Is Ron our guy?!
Is Ron our guy?!
Without modern hygiene and personal care habits, just how bad did the pussy smell back then?
fuck off reddit
gas the kikes, Nazi masturbation fantasy now.
Advertising yourself is against the rules.
Franco's Spain?
not in a billion years
How much cuckservative propaganda do you have to be soaked in to call Rand Paul a democrat?
Gone but not forgotten.
Retribution will be coming.
That's not actually too bad by pol standards
He means anarchy edgelord, not anarchism as a political tradition.
So yes.
I don't care what the retards do to themselves, but I do care about the fire fighters who will inevitably have to put their lives on the line to save those retards.
holy shit Bui has developed a WMD
Yeah, you must live in a real shithole. What exactly is so terrible about living in a scandinavian welfare state?
Post more shillary memes
Im predicting at least 3 rapes and 1 murder at this party
easy… no work - no food… obvioulsy exceptions for true handicapped situations, but we would be much better off letting the church's help the poor and needy and taxing the tax payers less so they don't have to pay for worthless degenerates that don't want to participate.
scary picture op. I can't even look at it.
Says the nigger crying about muh slavery and muh racism
diversity is our strength
Not really, was around 96 or so when I could call niggers niggers and leave a bicycle in the middle of a park during the night and come back to pick it up in the morning.
World looks pretty strange now, desu.
Feels almost like it, maybe 20 years of Trump-like presidency on the US might grow some balls on other human beings.
Fuck your fashy goy pic
needing a label for yourself and for a board especially is stupid
Fuck that faggot Spencer. And not cuz 'muh bad press', I never liked him
Not even a libertarian or a civic nationalist myself
It would be fine. That show and others like it are currently broadcasting on METV in the states.
fuck off you fucking loser
God bless Tesla
Jews are great at making money for themselves, that's what they do. Putting them in charge of money means a transfer from the non-Jewish working class to the Jewish elite and their benefactor, Trump.
Thank you fellow white man
Sorry, sweetheart.
But if you wanna be a Tejana, your ancestors needed to have fought for that muh privilege, or you can marry me, and I can give you an anchor baby.
bury and sage this shit
there's one friend i strongly think lurks Holla Forums, he uses terms from here irl. Everyone else is pretty bluepilled.
like totally man
jews lol
What a terrible thread.
nice digits
the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy and can fuck right off
Fuck off, you want to fight you inbred ginger cunt?
I'll fuck you up
Robert Baer, the same retard who thought Syria would be a brilliant idea and shilled for it directly in the MSM.
Everything PKD is red pilled to the extreme. Great book.
The tv show is decent, season 1 anyway. Haven't seen season 2.
You don't get it.
By that time techology will be so advanced that you will be able to replace every singe cell in you body. You could literally have a new body by then.
Is the means of production owned and controlled privately? No? Then it's not socialism.
Fuck planes.
We like nuclear weapons more.
Recently a several nuclear torpedos (Tzar type) was installed on submarines.
And 100 megatonn one is smallest.
CIA is just code for shit the Army does that is illegal
you can also go look for Snowden and O'Kefee dude. :)
they don't need military, if they ever get attacked then real countrys like usa and gbr will gladly step in, great excuse for more lockheed contracts
I think so. Man I have to rewatch that some time.
what the actual fuck
lol gtfo subhuman
no u