oh dear
I think it's pretty funny how they started the "kick out gay men" thing when bi men were never really accepted to begin with.
I read the title. I'm not watching the video
We're in the middle of an extreme anti-SJW backlash. You see this kind of hate even on al-Jazeera and The Real News segments about BLM and anti-black racism.
It takes some kind of mental disorder or extreme alienation to think that this kind of shit actually works on people. What it's effectively doing is telling working class people who ain't got time for this malarkey that this is what the left is.
A good way to motivate people towards Trump.
That's precisely why they are doing this.
It's almost like there's some group with lots of resources who doesn't want to see a socialist movement.
That's what I was getting at.
Literally none of the tweet replies are positive. How fucking dumb are they
They're not dumb, they know exactly what they're doing.
Liberalism, not even once.
Is there any hope for the left? Jesus Christ, when will it end?
this is why we need fascism
No, but this is what makes people think like that
weird. I can play it when it's downloaded.
8ch bug? report it, someone?
that is their job. the purpose of the academic left is to slide working class issues or anything else that threatens the profits of doners to corporate centrists. rich hippies take fake classes in post-science social science or gender studies, they lean advanced mental jumping jacks and get radical over stupid bullshit. then they are used to shit down groups with genuine concerns by screaming raycis if a workers rights group acknowledges the reason for bourgeoisie interest in mass migration, and its negative impact on the working class. any group with an internet presence is every something-ist cause a couple trolls can be found in support. if they can't easily disagree there are other methods, like showing full support but demanding the mass action occur on their non-functional terms. the progressive stack during occupy is an example. can't find a way to call someone a fascist for not wanting to get raped by a bank? no problem, just infiltrate and demand the purple transgendered disabled midget speak first cause xerself has more oppression points the the gay black guy from the how-we-wuz-kangs class, and a whole line of stupid hippies behind them. its also these faggots who sent the intelligentsia death squads to infiltrate socialism, so now a libertarian socialist is a nazi enabler for supporting free speech, and if you dare say fagot or nigger at a punk show, you get gang stomped by neon colored tumors.
I really want to do something for the left, but it's like there's nowhere that isn't infected by these people.
not if it could be effective. if Holla Forums got a significant presence anywhere you'd all be declared fascists infiltrating the social justice movement.
Nothing to lose there, sjw are too repelent to not scare more people away
you could lose your whole faction if they infiltrated and started demanding shit, happened to so many others. leftypol would overnight become deeply entangled with such surius working class issues at the correct pronouns for those who are bunt-cake geenderd.
Then we have to demand scientific sociallism first and foremost
Denouncing their liberal crap too
scientism couldn't hurt, but your strength is that you a chan based faction. you could just trigger them until the leave you ebil raycis black listed from the progress crusade. save analyticism for when they try to play smartass.
there is no such thing as non-scientific socialism
you sure? cause last time i checked ownership laws aren't tied inherently to culture, and countless groups have tagged different social positions onto it
i get that the "you don't real lefty" is a common strategy, but denying the existence of non scientific socialist movements doesn't seem very analytical
I feel you guys are mixing up movements like positivism and anal philosophy with materialism
both me, and materialism isn't necessarily scientific, its positivism and analism that makes scentism function. also christ commies exist. they just do.
me again, basically what im saying is that science is materialist, but materialism doesn't have to be scientific
They still haven't learnt why Trump won
Fuck it, time to burn inner city areas in major metropolises to the ground.
Also, that Sky Williams video response
I hear ya
why would you say faggot or nigger at a punk show tho
Pure ideology
what if he was talking to a faggot or a nigger
because its a goddamn punk show.
The problem isn't this. It's when you start to blame working immigrants for something that is caused by the rich. That the right focuses more on "outsiders" rather than their own inner-failings says something very pertinent to their politics.
Are they doing it on purpose? I don't just mean liberal porky, but the people I see every day inside leftist orgs beyond Holla Forums.
Post-fascist social democracy with authoritarian characteristics when?
I so want to put these kinds of people against the wall.
Fascism IS authoritarian social democracy. But considering social democracy is just barely democratic you already have what you want. How do you like it?
