Step it up, capitalists.
Right-wingers keep telling you that everyone who experienced "real communism" would never support it and that you're an...
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If you mean on Holla Forums or in the media, I guarantee that they're from richer backgrounds, probably ones who were butthurt that they couldn't exploit workers any more. Holla Forums is full of middle-class kids.
I also hate this fucking meme they throw around that working class people are more right wing. It's bullshit.
Are you a Catalan person by any chance?
Nah, ex-Yugoslav, and most of my family wasn't cucked by nationalism.
my mom is openly communist because she thinks they are the only honest in politics and care about minorities
what's the situation for the left in the ex-YU countries these days?
also what do you think of Kosovo?
Wait, I thought they were all poor NEET losers living in their parent's basement who had never kissed a girl. Now they are would-be captains of industry?
I come from ex-commie country and everyone here hates it.
It's only supported by old people and idiots.
Yeah,right, because sucking american dick is now counted for an example of a successful communism.
Non-existent pretty much, at least in my country. The SocDem party is fully neoliberal and with no prospect of changing. There used to be Labour party with few seats in parliament but now it's totally gone.
You can find some nominally left-wing media voices, but nobody talks about meaningful economic ideas.
Who supports those NEETs? Their parents who are pretty well off. America has no neetbux.
GNP isn't a reliable metric.
Also, the pic doesn't show what it was in the years between. It could easily have dipped post-collapse or in the 70's/80's.
So the people who actually lived through it, instead of their ungrateful spawn?
Market socialism isn't communism you dumb fuck.
Those stats are also wrong, Bulgaria had a Per Capita GDP of $6,217 in 1989 and $5,552 in 1990 which means those GNP figures are bollocks.
Not really. /r9k/ maybe but they're alright. Holla Forums is surprisingly wealthy and firmly middle class judging by what I've read over the years
Not captains of industry but fascism draws its strongest support from the middle class
Old people are 55+ y/o
All of the younger than them wouldn't want gommunism back.
Yeah the Union was really rich, I totally believe you.
the US was already much richer. it also had the benefit of avoiding the damage of two world wars and a civil war in the same period the USSR was devastated. The US rebuilt the Western European economies after WW2 through the Marshall Plan, while the USSR had been devastated by the Nazi invasion
Exploiting workers as in providing their jobs?
And middle-class working persons do generally recognize as right leaning. People who work generally recognize the fruit of their labors is not a play thing for leftists to divvy amongst the masses nor that leftists know how to spend their earned money more than themselves.
This has been my experience as well.
In Ex-Yugoslav countries, everyone talks about how great things were under socialism.
Was talking to a Haitian the other day who said anyone who thinks Castro was a terrible leader does not understand the Caribbean. Proceeds to describe how much better Castro was than other Caribbean leaders including the Duvaliers in Haiti
Jobs do not have to be conjured up by the bourgeoisie.
I remember some Serbian football player who used to be a big shot here. One time he went on a popular daytime talk show and the topic turned to him being born in a country that was socialistic. The TV host asked how bad it was, looking suitably horrified as she asked. The guy goes on to say that things were actually pretty good and he missed those times, everyone lived decently, there was no misery, crime was almost non-existant and there was no ethnic strife.
Your understanding of socialism is entirely from cold war propaganda. Fix that.
Well that makes sense, no one wants the stagnant 80's back. Only people who lived through the nice times in the 60's and 70's would understand what they're losing out on under capitalism.
I have never once in the couple years I've been here seen anybody say Holla Forumsyps were poor. Stop trying to convoy your shit in, you're crap at it.
Yes, in their middle-class neighborhood in the suburbs.
This also doesn't contradict their middle-class-ness.
The middle class is comprised of white-collar professions other than factory owners, their kids can still be lazy turds or unable to get work now that the economic bubble their parents created has burst, and you're a faggot.
This also.
Read marx. Socialism first, then communism.
only autists who were part of the party cry about how great muh communism was good here you moron
and why is that?
because ex-commie party members were given apartments by the government back then
now they are all rich retards sitting in mansions