Has diamat gone too far??
Tfw trying to browse Holla Forums with thee bot is a representation of late stage capitalist...
Other urls found in this thread:
10th Amendment
I thought leafs were meant to be good at bait? This is Hungarian-tier shitposting.
Your raid isn't going to work faggots
Nobody wants your nation destroying nonsense
Is this a bot?
how deep does it go?
What in fucks name is going on? Is this shit happening on all the boards?
Its some fucking bot that destroying all our good conversations
David Duke was supposed to win :(
An anonymous source that provides no evidence. Totally believable.
Just use a flag you fags
Kojima was right again!
Can it get through captcha?
Sad state of events.
Haha yes this. You beat me to it.
what experts?
All I see are the same people who claimed Saddam had WMDs saying this shit
well if animation is not garbage I might pick it up, thanks.
And no I'm not into dubbings. But I'm curious now.
Also: this is barely Holla Forums related. Yes, Adolf, Jesus etc.
summer of 2015 was memetastic
is more mass desire for 11USD/h job so they can spend on lipstick and make up. But hey, doing so they are empowered and have freedom.
Great as in "wtf I love hitler now" or great as in a well told cautionary tale? I can't tell on Holla Forums
This is so stupid. Capitalism was literally defined by Marx, it was Marxist analysis of capitalism that has laid the foundation of modern economic theory
My country
Someone has to post that speech from Colonel Campbell…
its true. man i hade adbertising :DDDD