
What do you think of antifa groups Holla Forums?

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a pile of kulla sniffers

We need more of them.

Left wing lumpen. I have never seen this kiddies attacking CEOs or disrupting board meetings. All they seem to want to do is get in fist fights with "nazis." Also a fairly large proportion of them.are just LARPing liberals.

If they're so keen on beating up fascist thugs, why don't they start by beating themselves up?


Independently of your theory or ideology, not supporting people who are against the capital only proves you are a traitor

stupid idiots

Total support and there is a lot work to be done with them.

Retards who will get nothing done. People won't vote socialist because a bunch of druggies go around """"beating up""""" """""fascists""""""

It's ok

They would be better if they could establish themselves as something more than those guys that show up to smash shit up at protests and neo nazi rallies

Checked, but why the scarequotes?

Yeah this is fair, fighting fascists is fine but it should supplement a broader movement.


If you oppose them then you are either a fascist sympathiser or a liberal.

euro football hooligans

but i support the end result

All these faggots who never organized on the street level and think antifa is just some weekend sport. Before antifa was organized fascists would terrorize our meetings and events and would just beat up radicals they recognize on the streets.



generally the left version of brownshirts

feral diphshits who would commit atrocities during a revolution

i could care less about them

it is hilarious that none of them are tall, strong, lift weights, have any military background or balls

also funny that they're generally functionally illiterate

t. socdem with guns

Useful idiots.

stunning news, thanks Holla Forums

I really, really want people to stop using this term.

They seem to use the same methods as the fascists which turns a lot of people off.

useful idiot detected :^)

Pathetic :^}


what are you then big man


They're pretty cool. I really like how they are IRL mods. They know when you have too much free speech.


Larping liberals mostly
The whole thing needs serious changes if it's ever going to truly usefull


almost universally funded by porkies like soros to embolden porky cops to use massive violence enforcing the porky governments that reign supreme atm


strong logic

nice mythos

even worse

and a weeb to boot


I preffered them when they actually beat up fascists and nazis, and not just everyone that's slightly more to the right of them on the political compass.

Their activism really shows they are notheroyz plebs with 0 understanding of what fascism is; the fact that some refer to themselves as Marxist is particularly hilarious.

These tough guys should do some proper shit like attacking the actual fascist pigs or setting up military cells that could actually defend against a resurgent fascism.

More importantly they should be focusing the energy they put into flogging meth heads into fighting Capitalism

Antifa differ from place to place

Greek Antifa are based and fighting legitimate Nazis who kill leftists

Some American Antifa are kind of embarrassing, with overweight women, transgender people and and skinny dweebs limp wristed wearing converse making up their ranks.

If fascism could be defeated in debate, I assure you that it would never have happened, neither in Germany, nor in Italy, nor anywhere else. Those who recognised its threat at the time and tried to stop it were, I assume, also called “a mob”. Regrettably too many “fair-minded” people didn’t either try, or want to stop it, and, as I witnessed myself during the war, accommodated themselves when it took over … People who witnessed fascism at its height are dying out, but the ideology is still here, and its apologists are working hard at a comeback. Past experience should teach us that fascism must be stopped before it takes hold again of too many minds, and becomes useful once again to some powerful interests
- Franz Frison, Holocaust survivor, 12th December, 1988,

Look at this face. Then read the quote again. Then look back at that face and read the quote again. Do it a third time if you have to.

It is up to us.

This, I was at an antiNazi rally recently in Harrisburg PA and saw a confrontation between a communist union worker and a crowd of antifa. The antifa were tearing up the stones in the street and the union guy yelled them to stop and started putting the stones back, yelled "this is our city, destroy it" and planted a big red flag in the ground.

It wasnt even LARPing at the time because there were about four hundred cops standing off with two hundred something antifa, mostly masked anarkiddies.

I asked him what he thought of antifa afterwards, and he shrugged and said "well, im in solidarity with them" and went on to say he thought they were mostly good kids who were alienated and needed direction. Also he was a bricklayer which may be why ripping the street up in particular triggered him kek

Well we're not up to the task. Sorry Franz. F

"Let's stop """fascist""" by acting like fascist!"

What's wrong with Fascists? This is very anti-Fascist and bigoted of you.

We can't even pay off student loans. How the fuck are we supposed to do shit?

does being on estrogen stop them from bashing skulls ?
t. Tranny

yeah altho americans are embarrassing as hell, but what do you expect ? it's america.

delet this


Antifa are a bunch of retards who get paid by the government to beat up anyone who doesn't agree with them

This was great though. A neo nazi who was spying on the antifa camp got his shit kicked in by 3 puerto rican guys who approached him speaking spanish and this happened. He literally ran away to the cops bloody and crying.

His names Eric Starr, somehow the organizers found out.

Shit i have the video but the webm wont post for some reason ill try again later

That dude sounds pretty cool. It seems like he gets it.

I feel like we're going to start to see more groups getting like this as time goes on. That directionless rage isnt isolated to just us anarkiddies these groups are going to lash out with little to no objective other than to destroy.

Then start studying something that will let you, or simply stop going to college.

