules such as "no private property".
IE ancaps.
well, times to change flag
Will user ever deliver?
well that was disappointing….
"Maoism is authoritarian" - The post
Titocat! I might color this later….
Very nice!
I must say this picture is still my favourite rendition of tito though.
Holla Forums a cute
needs more gun, you know, to keep it revolutionary and everything
how big is it?
okay, i'll keep using the yugo flag
i-ironically, m-maybe unironically
Norwegian forest cat. For some reason all the Scandinavians i know (its like three)are smugly centrist but maybe that's just me. Probably a more generic look but also dualistic look such as heterocromia or two toned hair/fur would make sense together. Also all the centrists I know think it's superior for whatever reason because they think they arent taking an extreme by going for a middle way on everything. They seem worried about offending people with views too left or right but dont like being voiceless about opinions even if they know little about a subject. Again my observatiions could be off so youd have to wait for others to back up my observations.
Im intoxicated atm to so dont take mee too seriously
Stop being stupid and start being smart qt.
sorry, i'm on lean rn my mind isn't clear senpai
pic please :o
some thot patrol inspired shit
Why was Soviet fashion so nice ?
I'd cuddle you
nothing wrong with it btw
Found on youtube.
I for one, welcome our new trap mascot.
where can I find a trap?
Is that a real gun you faggot?
Over here, bro:
The idea that yugotrap might really start cosplay-camwhoring turns me on for some reason. Damn you, yugotrap…
Didn't make this but found it on half-chan so thought I'd repost.
post the larger version of this!
come on we aren't ants.
I found it on [s4s], that is the full size of the image.
Long live the vanguard.
kys my man
Post more pics, damn it.
you HAVE to go back
hey i'm limited on pics i'm not insecure about ok ?
You don't look so insecure.
I'm sorry I don't know why I'm so greedy today. There's something about seeing you licking an AK74M where everything just clicks into place in my brain and I want to see more.
top jej
please don't leave us titocat ;_;
This thread has taken one hell of a weird and slightly uncomfortable turn…
don't worry my dude
my sides
You have to admit: that AK74M looks pretty hot.
post butt
o-ok, stop being horny everyone! let's have a new year's resolution where we stop trying to eye-fuck titocat every two minutes!
let's post more political compass edits- oh who am I kidding nobody gives a fuck about those things.
Hey Titocat!
How do you feel about Rojava?
Well, they're killin ISIS niggas and that's cool n all, although it's sad they've gone full anarkiddie, i'd want to see more discipline in their ranks, the kurds are still pretty effective, i hope assad won't fuck with them too much once ISIS is kill.
Yeah I hope Assad is too weakened to fuck with them. Same for Erdogan, after he purged his own army.
In what sense do you believe they've gone all anarkiddie? Because they accept so many anarchist volunteers? The amount of volunteers is still dwarfed by the actual Kurdish presence though.
Or do you mean because Öcalan is apparently inspired by Bookchin? Despite that, he does seem to have criticized anarchist theory quite a bit in some of his writings. At least that's what I'm hearing, and it's one of the reasons why a leftcom on this board somewhere is pissed off at YPG.
looks like i made a mistake
[embed] youtube.com
dumb maoist
Rate my Wojak Compass
Happy new year Titocat! Be sure to lick a lot of guns in 2017!
Happy new year user
do we have lots of cute traps on Holla Forums?
i swear i'm not hoarding my trap friends, they're just bad at politics/economics
Forgot flag
should i tripfag/namefag ?
feel free to direct them here
go for it
nu, they'll be too shy my dude
Anyone want to help contribute to/edit my collection of alpha ubermenschen right wingers?
I'll find him. I'll find him if I have to burn down all of Yugoslavia!
Hellfire, dark fire,
You catboy and your scarf!
Choose me or, Siberia,
Be mine or you will staaarve!
b-but i precised i was a tranny
Didn't specify transboy or transgirl (^:
Fresh off the presses.
Уби се дегенерику
Frollo has very specific tastes, you see.
Pretty good
you don't see transguys with long hair a lot i think
or they're just not trying
What is your preferred meme name anyway?
Titocat? Yugotrap? Titogrrl? Transfeline? Tripslut? Boku no Fuccboiii?
w-wait wha
are they greek and german?
Stay mad fagt it's working fine for me
Innate hatred of tripcodes. Flags are acceptable, however.
>>>Holla Forums
Alright updated version
delet this
although, you draw well, if you did this
yuo stole my quints, unknown poster
Not mine
i actually never got that meme, why is it so renowned that market socialists love traps ?
Damn that's a good point, wait until jeb bush sees this
First meme on leftypol in a long time to give me a hearty kek
keep up the good work
Fresh :^)
also fresh OC of Thomas Sankara
fuck now i want to watch the frollo show again
Nice one
pretty good shit fam
I love your work, lad.
bretty good
Do you live in France at this moment, camarade?
t'es d'où en France ?
Eul chnord, tourcoing
la ou ils ont fait le reportage sur la coquille à bfm TV
bump o:
Requesting the alunya X porky porn please.
Thank (you) but please post last one
having fun with channels etc
Get a feeling so complicated
mroe please!
requesting the antimarket meme with parallel production and resources waste on marketing argument
Some Autistic OC
meant for
I lel'd. gg comrade
Now in Glorious 1440p
Cheers m8
plz respond
who has those webms of Richard Spencer talking about being an identitarian and how important identity was to him
isn't rodina a tankie tho
No, she's a Titoist pioneer. Her ancestry is half Russian and half Yugoslav.
I really want to see a version of this where he grabs the tail
why live
Hey that's pretty gud m8