I call it the embarassed commissar syndrome. They think they will be the ones sending people to the gulags
Why do commiecucks vote against their economic interests?
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Their dictatorship often screws them over anyway.
Though to be fair (and not be ousted as some Holla Forumsyp) it depends what sort of communism we're talking about. Are we talking about an-coms, council communists or luxemburgists?
"Marxist" Leninists and tankie retards always get cucked hard. Look what happened during the purge.
Sometimes economic,political and cultural stability are worth more than western brand clothes and cars.
Fucking laughable tbh.
Automation doesn't cause unemployment that's a marxist myth
Real wages for labourers skyrocketed under capitalism.
Turns out marx was wrong about everything more news at 11
Hhhmmm really makes you thinkā¦
Also, you are familiar that
1. Increasing wages was brought in BY LAW for workers during the 1800s.
2. Have you noticed the steadily increasing rate in unemployment in the first graph?
Then why is there an increase in poverty in the US, arguably one of the wealthiest nations in the world? Surely they'd have enough money to provide for all those jobs yes?
Not really minimum wages laws were introduced in the early 20th century. Labour unions didn't have any impact until the late 19th century.
Not really outside periods of recessions the unemployment rate has always been around 5% what economists call the natural rate of unemployment.
Poverty in the US is relative defined as the share of income of the bottom quintile compared to the top quintile. Absolute poverty has continued to decline.
For example a single unemployed mother in Virginia can make around 40000$ a year in public assistance
And I suppose a Keynesian one? You realize that Keynes pioneered the much more mainstream argument for technological unemployment. And it wasn't just theoretical either, it was observable - at least in the short term.
Also, Aristotle talked about machined replacing human labour. So much for "Marxist myth".
Anyway, the mainstream view among the bourgeois economist is that there is going to be major technological unemployment in the coming year. Your graphs mean nothing.
Poverty measuring by the US government has always been bullshit, quite the same with counting unemployment.
which brings me to the next point. Say you had all but eliminated unemployment, but as Richard Wolff stated, living standards will go low, and the cost of living will go higher. While I myself am not a communist, and disagree with Marx on issues, capitalism is not going to be able to sustain itself.
You're going to see things get pretty damn chaotic.
Now that being said, poverty within the 21st century is changing. Hell, people who live in poor conditions, like you pointed out, are living in better conditions (albeit still shit by todays standards) than they were in the future.
Now personally, I'm not for state ownership or the dictatorship of the proleteriat, that being said, I would urge that market socialism or libertarian socialism/ anarcho syndaclism/ democratic confederalism be brought into the mainstream. Considering that America wants to become an industrial powerhouse, why not hand over the means of productions to the workers, who would be more efficient at making said product as opposed to some dickhead who merely supervises them and takes all the profit?
Oh shit nigger, what are you doing
Sure, mate.
How the hell were you the first person in this thread to point this out? Lmao.
Doesn't capitalism sound nicer when poverty is treated as a mathematical abstract rather than a physical reality that is experiences by millions?
They are Holla Forums ingographics. I don't know about the rest of you, but my eyes glaze over when I see one unsourced and nonsensical graph after another.