Something along the lines of presidency of kekkonen, democratic presidential dictatorship run by the social democratic party of finland.
Hang draw and quarter yourself
It`s a Maoist concept, I thought you commies might approve.
You mean the mass line?
makes as much sense as democratic centralism in that it does not make any sense
How can you interpret the will of the people and carry it out if you heavily censor the people?
why are you Finns so fascistic?
Party knows what is in their best interests, otherwise we would have not dominated Finnish politics form post-war till beginning of 2008.
Reds lost the civil war, post-war coup attempt at 1946 by commies failed and policy of Finlandization made masses more accepting of political apathy or policies dictated form top to bottom. Presidency of Kekkonen installed certain need for strongmen in politics on psychological level, nobody form the left or right dares to criticize him since it leads of ostracization.
So neo-liberalism should stay in power in America to because its been there since the end of the war?
I`m for post-Keynesian economics, not for neo-liberalism.
Is it bad of me to shit on white dudes all the time in my own language with family and others
It's practically tradition at this point and we've been doing it for decades.
Do I have to tell my parents it's not cool
If it's just joking you're fine. But even actual racism is probably better than liberal racism masquerading as tolerance at this point.
the problem at hand isn't banter or even racism, it's the alienation of people from a cause and by no other than a mainstream media channel/authority.
I joke about niggers and jews all the time with my friends, but I sure as shit would never bring anything that could potentially create schism in a movement.
It's all gook m'tovarisch *tips ushanka* no hard feelings
That's right my good worker, this is leftism, now you dun wanna get associated with those types do ya?
Never heard anything about this, sauce?
that video is great
and no, I think most of them are just idiots who believe the propaganda.
Is the link broken for anyone else?
at least they had sense enough to delete it
Dunham: You have been raised up from Brutality, to kill the Brutals who multiply, and are legion. To this end, Dunham your God gave you the gift of the Gun. The Gun is good!
Exterminators: The Gun is good!
Dunham: The Penis is evil! The Penis shoots Seeds, and makes new Life to poison the Earth with a plague of men, as once it was. But the Gun shoots Death and purifies the Earth of the filth of Brutals. Go forth, and kill! Dunham has spoken.
reminds me of that TrunkFrump campain.
who who in his right mind would think that bringing a bunch of fat people and minorities being obnoxious and vulgar would be helpful to their cause.
i'm pretty sure that that video alone made thousands of people vote for Trump
I was bit off about this, it was in 1948, but there has been no conclusive proof that coup would have taken place. Other than that communist party did organize itself into battalions like in 1918 according to SUPO records form decade later.
we definitely need to distance ourselves from these loonies.
make it clear that we're against idpol.
Tell them we're workerists
sounds silly
why not just humanist ?
why not egoists
Because some liebrals already criticise class action as workerist
Workerism is the opposite of intersectionality.
Pls don't make this man anymore disappointed in you then he already is. thx.
no, we are the left, the actual left, we don't need a new name or a buzzword. I've seen some people say it should be the "new old left". This is kind of Ayn Rand tier, where she called her """philosophy""" Obejctivism because Existentialism was taken.
already taken, we can't juggle words' meaning
probably a shitpost but in case you're serious that sounds too "evil", although, on the other hand, it might sound appealing to right wingers since it's an "individualistic" name to leftism
What we should do is not make a new name, but to push out idpolers with their own brand. They are by all means capitalists, we need to make it clear they are in the same boat as lumpenproles, thus making the "rural conservative redneck" be alienated from capitalistic ideology.
The point is to exclude them from the term "left", not the other way around.
Workerism is already an ideology
but thats what we are, humanists, we work for humans not just for some specific group, we want to make the lives of everyone better
if our target demographic is the right wing underclass we have to speak their language. What do you think "humanist" means for them?
