When racism like this will die in the ranks of left? "Actual communist", more like capitalist plant.
When racism like this will die in the ranks of left? "Actual communist", more like capitalist plant
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He's not wrong :)
t. triggered Holla Forumstard
I'm sure he's just being ironic
Is this a tankie twitter fag?
All I want for Holidays is sjw genocide, "left" and right.
More liek cuccmaher amirite
good thing none of you will ever actually do anything because you are all western liberals, both left and right. Funny how the only people to act on all this nonsense are literally batshit, makes you wonder about the definition of sanity
I have seen a big rise in racism among real hard line "means of production or bust" leftists, mostly as a reaction to reactionary "anti-racist" extremism of today's liberals. And I'm sure that will cause some other backlash down the line. I'm almost resigned to the idea that no matter the belief system, most people are always going to be reactionaries in some form or another. I almost don't even blame them, it's probably a psychology self-defense mechanism as a response to other reactionary elements.
To clarify: I was calling people freaked out by people making deeply triggering and problematic sjw jokes hypocrites considering they're on a fucking imageboard.
this, I actively plot the destruction of the white race.
Maybe now white people know what it's like to be a minority.
Are we joking or is it serious? pick one, whitey
t. white girl
white gencide*
This man has a tenured position at a university, a bourgeois institution.
Meanwhile, Holla Forums claims that the bourgeois is actually fueling Holla Forums.
How do you combine this? Why isn't he purged like he would be if he even hinted at racism?
The point is the forum. Obviously you can just joke about it on here, but it's a mass media joke/talking point with active policies in place to achieve this while liberals furiously jerk off over it, whereas WN shit is most certainly not, that's the difference.
can you fucking larpers actually read Marx please? It's not about being rich or having nice things, it's about owning means of production. Getting an education at a nice place isn't class-traitorism
And are universities owned by the working class?
Yeah, didn't think so.
they transitioned into wage slavery
rofl x2
You act like white people "finished" solving bad things for white people. Reactionaries of a different skin tone don't excuse white reactionaries
Some legacy patriarchy still exists, but it's basically dead. Are you that high on bourgeois critical theory ideology that you don't understand this?
Your only response is a kneejerk and blurting out "reactionary" and "capitalism is bad" as if capitalism is not universal and somehow a white problem. Did I imply white people had solved all problems? People like you are indoctrinated drones incapable of seeing the forest, only the trees you've been placed directly in front of.
highly preferable to regular slavery.
You children really are stupid and emotional.
have you ever read anything other than facebook memes?
What are you babbling about you invalid? Black and white, stereotyped thinking without possibility of nuance or perspective is a feature of reactionary thought, just because you can spout dogma doesn't mean you're not a class enemy.
wew could you get anymore buttmad about your shit being called out?
that's what people think tho, no one said otherwise. No one said "white people are genetically racist bigots"
that's just the strawman put up by the right
top lel
top lel
It's what they claim to think "in theory" (instructed rationalization) but if life teaches you anything, what people claim to believe and how they really are, are two completely different things.
What do you mean by racism?
well, it was a good thing when whites were massacred during the Haitian revolution. don't you agree OP?
And now Haiti is a poor shithole.
It was a poor shithole before the revolution too
All the wealth generated there left for France
are you suggesting it wasn't when it was under slavery?
but your butt is still hurting, so i guess it was worth it.
I hate shit like this because all it does is make more Neo-nazis.
Atleast there was ANY wealth being generated.
Fuck off, deeply triggering and problematic racist.
The Philippines were also under US occupation, but their economy is slowly going well.
Anti-hwite, i mean.
If a tweet makes you become a Nazi, you were already a lost cause
The concept of whiteness needs to die. Why is this so hard for you to accept?
I guess it must just be those damn niggers. Can't hold a country together.:^)
Capitalists are a minority.
And all the reactionary right does is make more idpol faggots, they feed off each other.
but whiteness doesn't even exist outside of stormweenie forums.
The concept of "whiteness" will never die, because the mainstream Left needs it to retain the support of ethnic minorities by encouraging a view of society as a zero-sum game between whites and non-whites.
It's like the USSR (and other "Marxist" states) arguing that their existence (and various measures aimed at suppressing resistance to the government) would be necessary until the entire world was communist
It's a perpetuating loop, idpol fags feed stormfags and vice versa
I'm having fun triggering them in there
are you the devious bong?
Edgiest poster on leftypol
Dessailines had to kill all of the French on the island or slavery would return. Every slave ought to kill his owner.
That and reparations paid to France that they didn't finish repaying until the 1950s.
