how the fuck did I never hear about this? I thought those filthy islamic sandniggers were incpable of socialism??
how the fuck did I never hear about this? I thought those filthy islamic sandniggers were incpable of socialism??
It wasn't a real revolution considering that it only took place in the urban areas.
It was a military coup, not a revolution. And they certainly weren't socialists. Although most people in Kabul did like the results, until the government tried to impose modernity onto the backward ass tribes with force - which led to mas killings and a strong islamic resistance to it.
Why didn't they just make the Islamists read Bordiga?
They really should have put all that idpol stuff behind them while they were fighting the jihadis. I guess they would rather die by ideology than live under a successful revolutionary government.
Now do you realize that islam is our common enemy and by allowing them into our countries you are basically letting in counter-revolutionaries
Again i'm telling you, socialists need to form anti-islamic brigades in the west or risk takeover by muslims
When was the last time you read a history book?
gotta admire your opportunism
I wonder who's behind this post.
During the cold war the US and the USSR fought using proxy wars. They'd give guns and training for people looking for power, in return they'd do as told once in power. Did you finish high school?
its almost as if this Nazi user is a fucked-up stockbroker on a serious coke-dose, lmao
You do realise Muslims are not a homogeneous group?
ffs the best group fighting in Syria against the Wahhabists are Muslims - the YPG
If you are religious you cannot be socialist. Religion is an inherently reactionary force.
I'm an atheist but antagonising individuals does nothing.
Take this bit
Sounds like Marx knew religion could be weaponised and turned against the bourgeoisie. Ever heard of Liberation Theology, Christian Socialism, the Diggers etc?
Marx superseded all realms of bourgeois superstition with communism, which is atheism in practice.
All of them are petty-bourgeois and reactionary beyond the 18th century.
Didn't the USSR invade them?
piss off and get an education you edgy little faggot
t. bourgeois philistine
Shiggy diggy
more like soviet coup
No user, only you enlightened atheists are capable of revolution and socialism.
That's why you're enjoying your socialist utopia right now isn't it?
your a "sandnigger"
Hey its that dogmatic anti-theist trot again
I wonder how you feel about the fact that many Not Socialists before actually liked Islam before mass immigration from predominantly Islamic countries became a hot button issue in Europe.
mao only meant that policy for china. It may be relevant for other countries but dont apply it to all of them
Didn't know that the left was this dumb.
what did you mean by this?
I'm not really a leftist