Samantha Bee School Zoning Controversy

Saw a thread about this on 4/pol/. This is a golden opportunity to expose liberal hypocrisy.

Apparently, the affluent New York school where liberal comedian Samantha Bee sends her kids has taken steps to keep nearby poor/black kids out. Her husband has spoken out to defend this segregation.

Holla Forums is never going to convince black people to join their movement, but this could potentially get a lot of black folks to realize that the mainstream "leftist" establishment doesn't have their back as much as they claim to.


Other urls found in this thread:

Why are wealthy people so triggered by this?

They don't want to send thier kids to a place that might have low class people and be a bad influence

Cause poor people are icky and the kid might catch the poverty

Exactly as Id expect from HillShills.

Cannot wait for the bourgeoisie to start using to idpol to defend shit like this.

You know it's coming.

I hate to break it to you, but im trans-bourg

I was born into a pleb's body, but on the inside im a wealthy, ruling-class aristocrat.

I deserve the same treatment as the other bourgs

Woah. Holla Forums can make funny memes after all. Whudathunkit

but she's just like us!

haha funny standing shouting liberal lady really sticks it to those reTHUGlikkkans

good. fuck this bitch. when i watch married with children on TBS at like 5 am they always have commercials for her shitty show where her schtick is basically "Donald Trump is going to be president. WE r A11 d00m3d!!!111 XD"


How will letting in a few poor/brown kids from a nearby neighborhood "fuck up" the school? The rich parents pay these institutions ungodly amounts of money for their kids to be given elite educations, if the school's services can that easily be messed up, then that just proves these schools are a sham and all the parents are paying for is name brand. That's assuming the poors will even present a problem.

like how schools with poor brows are nearly all fucked up

they actually get paid more per student

no, it proves that throwing money at pee-o-sea's in the hope that it will solve things is a sham.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence that the more browns a school has, the less whites want to be there.

That's the equivalent of saying that beach-dykes which stop the tide of the sea are a sham because they aren't capable of stopping tsunamis.

Are you under the impression that every school everywhere with poor people is failing or do you think this school is just going to be taken over by them or something? Because neither is the case.

Yes, thousands of public and private schools in
America and every single one of them with a single poor brown person is like your webm. Great job.

sure, this will be the exception, this time it will be done more diversely, more culturally sensitive, more accommodating… and if the usual thing happens, well, that only proves white tea is still the oppressor, and that next time, it needs to happen more diverse

In before this becomes another pol 'it's really the white people that are oppressed' thread

how are blacks more oppressed than whites?

Both working class populations suffer different predations under capitalism.

Worrying about who has access to a bourgeois private school is completely irrelevant when public schools across the whole country are failing or in some cases being actively looted to line the pockets of the bourgeoisie.

I know this might be hard to grasp for a leftist, but not everything is about who is the most oppressed.

That's a racial diversity problem, not one of class warfare. Public schools in homogeneous societies and areas simply do much better. They even do well enough that people aren't too worried about class differences.

That's interesting. Which homogenous societies?

First genuinely funny meme i see on leftypol. I'm stealing it.

Rich people diverting funds from public schools isn't a ’diversity problem' you fucking idiot.

Are you actually trying to argue that any school with any diversity whatsoever fails?

Yeah, those academic powerhouse all-white schools in rural Mississippi or West Virginia.

Cuba maybe?

this is what i expects from multiculturalists

Phil Ochs was right.

Holla Forums isn't really interested in convincing black people to join up, but it's worth noting that their past counterparts had more success doing so than you ever did.

Perhaps black people care more about their race than they care about your autistic, Venezuela - creating beliefs?

Well, sweetiepie, actually…

Holla Forums, you silly.

Did ancient Holla Forumstards visit Egypt to make black people kangs and shit?


He's right you know…

"But if you ask me to bus my children /
I hope the cops take down your name! /
so love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal"

There are a lot of methodological criticisms of PISA, but I specifically mentioned all-white communities in poor states. Your wilful ignorance of them because it suits your purposes pretty much says it all.

Rich white liberals live in gated communities, gentrified areas, and send their kids to 99% white private schools.
Then they accuse some guy who lives in a trailer park of having white muh privilege.

These types of people are the reason people voted trump

Fuck off.

I'm sure most American blacks are aware by now that wealthy white liberals are all "do as I say, not as I do" on anything to do with race in their private lives



No, but try a source that's not a blog. Especially not some alt-right horseshit blog like "alternative hypothesis" lol

literally every assertion in that report is cited. Simply saying "muh alt right" isn't a counter argument, it makes you look like an intellectual child.

Just because it has a citation doesn't make it true, or worth anyone's time to go and fact check them all. Besides, if you know what you're talking about and have read these yourself you should/would have cited the relevant studies and sections directly.


Then find the actual studies it cites and link to those. I'm not giving a clickb8 alt-right blog any hits.

This is just good thing to do, btw, if you want people to take you seriously.

You won't read any studies that disproves your preconceived notions anyway. You'd much rather stay ignorant and live in your fantasy world where "diversity is a our greatest strength"


You have links right at your fingertips.

All you have to do is link the studies from the blog itself you massive cuck. But you don't want to do that because it means that when they are inevitably debunked you can just disavow it and pretend there are other articles that prove your stupid bullshit in a never-ending shell game of cock sucking pol pseudo science.

It's beautiful, like some Holla Forumsack mixed early fabulously racist lit and Chapelle's Show. Complete bullshit of course, but wonderful all the same.

I literally asked you to link to the studies. I'm not wading through a reactionary fever swamp to get to those sources–if you can't provide the sources themselves, don't bother.

I used to go to a school that was segregated by income, and due to nepotism I ended up in the highest class of people even though I'm poor as fuck. It was a pretty nice class until someone had the idea of desegregating the classes and mixing all of us together. That ended up with the higher class people adopting many shitty low class vices like party hard, promiscuity, or becoming gang members.

Its not about race, but it's really not a good idea to mix people from lower classes during a time people are impressionable.

I think we should just kill all the ones in the upper class, then. That would fix the problem.

The War on Drugs primarily targets young black males for use as forced labor in the prison system. As anything other than a racist program designed to destabilize the black community, it has been a failure, but when you see the racist designs of it, it suddenly makes perfect sense.
Blacks are three times more likely to experience wage theft (ie, denial of overtime, minimum wage violations, etc) than their white counterparts.
Blacks do continue to suffer from segregation in schooling, as the whole business with Bee demonstrates.
Black communities (like Flint) are more likely to have toxic waste dumped on them, and this waste lingers for longer.

And then the answer from white liberals is some bullshit about tolerance, and white conservatives wring their hands about black crime. Of course, if these are your authority figures, you're not going to respect them.

RIP Engels. No one likes him anyways.

The upper classes should not allowed to protect themselves from the problems that their own system creates.


Because if their kid is exposed to niggers poormies, the empathy might kick in.

Wouldn't that just admit that whites are by and large still impoverished?

Ban interclass marriage! Our beautiful wealthy daughters will be seduced by swarthy lower class men!


You forgot lumpen-shaming

stop trying to to erase our struggle.

Can't wait for interclass cuck porn that will inevitably be created.

isn't that the plot of titanic though??

no shit, I always disliked Sam Bee, she always had that angry smug SJW streak to her, but I never thought she'd sink this low.

Now you have 20 gang members with some money instead of 10 poor ones though