Where were you when trump was actually the slickest Marxist Entryist of all time?
Where were you when trump was actually the slickest Marxist Entryist of all time?
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Fuck yes.
Wait why would they do that?
How many levels of entryism are we on lads?
Its some bullshit lyndon laruouche news letter and everyone is roasting that dumb bitch on twitter
Stalin was on 538453 dimensions of Hungry Hungry Hippos
Can someone post that cold war picture with the two sides playing chess?
why is anyone surprised by this?
No wonder the Soviet Union lost. They didn't know how to play chess.
How many dimensions is Trump on now?
420691488 transdimensional quantum backgammon.
it's starting to piece together.
Lads, it wasn't the Jews, nor Irish, not even the Greeks. It was the Russians all along.
I checked that ladies twitter and she retweeted evan mcmuffin.
Neocon butthurt at trump is the silver lining to everything
Trump did say that he wanted to make a "worker's party".
mein Gott
Oh my god based trump has been planning on bringing us FALC all along
Hmmm… The election has gone better then we could have hoped for… Could it have really been an accident?
Yes, but it is fun to pretend otherwise.