Hey. You do understand that competition between members of the upper classes shapes human evolution right?
Hey. You do understand that competition between members of the upper classes shapes human evolution right?
you wrote bernie, didn't you?
Just because you're in the ruling class doesn't mean you're the "fittest."
I was tempted to.
It does not. What it does mean is that you set the incentives that determine who across all social classes are able to breed effectively rather than competitive pressure due to natural selection.
So one political group winning out over the other sets the direction of macro-evolution of our species, at least for a while.
Hivemind. But I like your answer better :3
most blacks vote democrat because most southern whites vote republican
has nothing to do with falling in line, it's just the parties cater to different races
…I feel like Holla Forumslacks are among us.
It's spam you goof.
Sure, but in a good way?
Speak for yourself Mr. Robot. I am not a pet, cattle, or chattel.
It's more about ethno-nationalist principles than raw comparisons between races (although these are of some importance).
Whites have a history, culture and heritage. There's no reason to give it away freely to other races.
this. tbqhwyfamalamadingdong
It's a spam bot, but the spambot is actually right here. If you're black, why the fuck would you vote for what is effectively the Confederate Party?
They only kill the retards who ride them, which is awesome.
Check out the emotional projection on this one.
We third Rome now!
Deport them both to my room for a citizenship test.
nu-male thread detected.
Jew ARE a race you stupid squat nigger
Gas the kikes, Nazi masturbation fantasy now.
Jamal thinks height and length is all that matters
The greatest selection pressures in recent history have been the bubonic plague and the various diseases like smallbox inflicted on American natives. The upper classes really had very little to do with those. Migrations of peoples and with them diseases and disease vectors happen because of the widescale effects of famine and economic cycles.
and that's not Chaika who's punching here.
The part of Yurop who was not under USSR influence during cold war + UK colonies.
and that's not Chaika who's punching here.
And this is supposed to disprove our beliefs? The future of humanity being in the hands of dipshits doesn't terrify you?
The fact that you've legalized it shows that you are now legally participating in its mainstream acceptance.
I'm sure this'll make more Germans see how fucked up Islam is though, so there's that.
Evolution is fucking gay, genetic editing is the only way.
good one fella
Oh here we go
typical texas couple, i have no problem with this
But they almost completely assimilated into the wider English culture.
German immigrants tended to be more rural than other groups. Unlike the Irish and Italians, they came to settle land and farm, not to be worker drones in cities. Thus they were a little more far removed from the wider culture, more dispersed and thus didn't ghettoize. Easier to assimilate.
Those damn fuckinG seals up to shit again
Literally 14 * 5 you noob
Kek yes
No. It isn't meant as any sort of refutation, just a statement. If you interpret it as a refutation I'd wonder why you assumed it.
Also all these Holla Forums spambots are really fucking annoying.
God damn.
Only got about 2 fleshlights, a BDSM set,a vibrator, and an Aneros.
THAT is impressive
Nature is a very brutal place. Only humans can make it more humane.
You are dead wrong, and thank god for that. Otherwise, everyone from Europe would look like Jay Leno.
No it does not, learn biology before shitposting.
you've either misunderstood evolution or just think everyone who isnt rich/noble is useless and mindless
either way go to gulag
Intermarrying amongst the Hapsburgs to consolidate land and wealth eventually led to Charles II of Spain being so inbred he was mentally deficient and infertile leaving him without an heir to the Spanish Empire and a subsequent Pan-European War pitting those in Europe including Austria and Britain against the French Empire who were the rightful heirs.
Also notably another Hapsburg, Ferdinand I of Austria was also so inbred that he was an imbecile and infertile, fortunately there was no succession crisis upon his abdication.