Which left-wing ideology has the smartest followers, Holla Forums?
Which left-wing ideology has the smartest followers, Holla Forums?
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Posadism, obviously.
I know I might be killed for saying this, but it's probably leftcoms tbqh
the fact they define themselves by ideology already speaks to their intelligence, so none.
Whichever one has the most whites and Asians.
t. Holla Forums
If I had to pick an actual ideology for OP though, it would probably be some variety of leftcom honestly. It's futile though, as they almost universally have formed ouroboros between head and ass.
"Smart" is a spook. Intelligence is far more complicated than that. General intelligence is a lot less important than, say, being honest with yourself (otherwise you end up rationalizing retarded beliefs with that big brain).
what about jews?
Polpotism, Maoism, Juche, NazBol
sadly, leftcoms.
And yet they are still completely useless.
the followers of the immortal science of nationalbolshevism
Child slave labor in Communist North Korea.
De Leonism.
But that's true though.
Post-leftism and leftcommism, they seem to have relatively well-read followers
Anfem is GOAT