This is how incompetent the people who ran hillary's campaign were
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Political historians are going to have a field day dissecting how Hillary failed on so many levels.
Still couldn't win. How bad do you have to be?
If that were the case he would type "an legitimate". What he really typed was "a legitimate". *I think he's a Russian agent tbqh.*
Eh shit like that happens.
But man the more I think about Hillary Clinton's campaign strategy the stupid it seems.
Like, nothing about it makes sense, I can only assume they pursued it because the polls never told them how much of a failure it would be.
Anyone else think this is gonna happen more? Like the main political parties devolving into old people not knowing what the fuck is going on?
Culture is moving WAY faster with the internet. Remember dat boi?
Both parties were trying to conserve the establishments, it's just that fascists will side with establishment politicians, while the far left will not.
Basically the Republican party's mission was to get the neofascist candidate on their side, which is easy. fascist candidates are expert manipulators (think Hitler, Mussolini, they both manipulated the dying conservative party in their respective countries), while the Democratic party's mission was to get the socialists on the side of the neoliberal. Guess which is the harder job?
Yes, but politicians are not essential. Wall Street and Silicon Valley is, and they continue to get what they want. Won't be any different with Trump, although some specifics might change.
Because the truth is there isn't a middle.
Guess what, "centrist pragmatists", the people have strong views and want to see them reflected. And yes, they're prepared to suffer for them.
I get your general line of reasoning, but I think it would be a stretch to say Hillary was trying to bring the far left back into the party. She wouldn't even go as far as Bernie and try to bring his voters back. Her plan was to engage "moderate republicans" to the extent that the phrase isn't an oxymoron those were Trumps strongest supporters. Not the far right, but the right of center. So her whole effort was statistically wrong headed from the start. She basically told the voters to ear her token identity and then to fuck off.
I agree I was just setting the stage to show how monumental her failure really was. Her strategy was wrong, but on a technical level she had every possible advantage imaginable and still managed to lose and not just lose but crater her whole party around her. I'm still not sure the Democrats will recover.
I know, I was just adding to your point.
And the Dems won't recover because they're blaming other people right now instead of accepting what massive failures they are.
Fair point, so the Republicans succeeded in an easy operation and the Democrats pursued a completely incorrect operation.
I guess this is why CTR was everywhere. They spent literally all their money on it.
I remember hearing a story that Clinton's campaign thought the best strategy for the rust belt states was to act super confident and not do anything there as to fool Trump into thinking going there wasn't worth the effort. I cant think of a dumber mindset than that.
lol the best political strategy money can buy
Three minutes have passed and I'm still trying to understand the logic of this.
Jesus Christ is this true?
I guess they realized Trump was the better choice for capital as well.
Yup I got screenshots for that too
BTW, a lot of that money was stolen from state level parties. The DNC was betting it all on Hillary and fucked everyone.
They also decided that Hillary didn't need any help from Obama or Sanders because the COMPUTER GOD said she's a strong woman that don't need no man. This is why you barely saw either of them during the election.
It's covered in the article OP is referencing politico.com
This fucking campaign I tell you what.
This is basically rich politicians' version of "someone is wrong on the internet!"
Guess that explains why CTR seemed so prevalent no nominee has ever spent that much on shitposting I guess
Wait, do you mean they were using computer generated projections to determine what actions to take during the campaign?
It's like Rocky IV, except Draco is also Rocky, just not as much as the other Rocky.
Neoliberal "leftists" are losing big time worldwide simply because they have no clue on how to communicate with the common folk. They live such a sheltered upper class life they are legitimately clueless on what the average voter likes/doesn't like.
I'm not even talking in terms of policy, just communication strategy, I'm sure there are plenty of lists of the cringy shit Hillary pulled in a sad attempt to "Appeal to the common folk".
Sounds like it. They had an entire "method" which plotted out the entire election, from the primary to the general, based on poll numbers. They were so confident in this plan that they didn't even read the voter data, deeming it inconsequential. They even admonished people on the ground for trying to warn them about the lack of support.
This perfectly explains why Hillary was so aloof during the election. The COMPUTER GOD told her that people would elect her regardless of her actions, and they almost did.
ill send my boss phishing emails
and try to cover it up later
And why isnt this guy investigated as hard as the russians? Its literally this 'Delavan' guy's fault.
Flavor-of-the-week forced memes are not 'culture'.
Where's those photos about how Shillary's goons were raising money for a burned down GOP office in NC but couldn't bother to spend on helping blacks to get out and vote?
Hillary hates campaigning. She's a neoliberal policy wonk who actually enjoys all that bullshit triangulating they have to do. Being around actual voters is very emotionally draining for her. This attitude seems to have seeped down into her organization.
Also her staff was split between old ass veterans who thought that they were going to be a shoe-in and young college grads who were paid minimum wage (or less). She didn't invest in her campaign staff properly and suffered for it.
How was she expecting to govern exactly? Or was she hoping for a GOP congress like Bill?
No they were using a shitty feminist AI called "Ada" instead.
Yes, but you'd think she'd realize at some point this is a bad idea, for a person who hates people to be a public figure. There is a reason my NEET ass isn't out running for office or trying to lead demonstrations. At some point you have to realize your limits. The fact that nobody realized a public figure who doesn't like being public is bad just shows how in the bubble they were. Since it's all about money changing hands anyway why didn't she just hire someone to be her Obama?
wait are you saying Hillary is /ourguy/
That's part of the thing. She didn't think she needed to campaign because she already had the presidency nailed in all the way back since early 2015, when she was the only viable dem candidates and the republicans were completely split. She ran the most lowkey campaign possible just to remind people there was still an election going, but avoided campaigning hard (even when some of her supporters asked to campaign for her) because she thought it could only encourage the republicans to step up their game while exposing her own weaknesses as a candidate. That's specifically why she didn't campaign in the rust belt, she didn't want to encourage Trump to go after a place she thought was already firmly on her side. Well, so much for that.
