Is Argentina socialist?

Argie here. Local right-wingers (and mainly a lot of foreign right wingers) have described the argie State as "pinko", "communist", or Keynesian leaning to the left.
local pinkos deny it.
I tried to hire people and there's a kilo of paperwork needed, totally absurd, to ensure"worker's rights" .
Taxation is omnipresent, and fashions are postmodern.many people LIE and say we're poor but if you don't spill away your salary within months you will have saved a substantial amount.
Social services pamper anyone who needs it.

tl;dr classify my country from a lefty POV

It's 100% white though

no even socdem

Local assemblies.
full of actual proles, unlinke occupy wall street

Everyone who works for a wage is a prole

Proffesionals aren't meager proles.

Is it really true that Lacanian psychoanalysis is popular in Argentina? Have you or any of your friends been to an Lacanian Analyst? Also why are Argie women so beautiful?

They are not.

Argentino con piel de ébano anda a ser juanito a otro lado que aqui no estamos para sobarte el ego

Are you guys ever going to take the falklands?

You'd be doing the British people a great service

Britain should have invaded us the first TBQH
everything would be so much better.


WHY no?
that chart just shows how the workers want to work like.

Because they are white hispanics

they are NOT prettier that people from any other country.

than Romanian women, than Mongolian women, than Laosian women, than most rust belt women? i beg to differ

Sounds like social deocracy to my, with a hint idpol to me fam. More worker co-ops and maybe you'd be closer.

My country may be full of whores.
but do not think they're pretty whores even!!

Age of consent there is 13.

We have girls disgusting enough to want sex at that age. We also have rapistss who will gladly give them that.
human trash takes care of itself.
Consent does not matter so much as marital status.

It's not socialist.

You think its disgusting to want to have sex?

Okay whatever about the women, you still haven't answered my other question, what is the Argentinean left's opinion of psychoanalysis in Argentina?

at that age?
she's a whore if she wants it so soon.
As I said, we have a lot of rapists…problems take care of 'emselves

they like Freud because of his morbosity obsession with sex.

I'm not saying you should have sex at that age, but its completely normal to want to.

Then if a 30 year old wants pay a 13 YO girl for sex and the girl CONSENTS to it would you be ok with that scenario?

as long as she pays her taxes

signed:old hairy guy

Prostitution is different from consensual sex.

You have Macri now, what they are even talking about?

Do the workers democratically own the means of production?

It's Post-Populist/Post-Fascist. It needs Macri like Brazil needed Temer to get people back to work, you can't have Social Democracy in a 3rd world country, much less so in the 21st century.

Left-lib college students that don't work aren't "proles" by any means

This user is kind of right, in the sense that the Kirchners basically sustained themselves in power by promising free shit (as do most social democracies), and inevitably that promise fell apart. People need to get back to work, but in a state where they democratically own the means of production

Anyone who isn't gentry, peasantry or a bourg is a prole, lumpenprole is more accurate really.

You say that as if the people stopped working. The problem was the social democrats just doing short-term initiatives.

But yes, with Temer we will have to work more to live with a little dignity when the retirement from old age comes.

Cuba's doing pretty well for itself fam.

why SHOULD a woman consent to fornication?
Prostitution is no different.

he FIXED prices. he's not a capitalist.