>>>Holla Forums

I knew someone in antifa, I remember him getting beaten up and blubbering about it after a demo in Dover, the kid was a dipshit anyway didn't care about the proletariat.

Lots of them are liberals larping as socialists and they're in general not useful in fighting capitalism.
However even liberals can be useful idiots for beating up reactionaries. As long as they're cornering stormfags and stopping their little marches they're useful.

where does this meme come from

Not all ANTIFA are created equal, some of them do good work. They need more discipline, the militancy is good but they should be restrained when it benefits them. They spend all their time arguing that what they're doing is justified, but they take for granted that it's effective.

What does it even mean?

Anti-fascism is generally good, but compare two potential headlines:
and think about the different effects that come with using or not using the Antifa name, even if it's the same people both times.

Daily reminder that antifa are just a bunch of faggots that only do this shit for the looting that happens during their little riots
this thread is full of autists claiming they different to degenerate skinheads while having never met any of the groups in question
for the sake of the world just kys

It certainly made my muscle mass decrease.

still, you can hold a knife ? a bat ? can throw molotovs ? then you're combat ready i guess

I actually had something very similar happen at an antifa demo I was at a while back. There was a crowd of a good few hundred/a thousand antifascists and passers by who had joined in with around twenty Nazi's sheltered behind a row of riot police. Some of the anarkiddies started pulling up cobblestones and throwing them at the police and the Nazi's. Resulting in the stones being thrown back and forth between the two groups, a girl who was just there to watch got her head cut pretty badly by the Nazi's and a policeman got a concussion from the antifacists.

I wasn't particularly bothered at the time (since I had thrown rocks as well, although not cobblestones) but some of my comrades were fuming because they saw this as damaging our city and our heritage. But a couple of individuals doing something they shouldn't during a direct action doesn't discredit the principle of antifa.

Also funny story, a friend of mine threw his old Nokia brickphone at the Nazis as well lol.

Heritage is a spook.

Much more valuable than these armchair communists.


It's easy to outnumber Nazis when you allow liberals and other idiots to join your ranks.

I've seen cops being sent to "guard" BLM rallies and "communist" rallies during May Day. They "guard" all large rallies to make sure that no real violence happens, especially if there's multiple groups involved.

Also, the antifa and Nazis usually share the same numbers. "White Lives Matter" was the exception due to how dispersed and disorganized the American right is.

Oh boy I would like you guys to come to Spain and see upfront our Fascists, fucking pigs who WILL kill you if he has the opportunity. People who occupy abandoned government buildings without any resistance from the authorities, thats what we have to fight against.

If you have an Antifascist Action chapter near you and they arent going for real fascists, they arent doing their job and they are fucking posers. If there arent Fascists where you live, you dont need Antifa organization. Also, seie the opportunity to shamelessly spread propaganda and form organization, for real.


probably because they're anti-facist and not anti-capitalist you fucking door knob

they're just fallowing Hitlers advices and crushing his fallower with brutality.
its been working so far

I see no reason to spend time actively fighting fascists under capitalism. All you are doing is defending the status quo.

i still don't understand alt-cucks.
if you hate jews so much, why elect the biggest zionist enabler and corporate shill to run for prez ?

post pics of anti-fa

fascism should be fought, no matter what the context is

post feet

It's a kill or be killed situation. Fascists don't care about freedom of speech and will gladly beat you to death for being a leftist. It happened before and it will happen again unless we beat the shit out of them first.

Nazis who are actually paid by the government

Heritage has nothing to do with it, the issue is that pointless destruction of what's already considered "public property" is silly and counterproductive. You dont need to care about the reason the bricks are laid there to understand that a demonstration is pure spectacle and the only thing to be gained from it is viewership

Worthless scum.

Not even useful idiots at this point (at least not for us).

Half of them are paid by the government to stir shit up so the Police has something to do. As evident in Germany where SAntifa gets paid to go protest around and to govern the squats.

Other half are hooligans with no idea whatsoever, just rabble-rousers wanting to do trouble.

Only a miniscule percent thinks they're doing Communism, which is hilarious.

Same as ISIS, you never see them take any action against their masters, bankers/Israel. Only destroying public and working class property.

Anyway, they're a side-effect of Capitalism, unable to exist without Capitalism. When Capitalism dies, the Fascists will crush them so unbelievably brutal they won't last more than second, let alone do anything like anarchists and communists in Spain.

Mainly because today Communism is more concerned with billion pronouns rather than working class.

This is also a clever division created by the Capitalists.

antifascist struggle and organisation is necessary for reasons like this:
in ukraine nazis attack elders
notice how the police does nothing at all

same here in greece

now this is what happens when you organise:

in the same neighborhood

Leftist brownshirts far less useful than historical brownshirts due to the prevalence of cameras and social media.

The Antifa does very important work and dependent on the chapter, you might even get paid. :^)

This gives everyone a good first impression:

Lumpen who grew up on the wrong street to be part of a neo-nazi gang and instead joined the exact equivalent chilean druggie gang.
It's all just gang colors and both switch teams all the time.