Like many of you here, I have some mental problems. I have some anxiety and minor depression (at least declining), and as such I'm looking to see a counselor or therapist.
I've read a little about psychoanalysis, like some things from Freud and Lacan, and I think the approach would be good for me. The studies and reports that I've read seem to show that psychoanalysis isn't any worse/better than CBT. Anyways, just want to ask you guys what method you prefer. Obviously what's best varies from person to person, so I guess I'm basically asking for your individual thoughts to figure out how to approach my situation after considering the variety of experiences here.
Hope this is relevant, as there is a sort of Freudian current here.
Psychoanalysis vs Cognitive Behavioral therapy
Other urls found in this thread:
Psychoanalysis is pseudoscience. CBT is pussyfooting around that deliberately avoids anything dangerous that might cause you to do something that could result in a lawsuit. Also it's main purpose is to turn you back into gud werker. Both are pretty terrible and amount to someone being a professional Good Friend who will listen to your problems and give you decent advice.
Literally meaningless for your purposes. Everyone is different. Some do better with one or the other, but it will average out to the same in aggregate. Figure out what works for you.
CBT Tries to conform people to checklists and studies, it is not individualized and it is useless.
good boy/bad boy points
If you are interested in Lacanian praxis and its critique of other approaches see Bruce Fink's 1997 & 2007:
find an analyst here:
You are not familiar with Lacan or Freud, are you?
I am. There's more than one kind of friend.
Heh, keep trying to resuscitate a dying EBT, cognitivist. Relational frame theory is the future.
t. Stephen c. Hayes.
Psychology is nice and all but lemmie hit you up with that Xanax scrip you all need
Is that anxiety social anxiety? If so I'll tell you what all four of my psychiatrists of varying schools of thoughts and methods have told me. "Exposure to your problem is the only way to solve it." They will dress up it more, maybe give it a fancy name or two but essentially they will tell you to get over it and love the crowd.
Don't. But exercise can help you a lot as well. Look at the studies. I think part of the rising rates of these illnesses is to do with sedentary lifestyle.
Rapport is probably the most important aspect in talk therapy. If you don't click with your therapist move on. Many of the good ones will be trained in DBT, as well as some psychoanalysis.
Just a reminder that pol browses this board and are sadistic little albinoids who will give bad advice on purpose, also a lot of leftists don't appear to have a soul.
The therapy you need is the one that works for you. There is no universal form of fixing psychological problems for such problems are problems of coping, and how you cope is not how everyone can cope.
Don't listen to these idiots, user
Ask your therapist about cognitive control therapy and rtMS, and see if you'd apply.
I've doing CBT, counselling and am currently on SSRIs for my depression/anxiety
What do you want to know?
noice mem
saev'd mem
it was shit, yeah
"What you need is what works for you, that's why we at A.W. inc. personalize all services to your specific needs.
A.W. inc. – Future specific"
Untreated mental illness produces some of the best leftist thinkers. Any treatment makes you a pawn to the porkies. Sanity is honestly a social construct.
What is your sex drive like? When I was on SSRIs my dick could barely get hard from jerking off