I might be
when are you going to accept my proposal for marriage?
wew lad that Drexel thread was good. Holla Forums tying itself in knots trying to reconcile its "free speech" shit with nazism
one of the best memes of 2016 tbh
The slaveowners deserved it (and they spared the German immigrants and Polish deserters, who represented the bulk of non-slaveowning whites in Haiti) but I can never condone children getting butchered for the crimes of their parents.
This kind of thing in the op seems to be resulting in some kind of "white identity politics" on the right which is a very dangerous idea.
that some whites get triggered so easily shows that deep down, they know racism is real and they benefit from it
you wut m8?
Weak, how can you call yourself a true revolutionary?
By not putting up the tankie flag :^)
Ok, I agree. So what?
no, they don't control the world. but it says something how centuries of slavery/racism are a-okay but someone fighting back isn't.
i'm agreeing with you and making an additional point
The former slaves were living better under slavery
I guess me advocating the deaths of the English and hating them is excused because they fucked over Scotland? After all I'm just fighting back.
Hatred is natural when you're oppressed. Passively asking your oppressors to listen solves nothing. You have to make them change.
The English didn't fuck up Scotland anyway, poor analogy.
Yes so lets blame people and call them evil for existing because my obscure ideology says they're all culpable collectively.
Not "evil" and I don't hate ordinary workers. But oppressors and the workers who side with them? No sympathy for what happens to them.
They're not inherently culpable but if you choose to associate with racists and fascists and identify with them, then don't be surprised when people hate you.
White people are only 10% of the worlds population, dumdum.
Doesn't matter if this shit goes on you won't get class conscience you'll get bloody bitch basic tribalism. Not that you'll ever achieve class conscienceness anyway.
Except their "oppressors" are the rich, Nazis and other racist groups are just as oppressed by the rich, but they blame societies problems on minorities. This deeply triggering and problematic bullshit has done nothing but fuel neo-nazi groups and make a fucking joke of the liberal left, and the entire left by association.
Lets see, they bought out Scottish landowners who basically turned over control of Scotland to the English, they then declared themselves masters of the country, slaughtered large numbers of Scots and them proceeded to treat them as second class citizens, which continued up until as little as 200 or so years ago.
I could launch into paragraphs of examples of them fucking up Scotland, or alternatively call you racist and advocate that you die, which is apparently the best way to fight back against "muh obbressors". But how about instead you realise that idpol is meaningless drivel.
fucking wordfilters
Atleast you're well balanced with a chip on each shoulder.
you right now
I honestly doubt it if he has the credentials.
He should be given twenty hundred grants for telling the truth.
If you're not against racism, go back to Holla Forums
Nazis are funded by the rich. They have been since the origins of fascism. I'm not really defending what this guy is saying, but the reactions are telling.
Nah, the Scots fucked up their own country with the Darien Scheme and the Highland Clearances.
So if BLM are funded by the rich, blacks are all well and good and are on the side of the rich? Nazi Germany was funded by the rich, and It's likely some groups today are, but that does not suddenly mean all Nazis are free from being under the thumb of the rich.
I'm unsure what you refer to.
My entire point is this shit is irrelevant.
Apparently white people are born racist, what an astounding development.
Shall I go pick out some examples of Blacks fucking themselves over, or would you be so kind as to not pretend to be retarded?
Why do you bother Spurdo? You're not very good at this, it shows every time you try to argue. Look at this basic genetic fallacy for example. I remember in the last one you just couldn't get why I was mopping the floor with you, while you said both: "The term 'Culture' is meaningless" then went on to say "Culture can change over time" as you moved the goal posts around and tried to insult me with my own insults I had just dished out on you to spice up an otherwise boring jaunt into the mind of yet another pretentious nobody who thinks they can be the grand architect of the world. It's astounding, and you wonder why I stopped even bothering to address your so-called "points".
You'll just NEVER get it, because you're utterly incapable of intellectual honesty in these instances. It's frustrating dealing with people like you, because you can't learn and change, there's clearly something deeper going on, which is the layer I attempt to peel back as you cower behind "ad hominem", not realising almost all of your arguments reduce to ad hominems. You still haven't explained what post-left is supposed to mean, except "deviates from some kind of orthodoxy or consensus I imagine to exist".