Hillary lost to a black man with a muslim name then lost to a white man who shat on every minority group and had the world against him.
When you think of that, her cult of personality makes no sense, like holy shit how big of a failure can you be
oh, and an old jewish socialist would have beat her if the DNC had not fixed the primaries.
It was freaking obviouse, she is the embodyment of the status quo and anybody not part of the elite or the middle class freaking hates the current situation. A fuckload of people feel ignored and thats why they go to right populists.
She pretty much stopped campaigning after the primary. There were a few nominal public appearances and the debates with Trump but the last month or two before election day she hardly appeared in public at all, which surely didn't help her with the wikileaks stuff floating around. Among other things it made her look even more guilty.
This is the biggest JUST of the century.
"Love trumps hate" was the worst slogan I've ever seen in a presidential campaign.
They were ignored.
She did almost no campaigning in the midwest and rust belt, which is where Trump did most of his.
She basically abandoned a huge segment of the electorate and took their votes for granted.
It's also telling that she somehow pissed away ~1.2 billion dollars on her losing campaign and Trump spent ~60 million.
That's insane.
Where I live, there was almost no advertising for Trump, but Hillary's campaign ads were omnipresent, and she still lost big.
I'm with her was the worst slogan I've heard. Coming after "Change" and "Make America Great Again"? "I'm with her"?
It was fucking retarded and literally stated what everybody hated about her. I get that they probably thought "oooh, so clever. We're going to highlight that she is a woman" but it sounded like you were saying "I just like Hillary, I don't even fucking know why it's just Hillary".
The Chapo guys put it well, if anything she should have been saying "I'm with YOU", instead of having all of her most loyal voters and supporters have to look like weird fucking cultists by putting stickers and signs on things that essentially just say "FOLLOW HILLARY!"
It makes sense if you understand the "method' they were using. They were basically relying on the Democratic base to do the responsible thing and vote her in. All of the campaign's efforts were to guilt them to the polls and attack any voter that dared non-conform(see CTR and Madeleine Albright). Non-conformists were not tolerated in the "method" since it was completely dependent on party loyalty and not the strength of the candidate.
I've never seen a political candidate ask for 100% loyality from the voters while offering nothing in return, but that's what Hillary did in this election.
Obama's slogan wasn't just change it was "Change we can believe in."
I think his slogan is actually one of the better ones because it sounds radical but is essentially a plea for moderation. He was a masterful snake. You gotta give him that if nothing else.
This. It's painfully obvious he typed what he meant.
Yeah, it was awful, along with "ready for Hillary". What an uninspired slogan, basically saying "well, I guess there's nothing I can do about Hillary Clinton except get ready for her inevitable rise to power".
Not to mention, it's exactly the personality-based ambitious approach that everybody criticized her for, the "it's my turn" mentality. Basically supporting a politician should about supporting a vision or policies, but all Hillary offered people is to support her personally and help her personally achieve her ambitions, instead of helping the country by electing her. Like all these people going "I can't wait to call her madam president!" Why would you want to do that? The only possible reason is because you identify with her personal desires and want to see them fulfilled. Albright said it best when she said "there's a special place in hell for women who don't support other women", because basically it means that for Hillary supporting her campaign is not about supporting a policy or a vision, it's not about helping the country through electing a politician, it's about helping Hillary personally, as a woman, achieve her personal ambitions of power and glory.
I suppose he also accidentally left the "n" off of the word "a" preceding it.
"an illegitimate email"
"a legitimate email"
Clinton was a sheltered lizard lady.
I mean, no matter how you feel about trump, even though he is a billionaire, dude knows how to talk to the plebes, all that grab her by the pussy shit could have been heard at some lunch break at a construction site or high school cafeteria.
There was also reports that bill told the campaign they should probably do some outreach to the rustbelt but then they told him to stop white man splaining and go stand in the corner, make way for the new diverse america old man!
Obama never ran on being black, he ran on hope and change, yeah, i guess a lot of people did vote for him because he was black, but he, himself, was promising hope and change, which was a big deal after the bush years, and who better to embody change than a black guy.
I dont think obama is that idpol himself, i remember awhile back he even made a speech shitting on millennials and safe spaces, the liberals themselves decided to go insane.
Well, obama didnt really change much, besides maybe a shitty health care plan and people are still hurting for jobs.
So the american people are tired of the status quo, tired, of the same shit.
So, why not vote for the crazy real estate orangutan, at the very least its a fuck you to the establishment, and he is saying he will make america great again, the american people want someone who will shake up the system.
So, the media, the gop, the liberals, and clinton, all form a monstrous Establishment abomination to try and stop him, and actually the more they try to stop him the more americans like him, cause, if they hate him this much, he must not be part of the establishment
They are losing, because people who have lost their jobs, their homes, their retirements, and their health insurance do not give two shits about patriarchy, the wage gap, and hurtful words. That shit only plays with people who have nothing real to worry about in their lives.
it's fucking real
This needs to die already. The media loved the fuck out of Trump. He was a great distraction from how weak Hillary was. Nobody took him as a serious contender since the METHOD told them there was no possible way Trump could win, something his own team acknowledged.
Trump winning was a complete surprise for everyone.
Underrated analysis.
The Clinton campaign was absolutely retarded, but this just sounds like some story stirred up by Holla Forums.
MAGA and Change were cool, why didn't you like them?
The only "slogan" if you can call it that way that sucked during Obama's campaign was "Progress", so empty…