Why isn't there a strong terrorist organization on the left? imagine what could be accomplished if we had a strong force attacking porky and identitarians
Why isn't there a strong terrorist organization on the left...
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fuck off
CIA I know that's you
hi cointelpro
There was strong leftist terrorist organizations and people. Have you ever heard of Carlos the jackal?
But we live under in postmodernism times, so even terrorism is retarded and friends of porky. They only kill random people instead of attacking government folks.
I do believe we should engage in terrorist activities, such as placing bombs under the cars of banking owners or kiling their wifes/kids i.e.
Because the FBI fucked up shit so much in the 60's that they turned the left into a whole bunch of honeypot groups that are now filled with LARPERS and pacifist pussies
t. mehmet
how do we bring it back? I've always thought the elders can become the terrorists, as if they are killed or captured, they were going to die soon anyway
should we create some form of movement that motivates the elderly to organize and attack porky?
i don't see the point of sending young men and women
Propaganda of the deed is grade school bullshit. Stop making this stupid ass fucking thread you porky cunt.
Attacking random civilians just doesn't work.
Other forms of "terrorism" can work, but they're harder to do.
Really you can get the same effects through "nonviolent" tactics, such as traffic strikes. Blocking traffic to paralyze business can be just as good at extorting the bourgeois as bombing one of their banks.
You get BLM lol.
BLM is not radical enoguh
hello porky
Hi :3c
How are you?
remember when the IRA bombed Canary Wharf
I know they're not socialist per se, but I think that's the type of action OP is talking
Nice try, FBI, but we do not support terrorism publicly
fuck off
I think anti-capitalist vigilantism would gain widespread support. For example, extrajudicial capital punishment for the bankers responsible for the 2008 financial collapse. Who would protest?
It astounds me that the people who poisoned Flint Michigan are still alive.
Our numbers are far too small to engage in terrorism
If some organization took it on themselves to dispense justice, they would be beloved. They would become the vanguard instantaneously.
Yap, this is the biggest problem. In order for us to suceed for at least a good run of years instead of being simply lone wolfs we must have a worldwide network of people. Which would be a pain in the ass to say the least to find commited people.
they would have to stay totally underground, but there are some seriously easy targets in the usa establishment. like ones where if they got assassinated, nobody would shed a single tear. blows my mind that in a country with so many fucking guns, which has armed revolt baked into its founding myths, we have more people shooting up toddlers in kindergarten than we do people carrying out actual justice against the rich.
I'd like to see that situation come to an end, but there's nothing I can do about it.
hey that is pretty good
Go out and do it
Which businesses are our first targets? Which people make the kill list?
If we were smart about it we should go for people who are generally recognized as those who did/are doing bad shit and got away with it.
Guys like cheney, Kissinger, and the dude who did Flint. Also Saudi Arabian monarchs
But not people like Obama or bill gates who have definitely done some bad shit but aren't considered evil in public consciousness. If they're seen as martyrs that would be bad for us
That's where you lose people. That's also where "terrorism" becomes a negative force as opposed to a positive one.
But I thought BLM was a terrorist organization :^)
same, I'm no fighter tbh.
Maybe it would be better to attack bad businesses like Amazon or Byron Burgers instead of actual people
The concept of terrorism is a bourgie invention
The major problem with terroristic acts is how it is perceived by the public, especially given that mainstream media outlets won't be sympathetic. Similar to protests, the act itself isn't going to achieve anything; the death of an individual or destruction of (likely insured) property is entirely symbolic. How the public react is where the real power is, but we have no way of framing the conversation outside of a few minor publications. Killing porkies would probably cause massive anti-left sentiment. Americans in particular don't even perceive them as being their enemy, only the nebulous "terrorist".
Make people realize that terrorism can be directed instead of just killing random people. Terrorism can also be nonviolent, if you can manage to terrify people without killing anyone.
American revolutionaries used nonviolent terrorism sometimes, tricking the Brits into surrender without actual battle. I forget when and where it happened but basically they tricked them into thinking there were a lot more Americans than there were.
One time, the units near a Brit occupied city had basically just a bunch of artillery (you need infantry to take a city). So they set up their artillery in view on the nearby hills and pretended they had the rest of the army to go with it. Brits surrendered without shots fired.
Another time, there were some infantry who had to capture a fort but had too few men. The fort was occupied by Brits who weren't familiar with the continent, so the Americans figured they might get spooked by injuns. The Americans dressed up in makeup and leather and paraded around the fort (in areas where the treeline was sparse, to make their numbers look bigger) whooping like a bunch of crazy people. They scared to Brits into giving up that fort too.
t. US history in high school
Sounds like ole professors tales tbh
but then people would die D:
Because the left is dead and got replaced with the wimpy identitarian faggots that believe violence is bad and posting on twitter it's a revolutionary act in itself.
Hon hon hon, read this