And you're anti-hwite yourself, not genuinely antiracist, which overspecifies your """judgement""", just like Anfem, who's almost exactly everything she claims to hate, and who fits Arendt's description of bourgeois Nazism perfectly. You're just a confused form of ethnic advocate that's equally if not more a beneficiary of the system you claim to despise than most of the people you are demonstrably incapable of truly empathizing with. Why do you think anyone should listen to people like you? People like Anfem need to always make everything about them, but I don't see what's in it for you? Before you say muh "ad hominem", do you even understand there's not really any such thing as an ad hominem in most of leftist thought, or must you insist on remaining painfully lacking in self-awareness at all times?
I would agree with you if people abolished the concept of all races that way.
Fuck whites, they had their shot and it didn't end in communism.
Whites think refugees moving in next to them is a genocide, fuck 'em. More Rotherhams, less fascists
are you that false flagging shitposter that keeps making threads about how hicks are the enemy?
lol i was going to say that it was somthing our anafem would agree on.
you stupid idcunt !
the working class has no race, nation or religion
The point is of course to build solidarity among the working class, not to set them at each other's throats.
This is why I'm not a leftist. Am I supposed to hate myself to save myself from the piggy? That I need to let Abdul fuck my wife? What does globalism have to offer me?
Also this user is right. It's this division of society into two oppressor/oppressed groups (while generally ignoring or even dismissing class) which has rendered the modern left an impotent travesty of its former self.
you're not a leftist because of socioeconomics, not racial feels
No but you should hate racists
exactly. Don't trust anything these snake oil salsemen say. They talk about progress, but a step back when you've taken a wrong turn, is a step foward
Be proud my brother, we are the hiers of the world-changers and only we have the power to fight the leftists and nonwhites who are slowly chipping away at our communities
Not surprising tbh
Oh look, someone might be about to get fired for making a tweet jokingly calling for white people to be killed. I wonder if this will stop the stormfags and other reactionaries from whining about how unfair it is that everyone thinks its okay to make fun of whitey? Probably not.
What do you expect, stormniggers are just idpol-obsessed, freedom-hating SJWs
it's pretty bemusing
Holy shit. So many of you people still don't get it. You're correct in that """the Nazi's""" are similar to butthurt SJW's, but fail to understand that SJW's are also precisely Nazi's, while often toeing the SJW line yourselves. They're just not the kind from the images you've been fed of that period in German history, of the maniacal Hitler, of the monstrous SS and the evil Dr Mengele, of the lumpen street thugs, of the frenzied crowds and parades showing absolute unison. The very image that has been concealed. The upper classes, the intelligent, the educated, the "progressive" chattering class sectors of society on the home front, who appreciated high art, music, literature, and who of course weren't aware of many of the realities of the war due to blanket propaganda - kinda like the MSM is now (and really has been for a long time when it comes to war, remember the liberals shilling Iraq?) It has been concealed because they're too like YOU, and that's something people just can't deal with, and academic leftists would rather ignore, it doesn't sit well with them that they could too be the bad guys, because after all, they're virtuous and they've read the right books, and it's easier to scream "extreme right wing fascism" at the Nazis and fall back on a pure Leninist line than to acknowledge they too had a social progressive wing, and the world's "progressives" of the time were big into eugenics as well. All the SJW has done is replace "muh Jews" with "muh whites" (/"menz"/etc) in the rhetoric and the very fabric of their thinking. It's that simple.
It's even more amazing that you people don't seem to understand the difference between a tenured professor openly admitting the tacit "left"/liberal consensus, that is pushed at universities everywhere, by the media, etc. and some random troll online saying racist shit, representing no one. Individual SJW's, even the craziest, are BACKED UP by this superstructure, often coming from university straight yp indoctrinated by it. You can say Fox et al. has been stirring up racial resentment in their own audience as well, but it's still not close to equivalent, and fundamentally comes down to the same problem: all society being orchestrated by the very logic of capital itself, unleashed to perhaps its greatest extent yet by the era of neoliberalism.
Are you some kind of insane Natbol?
It appears you're the Bolshevik. I just think the left's whole ideological field is a sectarian clusterfuck and needs to be nuked from orbit and rebuilt if it's to present any kind of real challenge to the status quo moving forward.
Ah, so it's a case of Holla Forums concern trolling.
Society is not solely controlled by "Nazi SJWs" nor is the bourgeoisie purposefully deeply triggering and problematic.
I agree that this bizarre kind of radical chic does nothing but hard the left, but your charges are nothing but the same insane identity-based victimization employed by SJWs. Ultimately, capital is not generally anti-black, or deeply triggering and problematic, or anti-man, or anti-woman; it is anti-worker.
lol but I don't disagree. How much more can I possibly spoonfeed it?
Reminder that racists will call you a class reductionist for concerning yourself with class to any degree.