USA memes

Lately I've just been finding random statistics about the US and making these, anyone want to help?

I think memes are a great way to point out the flaws of our current system.

I think memes are our holy savior when it comes to educating the public tbh, contributions would be lovely

Other urls found in this thread: labor in prison us&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS518US518&oq=forced labor in prison us&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.4543j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 pollution statistics&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS518US518&oq=air pollution statistics&aqs=chrome.0.69i59l2j0l4.3153j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Crossfit deserves all the shit it gets.


What is crossfit?

Spazzing the fuck out and calling it exercise.

Meanwhile you tear all of your tendons and ligaments.

Fad exercise program. You're better off going to /fit/ or ripping a beginner routine from a fitness site, or even Muay Thai if you've got money to blow.

Training for neurotics who don't understand that slow and steady wins the fitness race.

dont ask



post template

make your own




Do something with this one:

holy fucking shit thank you, definitely going to. if you have any more ridiculous statistics pls share

Rate my attempt

I think it's good. I think really any fucking attempt is amazing because of the fact it's ACTUALLY true.

r8 me

How do people generate that much money in prison?

The secret is slave labor.

What do you want me to explain?

What the fuck does that reply mean? You don't understand how air pollution contributes to global warming or are you saying 200,000 people don't die from air pollution?

What do you want explained?

you mean the same labour that happened in USSR gulags?

Forced labor is actually a big practice in US prisons. Currently it's a big deal because multipe prison strikes are happening around the US.

> labor in prison us&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS518US518&oq=forced labor in prison us&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.4543j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Also since SIXTY EIGHT PERCENT (68%) of US prisoners get arrested within THREE FUCKING YEARS OF BEING RELEASED FROM PRISON, it's safe to say we're quite literally setting up our prison population into slave labor. The fact that for-profit prisons benefit from this is absolutely absurd.


also: template

yeah, we're talking about that labor. Fuck gulags.



1 meme mentions crossfit and thread gets derailed? is Holla Forums this fucking shitty?


No, fuck you porky.

The Gulags are coming back.

Thanks fam.

I had an idea for cuba ball:" When your country has free healthcare but your "hospitals" have more in common with third world prisons than actual medical facilities"

Should do one for FPtP and proportional representation too.

good work comrade I like these

Another spicy one.





Hey did you make the flag part? It looks good.

Why are these idiots lifting weights on their tippy toes?

Any other πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€sourcesπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€?

a valid exercise technique for cardio but utterly retarded for weightlifting

"Barrett and his colleagues have published their results in the journal Atmospheric Environment."

Don't bitch to me about the paywall. That's capitalism for you, fashtrash.

so in otherwords, you haven't even looked at the source yourself

it's almost like you don't even care about whether or not the science is good. this is why the left lost

That's a lot of lip from someone who didn't even manage to read 5 paragraphs and a single sentence.

Where's the legitimate source?

Why are you bitching about me not including a source? Thanks for linking one though comrade

Are you trying to say that air pollution isn't this bad? Are you fucking retarded? There's dozens of other sources that say air pollution is killing millions around the world pollution statistics&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS518US518&oq=air pollution statistics&aqs=chrome.0.69i59l2j0l4.3153j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Like a simple fucking google search will show you statistics that are bonkers

Conservatives hate social security and medicare. They're basically Christian lolbertarians.