Should raping right-wingers (Including men) be allowed under Communism?
I say yes.
Should raping right-wingers (Including men) be allowed under Communism?
I say yes.
Slide thread. Sage and hide.
I'm serious.
No. We do not act like the Japanese Military in World War II and before
what the fuck
speak for yourself
Are u a right winger then?
Nobody cares about your shit thread you text-speaking lobotomite.
This raping only literally breeds discontent.
No, I'm a leftist friend, just a shy
Put a bullet in my skull and be done with it, quick and painless
Lol, no bro.
Actually, though out history, most grunts and people who weren't military commanders were either given the opportunity to change sides, believe it or not.
During the revolution there's nothing that's off limits if it's beneficial, or desired.
Shut up Prickly you liberal shit
You were cool before you put on the trip
No, just Jews that promote Communism, mass immigration and the NWO.
Pol is really butthurt about leftypol creeping up behind them in popularity.
you actually believe this
This is a joke right?
Only during the revolutionary action, but after things(and frontlines) stabilize the red army could do with comfort women(and men) whom could be recruited form ranks of counter-revolutionaries.
People are angry at the system for the right reasons with the wrong actions. It's the reasons themselves that are apparent, and when they realize they've made a mistake, and it's been what, how long now they've lived with this? We have?
You're seeing cracks in the beginning of the already doomed foundation of Capitalism
And if you are any kind of person who hates the way things are, you shouldn't be heralding this as bad, you should be heralding the end of Capitalism with open arms. It is a good thing.
Tankies and Prickly are the worst posters lol
You know, I'm starting to think the brocialist accusations about this place weren't completely falseā¦
Absolutely not. Y'all are fuckin idiots.
I usually don't mind the so-called brocialism. But there's a big leap between saying niggerfaggot every once in a while and advocating for rape.
this is just edgy provocation
we can make women rape men too btw
Everyone is numb to violence and would kill someone they used to post with before and never knew. Shit is sad. Everyone should notice the way this happens, it splits community apart when we need to be about community. We are for community, that doesn't mean no sectarian shitting, it does mean not advocating for breaking the community apart we're trying to free.
Acting like the Axis did, acting like the Americans did, it's all tragic and a black mark in history.
The fact we've become so bitter as to advocate war time rape is just fucking worthless.
This place turned into its own parody since the tankies have found it.
Who is "we"?
seriously, it`s just banter comrade
Rape should be allowed on people who believe rape should be allowed on anyone.
You're autistic
Actions of any kind that are not reasonably apparent to be materially beneficial to the achievement of the goal of a revolutionary situation are prima facie not justified by the revolution.
If you want to be a sick fuck, do it on your own time.
It will be just banter until we reach the critical mass or so I hope. Sexual consent is a spook
You do realize you're Prickly tier
Read Zizek and get unspooked.
Holy violence and all that good stuff that he speaks about. All revolutionary action is justified by the virtue of revolution.
Even if you don't mean it, there's many new users lurking leftypol who'll think you're being serious and will be turned away by it or will embrace it thinking that's what leftism is about.
Either way you're being a disgrace to leftism and shitting on everything we're trying to achieve here.
The two most "Im trying my hardest to be leftist and edgy" things to combine
Misinterpreted Ayn Rand meets the bearded dragon
Not advocating, intentionally overlooking.
I'll ignore it, I want bad things to happen to the rich.
I do too but you are quite literally asking for nobody to ever take collectivism seriously again if you want to repeat the Rape of Nanking. Nobody can take the Japanese Military seriously for over a century now for their continued actions.
This is not how to achieve our goals, and it is not at all part of our own ends.
It is almost cointelpro-tier
Tell that to the red army who liberated 5.5 million German women. There were no consequences for them, since their actions were revolutionary in nature.
No, tell that to the victims of the sacking of Nanking actually. Eat shit.
I remember when leftypol was ranked the 6th most popular board on
What are you talking about.
I think we should thank the JIA for it`s actions since it put forth the conditions in post-war for Mao`s victory.
