
Okay so considering that we have threads about both Jimmy dore and Chapo trap house quite frequently. I was curious what other lefty youtube channels/podcasts does leftypol watch and follow besides them

Other urls found in this thread:


Is Nick /our guy/?


Nick Mullen from Cum Town.

Idea: Put all the E-celeb/youtube shit in one thread for you fags to circlejerk about on your own. Celebrity/Idol culture a shit, and usually as much productive/useful/interesting as any of mass media consumption, which is not much at all


Don't know if anyone outside england listens to this but it's pretty good imo


Ah cum town is something I've heard of but haven't had the time to listen too

What about them is worth listening to


the thing about fully charged capacitors is kinda pissing me off.

Why not use ceramic?
Why are your electronics touching the case in the first place?

We should make a pasta or an infographic explaining all of Holla Forums's favorite shows.

There is only you
All of Holla Forums is a personalized network of shitposting bots. No humans post here

they were never any good to begin with.

i can feel how great 2017 is gonna be. Kek wills it.

Shenorkaluchun takavor Haik

Imagine being as lonely as OP and replying to your own thread in anger

I like how this is news and not the 10,000 people who were openly talking about assassinating Trump on twatter



Hello Mr. Patton.

Tried it. You probably won't convert her, but you'll probably bully the hell out of her.

sad bump

Oh yeah, Nick is definitely /our guy/

feels bro