Dude annihilates SJWs and pro-welfare people regularly. Can you be a leftist and like this guy?
Thoughts on Ben Shapiro?
Of course you can.
You can like people you don't agree with on everything.
I also find him very likable as a personality.
He's likeable, I'd send him to the Gulag last.
People you have minor disagreements with go first, of course
Just go back to Holla Forums and stay there.
He BTFOs Drumpf all of the time. Just like Glenn Beck. Neocon appreciation thread time.
neocons should shoot themselves
Neocons are the best leftists. They make porkies into cucks. They are our best double agents.
nah they are suicide artists. They have always been wrong about… pretty much EVERYTHING once push comes to shove.
top of the lel to you too
It wouldn't be the first time they were hypocrites.
Isn't he bankrolled by the Koch Brothers?
I do like his take downs of SJW identity politics, but his defence of capitalism (just calling shit crony capitalism when it doesn't go according to plan) I would disagree with.
I'm under the impression that he thinks socialism is everything the government does.
He's autistic as fuck.
Why does everyone pretend like this is somehow an achievement?
"Anti-SJW" "people" are intentionally targeting the lowest hanging fruit because they are incapable of debating anyone with actual sense.
Also, any pro-capitalist that hates welfare is either too stupid or sociopathic to understand how capitalism works.
Because it lets them also attack socialism without needing to attack socialism. "See these SJWs? This is why socialism is bad. Praise the free market."
How is neo-conservatism related to Trotskyism and how would such a thing end up as the ideology of the Regan administration?
What do you mean?
Shapiro is an insufferable dork. I want to bully him. I want to knock his books out of his hands and shove him into a locker. His voice is easily in the top five most annoying sounds on the planet. Right above a leaky faucet and just below Sam Kinison fucking a cat. The police could save money on LRADs by mounting a couple of blue tooth speakers on a squad car and putting on his podcast to disperse crowds.
Because this SJW shit keeps being pushed by the bourgeoisie
You wouldn't see criticisms of it often if it wasn't pushed so much.
He's a right-wing SJW
Trotskyists in the 1930s accepted Marxist historicism and realize that Das Kapital wasn't achievable without gulags. This troubled them so they came up with Neo-Conservatism. Neo-Conservatism accepts leftwing morality, but fights for a temporary delay. In so doing it tricks rightwingers into thinking they made a difference. They also realized that the US Military and NATO can achieve the worldwide revolution of the workers by proxy.
no, he is a fucking classcuck
I feel like he has small man syndrome. But I like some of the things he has to say. He reminds me of Richard Dawkins.
his "little brown ring" still winks with anticipation of what Zoey Tur whispered she would do to him.
The fucking US Military and NATO.
AMERICAN IMPERIALIST MILITARY forces that are overthrowing governments, building bases around the world and aiding dictators are somehow doing revolution.
I used to watch Ben Shapiro when i was falling for the libertarian free market meme. Honestly i fucking hate the smug prick, even back then i knew there was something fucking off about him.
I saw some video where he said "conservatives who arent christians make no sense, as they have no morals to be conservative with" which just had me gobsmacked by how stupid it was.
when I see this guy's face, it's the only time I actually can see myself being friends with nazbol poster
hes a guy who's sense of morality is founded in his religion
from what i gather his position is basically that all altruism should be a personal choice and ideally everyone would be moral enough to make that choice
of course thats not ever going to happen because porkies gonna pork
he also runs a streak as your average run of the mill partisan hack
and i dont think ive ever seen him actually have a conversation with someone on equal intellectual footing
hes always just shitting on college students from a stage or on the dumbest of the dumb cable tv personalities
Neocons are complete garbage people who worship Israel and jerk off to endless war.
Trump has done this country a service cucking them into oblivion
Also, I lovvvvvvvve that trump is friends with putin, it makes neocons rage hard
I hope when trump gets in office the first thing he does is record a montage of him and putin hanging out while the song "why cant we be friends" plays in the background
So alt-right then.
Ben Shapiro is a 5'4'' manlet who literally wrote an essay about how being a virgin is cool and good in law school.
muh dialectics!