Mods should ban this faggot tbh.
Seriously, can the mods actually do something about this?
This is one of the few times I feel one or two retards are falseflagging and deserve to be banned.
That should tell you something. Like, this doesn't produce a whole lot of good for those who commit anything similar to the rape of Nanking
Mods could tell that I`m a different poster you faggot.
All it tells me that rape as weapon by fascists leads to failure, but at the hands of liberating army of workers it puts the class enemy at height of their fears and into submission.
World War II was in fact not won because of The Red Army, but its actions helped split the entire nation in fucking half with the help of the newly founded UN.
Stop fucking internalizing violence during warfare as amazing things for everyone.
You sound like an autist
no shit, he's a tankie
80% of German casualties came form the eastern front.
Red army conquered Manchuria in 2 weeks and Korea by end of the war.
I don't really have much of a problem banning a whole bunch of people I don't like, we can get replenishments that aren't spastics from elsewhere and if you evade you may stop being so autistic.
This is me raping you, strategically. Genius right?
And everyone likes communism now because they did that and gave an excuse for Capitalists to use propaganda as a weapon
Are tankies naturally evolved to be perfect at dissemination of cointelpro shit on nature they must be edgy all the time
maybe sage these cucks just saying
We are contrarian to the modern left only for the fact that you betrayed the revolution in 1991 in seeking of bourgeois freedoms for the already free citizenry of Soviet republics.
This is just you getting your feels hurt over differences in philosophical view on virtue of terror.
You sure helped Vietnam and Korea, and everyone fucking else, you dumb shit lazy assholes
Vietnam caused itself to fail by not submitting to Chinese in Vietnamese-sino war. It is quite ironic that later the model for socialism with Chinese characteristics was just a cheap copy form Vietnamese "market socialism".
As for Korea, it turned out as you could expect form political party that threw out the sympathizers of Moscow and Being.
And what's the problem with that? Socialism is socialism. It doesn't magically stop being socialism because you don't have the right positions on gender. As long as you are for all workers of all countries uniting strategically to overthrow the bourgeoisie, then you are a socialist.
. ..and controlling the means of production.*
Good. You try to push your ideology on a chan, then your ideology becomes what shitposters say it is.
Consent IS a spook. That's a fact, and retreating from it just makes you a liberal. I want all fags (not actual homosexuals) to get out. You're wimps.
Socialism needs more brutal people. The lumpenproletariat are the new revolutionary class as capitalism seems destined to turn us all into NEETs.
I think we have a problem when some of us unironically think committing a rape of Nanking-tier event in an already growing sensitive environment to collectivism
Is an idea that should be taken out as soon as possible because of how easy it is to just say, look at Holla Forums, this is how degenerated communists act
It's a propaganda tool. Beyond that, it's generally horse shit to even suggest such a thing
Just because you follow what you believe is Nu-Ayn Rand to cash in on edgy Leftists points since the election is over, doesn't make you not the fucking liberal here. You are the liberal here.
Yes, but who the people are is constantly changing. Just because we get rid of class doesn't mean there aren't criminals who don't get to control the means of production, because they go to jail.
Propaganda shmopaganda. Capitalism can't last forever. It doesn't matter how brutal we are, because they are going to deserve. Trying to get liberals on board because muh human rights is pointless. Capitalism is going to break itself and the workers aren't going to be able to live.
Socialism is about real material conditions not your idealist though manipulation. Fuck off.
I'm not even joking. There will literally be special tribunals for people like you.
Look guys, I'm acting exactly like cointelpro want me to! Isn't this funny and subversive! Hahahahahaha!
Based Stalin and the Bolsheviks were criminals you fucking dolt.
Ayn Rand was the master of consent, because she believed that everything should be done by fucking contract, so this accusation which comes from nowhere and makes no sense, is only projection from you.
Individual rights are garbage. You are the liberal if you continue to believe in rights. Get out. Softness and weakness has no place in a world changing movement.
You call everything that must be done "edgy" so you can retreat from it. I think you'll feel different when the bourgeoisie move into the end game phase.
