explain this please
Wtf is venezuela doing
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Attempting to fight crime by making it harder for criminals to exchange money.
Criminals tend to use the largest bank notes.
When is maduro going to stop using half measures to try and fix this shit and actually try to socialize the economy?
The EU thinks about doing the same for 500 euros notes.
The endgame being banning liquidities and making every transaction numerical, so none escape the State's eye (and so that banks can get sytemical commissions since every transaction will eed a special service à la credit card reading devices.)
But of course since its dirty pinkos Venezuella doing it it's absolute retardation.
The netherlands does the exact same thing, but its done privately by corporations. You cant pay with 100, 200 or 500 euro notes anywhere, because they are too large for normal transactions and easy to forge. Most people use chip for large payment anyway.
An idiotic measure supposedly to attack the mafias in Colombia, but this most probably serves to rob everyone of their money since the three days already passed and people have to go to fucking Caracas to exchange the bills.
This is never going to happen and I suggest you abandon this fantasy. This government was never going to institute socialism in the first place beyond muh pretty cooperatives.
They should just end the currency control, but everyone knows how well they milk that cow.
Petro-populist social democracy.
This is the price of socdem, it's even worse than unregulated capitalism because it's capitalism with an added layer of incompetence
US backed coup when?
Nearly half of all cash was composed of 100 BsF bills, and 100 BsF is worth around 4 US cents right now. What makes you think that it isn't absolute retardation?
why not print debt free labor tokens
People protested in a few states because they had useless 100 BsF bills, so Maduro shat himself and said that the new deadline for 100 BsF notes is now January 2nd, and said that the planes carrying the new banknotes were sabotaged (lol)
He said that the border with Colombia and Brazil will be closed until January 2nd too.
Venezuela is probably under various forms of sabotage. (thats what happened to the food)
This time they probably discovered something related to these bank notes.(economic warfare is heating up??)
Controlling the money supply. It's well-precedented policy actually.
Australia is looking to remove the 100 dollar note.
We are moving towards a cashless society, harder to avoid taxation this way.
That does nothing. The problem is that Venezuela is completely depedent on the outisde world.
This is why capitalism must be abolished and idpol are idiotic.
You can't go socialism and still want to be a part of the "global market". You will be fucked.
The 1st objective must be into making the country self suficient, which…in 16 fucking years of "bolivarian revolution", they didn't.
Production in country.
Export oriented.
Import minimized.
why are you posting when you use "probably" so much?
Probably never because the cold war is over.
Cold War didn`t really end, some kind of different war started. A covert Intel war of some sort between intelligence agencies of different countries. Now almost entirely by proxy.
They stole everything that they could from a Chinese store owner where I live (Ciudad Bolivar), like, computers, a sink, and his dog. I wouldn't be surprised if they stole his toilet too.
Getting rid of high denomination notes is pretty standard anti money-laundering practice
100 BsF is around $0.04, it's used for literally everything. 1 bus ride costs 100BsF.
Why do so many southern american countries suffer from this bullshit? Argentina has the same, where it's a pain to buy big stuff in cash.
When he gets shot by Right-wingers.
Bolivarians are Reformists (at best - MarkSoc), not ML.
So - never. Enjoy your Yugoslavia 2.0
Venezuela's economy is definitely being sabotaged. There has been multiple cases of companies deliberately stopping production to cause shortage of everyday goods.
What did the tankie mean by this?
You are a retard, aren't you?
> Warehouses belonging to Kimberly Clark Corporation — which recently had its factory seized and handed over to the workers — were found to be full of raw materials, despite the insistence from the factory's owners that they could not produce goods, Venezuelan Industry Minister Miguel Perez Abad confirmed Friday.
So the state cant mantain control of production?
Maybe the whole state socialism concept is flawed to begin with
Fucking lockout scum. I remember the same thing happening at a pasta factory, way back during Chavez's early years. Thanks to the non-linear miracle of supply and demand, they realized they would make more profit if they produced considerably less than they could, meaning that people had to pay more for food and still there wasn't enough to go around. As usual, Lenin had the right idea
Being a tankie must be suffering
I thought Marx said only a fully developed Western capitalist country could revolt, and that specifically, Russia would fail unless helped by a Western country?
Do they add dumb in the water wherever you live?
That was Engels and he meant general historical process of Socialism, which includes movements for worker rights.
Mid-19th century? Because Marx wasn't alive in 1917.
I think you are talking about Trotsky.
If you think for a bit, it's clear that they said "fuck this, I can't profit here" and used the first excuse that they thought of before fleeing. That's still bad, but it's different from a war against the government.
What do you think about Kreisel?
They should just ban all their money and switch to gifting and bartering a this point.
It's always funny to hear this from leftists. It's like they would never admit their flaw at implementing a non natural type of government.
Can you explain why do you think it is socialism?
You think human nature is real too?
Yea, I was the manifesto.
I mean I read that the Russian version of the manifesto said Russia probably couldn't successfully go from feudalism to communism unless its revolution inspired other revolutions in western countries, and those countries gave assistance. I think it was on wikipedia somewhere. So lenin/stalin were trying to rapidly industrialize in order to bypass the bourgeois period.
And this from the manifesto:
"The first direct attempts of the proletariat to attain its own ends, made in times of universal excitement, when feudal society was being overthrown, these attempts necessarily failed, owing to the then undeveloped state of the proletariat, as well as to the absence of the economic conditions for its emancipation, conditions that had yet to be produced, and could be produced by the impending bourgeois epoch alone."
Sounds like Russia to me.