The beta white men have risen up and the brown chads have been murdered
"State mandated girlfriends is state mandated TERROR ON THE WHITE RACE led by cryptokikes in DC. They want superior beings such as myself to breed with such poor genetic stock? Ha!"
I cannot imagine a day in your life whatsoever.
You are completely foreign to me.
A mystery.
Please explain an average day for you.
At what part of the day did you finally decide to make this thread?
At 11pm while I am a bit drunk
I'd rather go gay than hit that.
Also I'm a fucking loser who works of full time at subway and this gay board is my fave place to come
Hey it's your wife. How dare you say that! You can't even a appreciate a good Aryan woman???
She has an Autism Level of 120
are you an enemy of VIRTUE?
do you hate society?
men left alone will always go after britneys
this needs to be stopped
Normalfags are NEVER going to get it are they?
You call us degenerates who don't represent the population then sometimes you're the minority, which one fucking is it
Really? You really wouldn't mind? That's extremely difficult to believe. You could get a girl like that if you wanted right now on okcupid
State mandated spouses would be taken form same age group naturally, and fattys would be forced on diet before they would be dictated a spouse. Anti-fat laws that Japan has would be implemented too.
Hi! I'm sandra your non-fat state issued wife
I would be deserving of B- spouse at least, not a D- one.
The state judges that, not you
But I am a member of the state as it is(or at least the municipality government as official)! And I have plenty of Influence friends in the party(social democratic party) too.
A liberal bitching about the state owing him sex fucking priceless
Kill yourself.
It already pays for the prostitutes whom I frequent, so why should it not take more responsibility and turn me into even productive member of society, especially now that I`m running for city council?
hahahahahaha dude that's not impressive
Where the fuck do you live
Already posted this and even the city where I currently work and live in on the dutch thread.
You are aware in the case of a communist tribunal those who didn't push forward the idea of a communist society because it allowed them to whore out the younger people they had cheated out of a future as well as buy drugs off them would be under severe penalty?
do you ever rub on your dick on the sandwiches
I doubt that, since whenever the revolution has started the leadership of the said revolution usually took all of those leftists who were willing to side with them into the party(at least this was the case with Bolsheviks,with Mao`s new democracy and in kekolonia where even right wing liberals form the republican government were considered allies).
No need to bully lonely people, guys.
Are you really boasting you fuck hookers
What do you want us to say? Do you want praise for your game you bypass because you have none?
Unfortunately, I will be slaughtering my way to the top of the local branch and using propaganda to paint you as the devil. You have, afterall, willingly contributed to the continuation of the capitalist system so that you could legitimise what would be seen as a sexual offense on the person in a communist society.
Sorry that you're kidding yourself that this isn't the case, although we all know you're a liberal and will side with capital in the end anyway. RIP.
I will side with those whom I have more relative ideological proximity to and whom can help me to gain power. Otherwise I would have never join a political party nor would I have started to build up my political career systematically. At age of 16, when I became vice-president at my HS student union I decided that political power was the thing that I truly desired. It pursued me to join a political youth organization, and at the same time I rose into the youth council of my local town at the time. Later as I went to uni and joined the student union there I started running for their representative leadership and ended into a position of secretary. Thanks to this I rouse into social democratic youths regional government as a member.
Yeah, you're going to fucking prison. Your political power won't mean shit when me and the local boys drive by you.
I am doing what I do for the love of the communities and workers that I feel. I don`t want power for its own sake even if it is gratifying to have it. I would not partake every year in mayday marches bearing the red banner on 3rd row just behind the local council men and women of the party and just ahead of our average trade union members and regular members of the party if I did not want to improve their material conditions and well being. I`m sorry if my personal needs somehow insult you, but honestly I don`t see anything morally wrong about prostitution and I`m all for decriminalization of drugs just like the prostitution is in here.
There's nothing wrong with prostitution and drugs, there's a problem when everyone that isn't broke I know becomes involved in it and you stand in the way of making nothing of all of us but criminals and whores, waiting for a life in an overcrowded prison.
If I find out any of you people have collaborated with the state before a systemic change and you receive a slap on the wrist for it I'll gun you down.
They're bullying a meme. I'm extremely cool and normal irl
Also it's one of the only half decent leftypol memes, who cares, Holla Forums bully everyone, fuck em if they cant take the heat pffft
Yup. You should try it some time. Might be the release you so clearly need.
The majority are degenerate scum these days. The majority are also at least complicit in capitalism. See where I'm going here?
It's a cute fantasy, but there's no female equivalent of a loser male. 80% of young girls are attractive and have a buffet of cock to choose from
To have standards this low you must be a supreme uggo.
If a girl is a healthy weight, and has no tattoos/piercings, shes a cutie. Yes I have low standards, it would be ridiculous for me not to
A future so bright, we gotta wear shades.
Dyde, you would be a loser even in the 20's. Why do Holla Forumsitical illiterates harbour some kind of loathing for the cool kids? Why can't you just be happy that some of us made it out in the real world?
Yeah, and your state issued wife will be one of the 20% unattractive
Don't engage with nogf nazi. He's a dude who literally constructed his entire worldview around getting a cute submissive Aryan wife
Dude what? There are plenty of cute girls with tattoos and piercings (the vast majority of girls have piercings ffs) and many uggos without them. Your standards aren't just low, they're impossible.
Left or right marriage material? (You should be able to answer this.)
I mean, if a girl got ear piercings forced on by her mother when it was a child, it's no big deal. But otherwise, tattoos and piercings instantly make a girl look disgusting. Tattoos are like constant dirt on your skin that you can't wash off. It looks similar to graffiti on a garbage dumpster. Piercings are like adding chains to your clothes trying to make the more stylish, except even more disgusting. Girls should be soft, not have metal in them.
I don't know if you realize, but you posted pictures of anime drawings instead of women
Really made me think
I'd choose the one on the left since she seems way more in touch with her sexuality. Since most of you Nazis are kissless Virgins you've never experienced the huge pain in the ass it is to get a virginal woman up to speed to please you.
I'd prefer a woman who wasn't too sexually experienced.
Not because of any spooky "purity" meme but because I'd be afraid of being something of a disappointment to a really experienced woman
I'm completely with the Nazi on tattoos and piercings. There was a time when I wanted ink, but the contrarian in me won't let me anymore.
Ear piercings are fine.
That's fine as long as you don't seek to create a government where all women are groomed to your preference and married of to white nerds like he does
If she's a snoot about it she'd be disappointed regardless of being quite experienced
How do you mean?