I'm sorry, i am a communist. I advocate for classes, stateless, moneyless societies.
And you are?
Wrong. The tribunals will be for traitors of the revolution like you. The same traitors who made socialism collapse in the 20th Century.
The firing squads are waiting, wrecker. Join the Holla Forumsyps in the line.
Ah yes, times are indeed too sensitive for leftist recruitment these days that we can`t possibly discuss the freedom of action under the guise of revolutionary terror.
Most people who post here are already leftist. The groundwork for our recruitment rises form unions, political parties and study groups not form some obscure offshoot of 4chan.
I am a communist, I advocate for a classless, stateless, moneyless, international society based on moral nihilism and egoism and not philosophical idealism and deontology.
And you are an idiot who thinks that the morality of the bourgeoisie is going to be dominant under communist society. Fuck off. The end of property means the end of a hell of a lot more. Base > superstructure.
If you think this is projection you really don't understand the term because you've been on the internet too long
You are the liberal feeding into the hands of the right. This isn't Holla Forums, we do not say edgy shit for the fuck of it, we actually have a reputation to keep because they're the ones with the power, and their voting base thinks not so differently from you.
They could witness a rape of nanking tier scenario by our military and bat an eye, apparently so could you, but we do it so it's ok
It isn't. This is classic mentality that gets our shit into trouble.
Shut up and leave or stop being a liberal.
I mean, even if consent is a spook it still keeps me from getting RAEPED so it can't be all that bad.
Neither are good places to recruit people. People come here on their own terms, we do not need fucking "recruitment" to get Holla Forums over here because they're just as liberal as you apparently are
Yes yes, people who do partake in such activities as I mentioned most certainly do not do it in their own terms!
Fuck off. I'm not here to be a welcome mat to people who care more about race and offending people than actual labor and community
Wrong. You're feeding into the hands of liberal ideologists who made socialism loosen its grip because of muh human rights tear down that wall.
Your soft mushy liberal brain literally can't conceive of someone ready for absolute war on the reactionaries can you?
We have to treat them how they'll treat us, or we'll loosen our grip again, and we won't win. Liberal ideas of softness and cuddliness have poisoned socialism and led to it losing the battle in the last century.
We don't even need to worry about people like you, you are too weak to fight for the proletariat with anything more than words.
Nobody is, not even you faggot.
I'm just going to repeat a previous comment because evidently it needs to be repeated.
Nobody is telling you to do such a thing. Freedom to dissent form the general point of view is all that people can humbly ask for.
If we were here to de-platform people, nazbols,tankies and socdems alike would already be gone(not to mention the few unironic marxist feminists here).
The general point of view of anyone actually participating in local communities and labors is the last thing we want is you autistic fags showing up and making this more about immigration issues than it already his
Hold your tongue.
Where do you think that critique of immigration raises form then if not form the local organizational levels of trade unions and your common partymen alike in lower levels of leftist parties?
If you're from Europe, you're against families escaping from poverty in wore torn regions from a middle class perspective, if you're from the United States you're against both that and our local Hispanic labor force that hardly gets what it deserves
Throwing a fucking hissy fit about it on a local level will get you ignored by anyone who knows what they're talking about.
Its a critique that only makes sense of your goal is maintaining a advantageous rate of exploitation through the limitation of the reserve army of labour.
No self respecting socialist's endgame should tinkering with the commodified labor market.
It is more about people not wanting to strain the welfare state to further extends and wanting to defend the rights of labor that were already achieved with unions to immigration that is willing to work under worse conditions undermining the work of centuries form perspective of unions.
That local level does represent a wast majority of the working class and membership of most leftist parties. I would not hold myself to so above form working class as you seem to. Even the slightest hint of elitism just puts you at best into labor aristocracy, at worst into champagne socialist league.
It is also a critique that holds an important role if your goal is building socialist agitation on national level. I honestly don`t see how working against the working class by siding with capitalists for free movement of labor helps our cause, this is freedom to work -tier idiocy.
