US gov. going full 1984 over "foreign influence"

How can they get away with this Russian hackers idiocy out of fucking nowhere?

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Does America fall apart if it's people are not constantly made to fear one manufactured enemy or another?

Our economy is literally built on it, so no, not really.

I thought this was very bemusing

It's amazing how much Russophobia and fear of Slavs is tied up with anti-communism.

You might have a point.

Russia has wanted a good relationship with the US since 1991 and the US has told it to fuck off repeatedly.
Now they're upset that Russia asserts itself to say fuck you too?
The USA is a devious hypocrite nation, just like its little British poodle.


So glad Britain will be a third world country in 20 years time.


Asshurt RT shill

Stay deluded and keep LARPing.
It only hastens your downfall.
And you can't say you didn't have it coming.

How much does Putin pay per post?

How much have you read about Russian history post 1991? You don't even know why you're against Russia, you just know you are. Just because.

why? stop falling for nationalist bullshit


Why? Because they're the most class cucked country in the western world, have no industrial base, don't invest in training or infrastucture outside of London (which the rest of the country hates), relies on importation of foreign labour (which the country hates) because they're too stupid to train their own people (or their own people are too stupid and lazy to learn), have built their entire economy on investment banking which is dead for the next 50 years at least, its commercial bankers want to move to the continent, the only public figure with any respect (the Queen) will be dead in 20 years, no one can afford to buy a house because the government garanteed (sp) the banks that they won't let house prices drop, they can't even build their own nuclear power stations ffs - they get the French and Chinese to do it for them and get ripped off but are too scared to say no, just like Google ripped them off.
A weak nation, cowards throughout history who have only relied on their treacherous and exploitative nature to survive.
So so good to see them die by their own sword.


liberals on twitter have literally turned themselves into cartoonish cold warriors who blame everything on russia, some are even unable to realise that the russian federation and the union of soviet socialist republics are completely different states and are calling this, I shit you not, "communist influence".


Yeah sure, keep telling yourself you can keep the charade going. Keep tellling yourself your country isn't critically fucked. Keep telling yourself corbyn is going to win.

Butthurt :^)
If that was true then king Arthur would rise from the dead to save us.

I've read more about Russian history than you're being paid per post. :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

Why do you hate british workers so much user?

Because they passionately support their despicable establishment.
So they won't elect Corbyn in a million years, and he's too good for them anyway.

literally no, read about their history, all the way from the colonial era they produce a boogeyman to go after so the elite can consolidate power.

No, it becomes greater than it ever was before because capitalism falls apart and the second phase of the American revolution can commence

come on man,we are fucked here in Britain.The working class are way too fucking reactionary to support corbyn or any vaguely left government.

yeah alright m8 I know things are shit here but you don't need to hate us


pretty much

British, Native Americans, Mexicans, Spanish, Filipinos, Germans, Russians, Afghans, Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians….

the USA has been at war for 223/239 years of its existence

pls be true

You can't as a nation shit on everyone elses doorstep and not expect to be hated.


pretty sure that was a rhetorical question

Yet cappies keep saying their system frees the people

Blame the elite not the workers


it's cronyism :^)


Saw this shit on twitter LMFAO


And how do we fight this? I know people here in Brazil parroting the "dude russian hackers aleppo trump is an agent" narrative 24/7 and thinking they're well-informed on world affairs. The american propaganda machine is very powerful.

Brazilanon here too. Sometimes I think the only reason our completely owned and pozzed media isn't as powerful as the American one, is the flat out shamelessness and consciousness that they can get away with anything.

The American MSM come up with Russian hackers, Iraqi WMDs, evil Assad things out of thin air. I mean the media here still believe that if they made up like that people would think them as conspiracy theorists.

No need to fight it lads, it's self destructing.
More and more people are seeing through the US MSM's dishonesty.
The more they push this Russian hacker story with ZERO proof the more people start to doubt the whole thing and the more credibility the MSM loses.
It means when they want to push their agenda in future fewer people will fall for it.
Boy who cried wolf.


the Leftist's oldest form of delusion.


This shit is just fucking embarrassing. Craig Murray already explained a while ago that the CIA have and jack and shit for evidence, and that there wasn't even any fucking hacking involved at the origin. Somebody on the inside was so disgusted by the dems that they leaked the emails to Assange. Leaked, as in, fucking leaked and not hacked.

"As Julian Assange has made crystal clear, the leaks did not come from the Russians. As I have explained countless times, they are not hacks, they are insider leaks – there is a major difference between the two."

Chris Hedges did a nice piece on the new McCarthyism several days ago.

The shill gambit has no place here. It's fundamentally dishonest and frankly Holla Forums tier.

Liberals have always been warmongers. A good portion of neo conservatives were ex trots who were won over to liberalism and basically created liberal internationalism as we know.

What's surprising to me is that the few principled leftists on leftypol are surprised that liberals are warmongers. Universalist, quasi religious ideologies are always going to find it difficult to impossible to coexist with different systems, peoples, forms of government from their own.

Look at the autistic way America and the West interacts with China. Or Russia. Or any illiberal state. In the liberal mindset illiberal opinions are simply a "does not compute" situation.

Are they implying someone who's net worth is somewhere around 4-5 billion is a communist?


Conflicting interest of governments seem to be the foremost reason that they have a hard time co-existing not their form of government. The modern left is nothing like the left from 50 years ago.

in america a hammer and sikle is used to say "bad shit".

You don't understand. Liberals do not see what they believe in as ideology. They just think it is the default worldview of all of humanity and that anyone who thinks differently is either delusional, blinkered and or simply on their way to becoming a lib eventually. It's not just your garden variety lib who believes this. It's the elites too now. They really do believe that at some indeterminate point in future, everyone from the gulf to China will be good little liberal Democrat gay right activists.


Leftypol's just figuring this out now? wtf?