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Gulag yourself tankie.
when will leftypol take over an island? ::DDDD
I guess anuddah shoah was a good idea after all
member namibia?
I member. I really hope that they seriously attempt something like that, I can't wait for the press photos showing the autists being arrested by the poo in da loo coastguard, what an irony.
what is their obsession with logistically-impractical seaborrne invasions doomed to failure even if everything went perfectly for them?
do you really wanna stop them? I'd be funny to see a news headline saying "300 neo-nazi's drowned, or died of starvation due to an ill-planned conquest of an island"
I support this because what will happen is the natives and the terrain will make it a living nightmare for them and they'll all die or be murdered :D
last time it was Tuvalu, what is it with Holla Forums and autistic shit like this?
kek, they've decreased their ambitions from a country to an island. as their hero might say, SAD!
They would be literally be obliterated in a matter of weeks.
They tried to do the same thing in 2014 too
I'm sure this is just shitposting.
The people there have limited immunity to various diseases due to their isolation. Between that and modern weapons, they would not fare well.
If anyone did anything to the people of the island there, it would rightly be a huge international incident with major jail sentences.
they fail to realise that even if they did actually pull this off then the indian army wouldn't take kindly to it. And no amount of racist ignorance will deter a an assault to take the island back in short order.
Nothing new there, 4-5 years ago it was somewhere in Africa
The Detroit commune?
i'm ok with this, i would even pay for it if they promise to stay there
I doubt they wouldn't even make it to the island. North Sentinel island is 31 miles from the nearest port and surrounded by coral reefs. They would likely get beached trying get to it.
Let's not forget Holla Forumscucks are NEET as fuck with Nofuns. They'll probably have to save enough NEETbux between them all to purchase an old SKS or two. Guns might be able to take out a few soldiers but their numbers are larger than a few faggots from a boat, taking aim doesn't work so well in-between reload and having your shit rushed in with spear and arrows.
This'll never happen, just like Tuvalu and libertarian sea steading. Or the Detroit commune for that matter.
Better not come to the Seychelles
Don't tell me you guys also believed the Namibia shitposting
I love this damage control.
They can't barely get some hashtag trending on twitter without some eceleb propping it up. Or like that google=nigger shit people didn't liked and only had a couple of threads about it but shittier news sites were covering as some master plan done by highly organized nazis that was full on track and not shitposting.
Its not a bad idea…
The island itself has less than 50 population, which is an uncontacted tribe… their most powerful weapons are spears and arrows.
The island could likely easily be conquered by a small group of gun fighters.
Just speaking theoretically…
Holla Forums could easily conquer this island and turn it into a utopia.
Pics related. these Cannonscooters could easily be transported to the island and can travel around 120miles on a single gallon of fuel..
cannonscooter fabrication could be easily and inexpensively constructed by any machinist with access to a machine shop.
this single vehicle could patrol the island by doing 6 laps around it for every gallon of fuel.
How about we leave those people alone? It's their fucking island, I think they have a right to it. If they just keep to themselves I don't see why they should be conquered. You're talking like porky.
And leave them to their backwarded tribal system?
fuck off imperialist scum
These people baffle me to no end.
not the first time these retards have tried doing something like this. I hope they actually go through with it and fail so we can laugh in their faces
where there is no tanks
you get like one shot of and hit a tree, and then you get shish kebabed.
that is if the natives dont kill you while its stuck in the mud
also pol cringe
Are we still going ahead with our Detroit project, comrades?
I bet you, they'd do better than any of you faggots.
Why do Holla Forumsyps always do this?
Trump was clearly better than Clinton but things are FAR from perfect.
It's my property though
Far right guy is got af
No, and that's why I didn't indicate that I did in my post.
lel, this
Color me surprised.
itll be easier to take vatican or iceland cuz no army or isle of man or faroes islands