Nobody is actively doing that, its states limiting it further and further and blaming it on whatever cost cutting choices. Immigrants, war time, budgeting etc.
You're naive, that's not how it works
Want to hear something funny? This is me saying this, me with the trip and the feminist flag alright.
Identity politics is not important to critique.
Jesus Christ. Are you some kind of shill. These are problems caused by capitalism. The solution posed by socialists is not to react to capitalism - it is to end it.
Trans Commies trying to outdo the Trans Nazis.
And this is done best by alienating people on national level or by siding with them in populist manner?
No, I`m just a member of certain trade union that whom members have lost lot of work and their current contracts to foreign corporations operating in Estonia for 1/3rd of the cost.
In terms of real costs to welfare the largest strain currently is elderly, immigrants are close second in percentage due to their slower nearly 2 generations demanding integration progress.
We don't need to cut costs to the fucking elderly and dying while not cutting defense, and your defense of it is heinous
Not only is this flagrantly false information, and naturalized citizens hold more strain, but it's also fucking heinous you try to use the law to bludgeon immigrant workers who've done more labor than you for their own job you won't necessarily do.
so this is what happens when you get to 20 without ever having sex
being a virgin is counter-revolutionary. who's going to take you seriously when you're talking about the back and forth of dialectics when you've never sexually dialected anyone (or animal)?
I was serious about banning virgins from owning guns. you people are fucking insane when you're horny
I don`t argue that they don`t work more or less, but statistically they are over-represented in the unemployment figures of my country. Not to mention that they are driving wages down my inflating the work reserve army even further, only befitting the capitalists.
I could give less of a shit about the unemployed either. Judge people on the standards of those you associate with. Not a lot of people here are employed either for a variety of reasons unrelated to the bullshit identity politics you're pushing as leftism
How predictable. The tripfag feminist is perfectly fine with all the talk about taking Poky to the guillotine, but she gets all self-righteous when tankies start making rape jokes.
I could agree more with your point, but it comes down to inflation of the labor reserve army vs. deflation of it. Deflation is definitely the better option in my mind, since it leads to more negation power for the unions and into more concrete demands of the labor.
Most cultures have a standard of honor about the sort of thing that you middle class fucks did to people you came from
Working without the system and actually helping instead of offering liberal reformations is better.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Your entire argument only makes sense if you preclude the possibility of changing the mode of production under which the workers labor. Which is literally the one thing socialist advocate.
Your sexual frustrations are showing OP
You think that more power in hands of workers would lead to reformism? Don`t kid yourself, history has shown that demands only lead to further demands. Good example of this is how for example in Germany workers represent half of the corporations management. That progress will only accelerate and lead ultimately into transfer of power to the hands of the workers form control of the shareholders.
No it does not. This will lead into progress whereby the transfer of power becomes necessary for market to keep conducting itself. Read the post addressed to anfem above.
If it was good enough for Beria, it's good enough for me 2bh
It really depends on what country you live in, but in my mind reforming it to fuck over the victims of our wars even harder is something to be avoided
What a dick.
Most of the refugees come form already fairly well off background, since those who happen to live in absolute poverty have no means of getting into countries that happen to accept them. If you take the doctors and skilled labor away form these war torn countries you are only going to inflate their internal strife for decades to come even after the wars will come to closure.
Yes, they are victims of their conditions but meager charity and moreover the long term destabilization of their countries of origin is not going to help anyone nor is the correct solution.
So we just let no victims of war come in? What about illegal immigrants from wars who are in poverty? Fuck them too right?
yah i kekked hard
Good job saging correctly
I fucking knew it. Get wrecked, reformist scum .
We need to help them in their countries of origin and stabilize those regions for the future by aiming our humanitarian efforts at local level. Otherwise we are just going to fuck their labor market in the future and put ourselves in worse predicament on long term. I think that one of the ways we could help the people in Iraq for example would be to get rid off farming substitutes and by helping their educational systems to get back on their feet.
