What kind of pets do communists have?

What kind of pets do communists have?

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Dogs are workers pets. Cats are cute, but not much else. Robots would be best I think.

Don't have one but I'd like a husky dog

The only correct answer are cats.

dogs are mentally challenged tools

Dogs. Cats have tiny barbed penises and don't like to have sex with human females.

Stop being an eco-fascists tbh

Dogs. Dogs are workers. They have been with mankind since the ice age. Eternal comrades. Cats quite literally fill your brain with parasites and are indifferent to you until you stop providing food, at which point they abandon you. A lot like capitalists that way.


you have been banned from participating in /r/socialism

Literally the definition of bootlickery.

I'm getting a cat soon, thinking of calling it zhukov

cats a shit

Cats are shit, dogs are communal as fuck. They only become bootlickers if you train them like that. Just like humans.

Stop being so ecocucked

Pets are bourgeoisie.

Do you have any proof for that statement?

really made me think


if you're at the top of the chain you have slaves as pets.
if you're at the bottom you eat your dog because you're so hungry,

You can't train a "stronk & Independent" dog, they exist solely to serve a master. Dogs that aren't trained become neurotic, and then its time to put the miserable fucker down.

Oh boy, I bet Stalin was jealous!

kys. There is nothing wrong with sharing love with nonhumans.

Really user?

why live?

Like with human children, animals do not have enough sense to give consent.

Most animals and children are far more intelligent than you

On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.

If the human is being penetrated it is obviously consensual.

are all anfems such lewd sluts?

i found this


i have 2 cats

i am scared of dogs since i was attacked as a kid


I was under the impression that everyone thought that it was hot.

I have a dog. Her name is Laika.

ebin meme xD


tho im not scared of dogs anymore unless they are abused attack dog breeds. then i am extremely cautious.

had multiple scum bag "friends" who smacked around their pupp pitt bull and acted like it was normal that the dog bit everything and everyone

a cute bunny

aww, what a qt

cute bunner

anyway I have 4 cats but I want a dog.

Dogs are the pets of the petty bourgeoise - protecting property, herding, intimidating and so on. Worker pets are cats as they're useful to chase off mice and other vermin.

Dogs are better for mice, there are breeds to do so. Cats do it if they feel like it.

yea, i am kind of getting rid of the fear, my bestfriend just got a dog and is so cute. also even if i feared dogs, i hate people who abused dogs or animals in general

thanks. have one more pic ^_^

also please don't make this a cat vs dog thread, lets just look at the cuties :3

post cats

very nice

You go straight to the gulag

How typical.

How about you don't base your identity on a pet and just keep the damn animal you like. Dogs are nice for hunting and working, and there's nothing wrong with protecting your home and personal property. Cats are useless faggots due to modern pest control, but I'm a cat guy, so I'll excuse them.

Bestiality no, being a lewd slut yes. Preferably a sub who has a decent pain tolerance as well.

I love fucking animals aka men

humans are animals, so yes


Can I not get shot after the revolution tankiefriend?

Good taste is not a grantee against revisionism, comrade.

Koba, why do you need me to die?

So I don`t need to share the women with someone like you

I approve

In communist utopia there are no pets, because all animals are emancipated from their masters.

but I want a cute cat

but does it haveā€¦buns

All comrades shall be assigned spider bros tbh.

which is why
union of egoists>communism