I sent Richard Stallman an email about Karl Marx, and he says he doesn't have enough time to read Marx. How can I get him to learn a bit about Marxism and socialism? What should I recommend?
Help me make Richard Stallman read Marx!
The man just said it is a matter of not having time. Recommending books it's useless.
Marx: A very short introduction (the book)
Oh man. I hope he does read some.
Richard Stallman already made a great contribution to socialist ideas, inadvertently.
It would be awesome if he would also be more versed into socialist theories and would expend on them, since he is very concerned by politics and pretty left-wing.
But I'm pretty sure his free software activism take him a lot of time, since he doesn't even code anymore, and he also had to fight the argument that GPL was a communist plot to destroy American software companies for years.
I can't blame him at all, I'm just pretty glad that he did what he did, as I'm typing this from computer using free software.
with a computer running free software*
tbh it just looks like he goes on vacation a lot.
He didn't have to. I think the libre software movement would probably be a lot stronger and healthier today if it was part of a socialist co-op and union movement.
Bump perhaps Richard Stallman should read the Grundrisse's parts about technology and general intellect
Protip: "I don't have time" is the same thing as "I have to wash my hair that day."
Gag me.
recommend richard wolff gateway drug
send him this pic
then get him to read engels - he is much more readable
is there a good Richard Wolf vid that's specific to technology? and won't stallman avoid youtube?
why? he is not as illeterate as you think. he read better books from anarchists. why would anyone read marx? (except das kapital vol 1) marx was not a revolutionary and literally an autist on the topic of revolution. he had a good analytic brain though and he used it well by writing das kapital.
he avoids youtube?
just send him richard wolff's explanation of class
reeee, gets me everytime
Also Socialism is not a mode of production on its own but a transitional process between Capitalism and Communism
well it's proprietary, it's google, and all that stuff.
user, Stallman is frank to a fault. There is no doubt in my mind that he genuinely thinks he has no time.
My point is time is never something you do or don't "have." It's an abstraction based on your choices. You almost always have time to deal with a death in the family, for instance.
When I say I don't have time to read Hegel, that means more that I haven't made time because I don't find the task sufficiently compelling relative to its alternatives, however nice the idea itself may "feel."
Stallman doesn't wash his hair tho
OP here. Alright, well should I ask him something to see how much he knows about marxism?
Better thing, try to think something about Marxism and technology then talk about it directly with him.
If you taunt his curiosity nough, he might give the source material a look.
Remind him that you're a virgin who can't take a hint.