Markets are not the source of capitalism, since they have existed since the dawn of surplus production. The question becomes how can we effectively collectivize that surplus value.
virginity is a spoog :DD
outdated joke and often incorrectly used philosophy man
Favorite one of the philosophies.
That's not going to happen.
Then we should absolutely not partake in the grotesge act of destabilizing their countries even further by accepting the immigration. Charity only sustains the system and keeps insurrection ever further away.
So we let mothers be victims of war crime terrorists we've spawned while their sons have no choice but to join the army that's raping their mother at gunpoint
I mean, it would be destabilizing if they asked "help get me the fuck out of here", and just said yes to such an absurd request
Honestly I don't see the point. The problem is property. Once we take their private property they're fine 2bh.
If we are going to help only those 10% of refugees who can afford to get into Europe with human smugglers help, were are not helping no other than the petit-bourgeois of those countries to escape their conditions meanwhile the social burden of the war falls to the working class.
raping the Germans into submitting to state capitalism is not revolutionary. Y'all are the counterrevolution
What about those who can't who died drowning
Is money the matter with war if it's them? What about the money we enjoy from the war? I mean who's fucking them more here them or us?
No it isnt. Im 21 and I've not gone mad. Well, mostly
Criminals whom are only interested in how much they can get out of their customers rarely care about their lives.
Money is not the matter but those those men who escape those conditions do not just betray their families, but also their communities as whole. Instead of picking up the assault rifle to change their conditions, they betray everything in their respective communities.
These people are not simply cowards and traitors but the very embodiment of the capitalist class who holds no nation as their home who cares not for their communities or the benefit of their society that they are part of.
nahhhhhh. I'm pretty /r9k/ but I still find this fucking disgusting. The problem is people here get so caught up in their "lol spoogs XD" and trying to out-edge Holla Forums that they forget that this sort of behavior is not only reprehensible but would only piss people off and weaken the movement irl.
Like you would do?
LARPing teenagers don't care.
They have been blessed with the revolutionary conditions, yet they refuse to partake in them. I would do that if war ever hit my country, assuming that as member of reserve forces I could avoid the initial fighting.
Besides, in peace times it is more useful that I keep raising the class awareness by being a communist who happens to also be member of trade union. I can benefit the cause by simply partaking in institutions that are mostly controlled by socdems and attempting to radicalize them.
I dunno. It seems like at least some people here are serious. Spreading these sorts of ideas will mean disaster if revolution comes. And honestly even if it were a joke I just don't see the humor in it.
War is a blessing now?
Ok then.
You would die. Nothing changed.
I don't see the problem with this. If somebody believes in an ideology that encourages rape, why not punish them with what they try to sell to us? AKA Let's hang them with the ropes they sell us.
Because nobody has even gone on a rape on such a scale since world war II and seeing that now would dissuade perhaps even multiple generations of people from what we want.
Plus, it's still bad, even if we do it.
It's cointelpro nonsense
War is a blessing for revolutionary action.History of communist movements proves this form October Revolution to the YPG.
Rape to avenge rape? What if they rape you back to avenge the rape that avenged the initial rape?
Guess what? Cold War happened, it's over now. The West funds these people, and funded them before, it funds the people who fund them.
You are killing a few of your friends forced to join, for what? Anger?
Convince them for revolution you get thrown into a vat of acid alive and melted, all the while your mother has to hear that happened to her son while she's a sex slave.
And there is no fighting these people, if they are backed by us. They know this.
So what do we do? Deny them entry because Capitalism which created their terrifying conditions, make ours relatively uncomfortable because some bureaucrat who signed off on welfare cuts is ruining the vibe?
We must dare to be great.
Well you would probably be your own victim in that case.
There is such thing as independent self organization without being influenced by west. You know, the sort of thing that made 1917 possible.
Can't rape the willing.
Alright, I think there's been quite enough of this autism.
All threads on rape and consent are now going to be saged for off topic.
Observe how this faggot forget to take off his shitposting flag.
Prickly, I'm legit going to kick your neck in.
Hate sex~
sexual consent is a spook.