Daily " Make fun of tankiddies" thread

Welcome to the new general!! where we make fun of retarded tankies and the cuck mods that defend them

ITT: Have you ever meet a tankiddie irl? How autistic was him

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Have you ever meet a tankiddie irl? How autistic was him

I met Nuclearnight in real life. It was awful, as to be expected.

Did he smelled like cheetos?

Pirate flags are best posters

Fuck you tankies. The USSR was exactly what Bakunin said it would become.

Anarchism is the only true path for freedom. The end of exploitation of people by other people.

Tankies are a lot better than you faggots.

forgot to sage.

She smelt like BO and Michelob. So kind of like my dad. Like three anarchists on youtube I knew back in the day fucked her. I don't know how they held it together long enough to do that because I couldn't be around her for more than a few minutes.

Go back to >>>Holla Forums, red fascist

DAE everyone but me isn't a real communist?


Will anarchkiddies ever be this cool?

Pretty good but he needs an AK (or other eastern bloc weapon) instead of an AR to top it all off.

will tankies ever give the means of production over to the working class?

Why do people worship this man?

Because he was right about the tankies.

Tankies did not exist in Bakunin's time.

Nice, AR. Did you build it your self?

only tankies can make communism work tbh


My goodness, why would you do that to your body? They don't look real at all.


Basically this

Feels good

This man knows what he's talking about.



two live streams:


This is the kind of beast you catch using bridges and path towards invaders. Probably worse than a bronze colossus desu.

Trump's Twitter account


Jesus christ fuck this im going to bed.

attack tibet

Perfect politicians don't exi-

t. Ahmed Mohammed Salam Mustafa Abdulkadir

Stroke softly, stroke chan!


Most likely would be Obama keeping Trump from the presidency. They know that would cause a civil war but they would be able to control it easier than having their useful idiot liberals and minorities glorious uprising while Trump is president.

I believe a second American civil war would look more similar to the Spanish or Syrian civil war. There would be many different groups, it would be as clear cut as North v. South or government v. Rebels, though it's pretty clear there will lines drawn between metropolitan and rural areas.

Pun maybe? Otherwise bump.


wow these people sure make you think huh


Now I want a Big Mac

Holla Forums.

Most of Holla Forums seems oblivious to what the actual topic of the board is supposed to be. They just keep shitposting thinking they're pissing off people they don't like when they're surrounded by people doing the same. They can't stop responding to obvious bait and that picture from Tinder of the single mom with "reply or your mom dies"… Holla Forums just does the same stupid thing over and over. I'm beginning to think it enjoys being dumb.

When we don't have this shit going on anymore I'll stop making the generalization.

Wow you're a fucking asshole

You're right. Go make your boss some more money, moonchink. Hope you're not too tired from 14 hours of productive competition to go out for corporate hierarchy climbing drinks afterward. Truly your urban traditions make your ancestors look stupid and backwards.