Besides, it's too vague of a term. Every ideology, from its own perspective, is "humanist" then. The left is the left because of economics, at least it used to be like that, and we need to bring that sense back.
mass immigration is encouraged by the rich. there is strong interest in it as it drives down the cost of labor and makes the original working class more desperate and willing to accept shityer terms. does this even need to be explained? would you say people with concerns over automation are scapegoating robots? sure immigrants are human beings, but on a massive scale its still a way for rich people to stiff poors
gomunism is way easier to implement in a ethnically homogeneous state
diversity creates idpol, which impedes progress
how the hell is opposing mass migration arguing for ethnic homogeneity? you have to be retarded to believe that flooding the unskilled labor market with cheap desperate worker is the same thing as allowing people to enter the country at any other scale. do you honestly believe communism could function with waves of people clamoring to get in on a communist society resources?
oh wait, disregard that i suck cocks
But you, user, your solution will not work. The employer is not going to raise wages because of a ban on immigration (if anything, less people are going to have jobs because the employer can't afford the regular wages per labourer), heck, immigration might not even stop because of the ban.
mein gott
This. We need to force a mental divide among normalfags between leftism and these parasites. A less sarcastic term for SJWs would be a good start.
Capped & saved, I hope the accelerationism actually works before this happens.
Lay off the neoliberalism for a bit
Identity Police?
Heh, I love the mental gymnastics left-libtards employ on immigration.
It's a plain and simple economic fact that elites are lock step behind mass immigration and want it to continue earnestly. Virtually every single socjus "issue" has been backed by, in some cases, tens of millions of corporate dollars from the likes of IBM.
This reminds me of when some fucking lib had the audacity to say mass immigration and complete absence on capital controls has no effect upon property prices.
Fucking Hong Kong has done more to stymie demand-side inflation of property prices (something that damages the working and lower middle classes and just about everyone really) than states like Canada, the UK etc.
We're talking about an SAR of the PRC doing more to stop other Chinese inflating property prices there than actual sovereign states doing with regards to complete foreigners with no actual ties to the country.
It's insanity.
Nah. I constantly mock gooks and chinks with my bros and family. Spoiler: We're not even anglo or germanic btw, you guys obsession with WASPs being the most racist racists ever to racist is funny to any slav, greek/balkanite or italian. We're a thousand times more racist than they are in private.
Everything you think we say about you we do and worse.
So you're free to say whatever you want back broski.
It's not just identitarianism though.
I've seen many idpol-free instances based just around their postmodernist critical theory-driven disregard for or open hostility to ideas like objectivity, logic, materialism, and even physical reality.
And a third variant is their dogmatic commitment to whatever their supposed ideology is, trampling not only on things opposed to it, but even on totally anodyne things, purely for the sin of not being explicitly in their favor. Very much like the most infamous periods of Christian and Muslim zealotry, when all human expression except that which glorified the religion was curtailed, or all activities other than sustenance and worship were forbidden a priori.
What defines SJWs isn't any one of these three aspects, but that they shamelessly skirt between any and all of them, ignoring mutual contradictions.
I might suggest "outrageist", though that sounds a little silly.
Of course it's fine, you're just joking. Literally everyone is a bit racist. You're not going to hang them up from trees and white liberals performance they do about shit "not being OK", is ALWAYS hypocritical. You'll find them being insidiously classist at the very least, if not bigoted in most other ways just in a subtle way. It doesn't go anywhere if you change the language to be virtue-coded, so you really don't need to buy into their general narrative on it. I'm objectively one of the least racist people I know lel, surrounded by libcucks. Being honest about it is the way to go, allowing people to be true to themselves is basic to a healthy society. The problem is with the political propaganda aspects of it at the moment.
jesus christ thank you. everywhere i see liberals masturbating to how "educated" they are from classes in politicized humanities, or post-science social science, it always comes with shitting on those ignorant white trash that feed their fat asses. and then they wonder how they lost the midwest to trump. burger education, it actually makes you retarded.
they baleeted it
Why is America Ferrara so fat?
Why is the token black guy wearing a pink pussy on his t-shirt?
Why is the "white guy" the only one who doesn't wear a bourgeois Holidays sweater?
Why is the token dirty blonde dressed in "vintage garb?" How can she afford to have blonde highlights if she has to shop vintage?
Why was bourgeois big band chosen as the background music?
It wasn't great for illegal immigrants, either, apparently.