Why do liberals support muslim immigration?
Why do liberals support muslim immigration?
Because muh feels over reals. To me, immigration needs to be regulated, but not stopped entirely. Let the right ones in, as opposed to opening the floodgates.
Because they're useful idiots for porky, just like Holla Forumsyps.
Either devout humanism for right-liberals or white colonial original sin for left-liberals, although the underlying economic value of immigration is what drives the push for these values from the corporate sphere.
You don't need to be a liberal to agree with letting in those fleeing war or poverty as a principle of solidarity, though.
Immigration is a non-issue, my reactionary cuck
I like the wording here"Muslim Immigration", it is not about third world people trying to better their own lives, unstable politics situation, capitalist economic failure, the fear of dying under a bomb, unemployed workers trying to get a job elsewhere, or political witch hunt driving political thinkers outside.
It is just all reduced to what someone call the imaginary old guy in the sky, god or Allah.. it is as if you are reducing all of these material and real problems into their Islamic identity, that is what identity politics is IDpol man.
How pathetic
Because feels > reals
And porky loves that because of cheap workers.
Cheap labor
Cheap labor, and "muh feels"
Commodification of cultural identity
that happens whether you have immigration or not
There's a reason we call for global revolution comr8
for the most part its a reaction to the neo-con Israeli-American aggression and meddling in the middle east
Didn't stop the IWW.
Never heared of the IWW before i came to leftypol. They aren't shit outside of america.
Growing areas of the world are outside of capital as huge pockets of labor are useless to employ by capital (no profit in employing them). This produces so called failed States in the much of the world and failed cities in developed centers of capital (think Detroit)
These areas naturally produce crime, terrorism, war, and immigration away.
In addition,
Geopolitics creates the incentive to topple regime's not allied with the US. Syria, for example, is about competing pipelines that threaten Russia's economic interests, but the US wants them for the Saudis
The areas of places outside capital employment are going to get larger and larger as demand will only be for jobs requiring education and intelligence. Within your country, and on the outside.
It's not easy. It is our primary task. (Though I agree that unions can't solve everything - although maybe armed unions capable of overthrowing governments can. :) )
Yeah, except for the fact that immigration and outsourcing are totally different
Stopping workers and porky from moving around a lot or encouraging them to snatch jobs from each other is the first step in breaking the strength of the bourgeoisie. When the first one falls, they improve their position in the world by aiding other workers in the world and creating economic and political allies.
You fucking classcuck
Because we're not xenophobic fucks and borders are a spook
Do you fucks ever think this shit through?
We shall beat them until they stop being islamo-
why deny a person entry just because they're mislead by a crazy fucking religion? it's their choice what they want to believeā¦ the less state interference the better, especially if they're coming from a war zone
Unironically its the state the ones protecting the radical muslims
Otherwise we could send nazis to spookbust them
Globalism is the future.
I said unions cant solve everything and unionizing the entire world is impossible.
I was talking about the 4 billion (or more) potential migrants that can be called upon by porky once the last group of migrants is finally unionized. The world is larger than one country, you know, dumbfuck.
just like antifa :^)