Will relationships under Communism be better or worse than those under Capitalism?
Will relationships under Communism be better or worse than those under Capitalism?
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I don't understand what that image is trying to say.
Slightly more attractive than the rest of her friends?
Perhaps it's making a joke about how women pretending they are the only ones in the photo?
I got nothing else.
w-what relationships
Mods delete this thread before no gf nazi sees it
This topic is too emotionally charged for people here to discuss without going full r9k. Better off just discussing economics
Probably worse for men, ideally with patriarchy gone they won't be able to get away with as much bullshit.
I guess it's a comment on how bourgy people think their fashion is so unique to them when really they look quite plain to someone with class consciousness.
or it's some woman hater garbage. i like to give people the benefit of the doubt.
you forgot your anfem flag
They already are objectively worse for men you fucking cunt.
With patriarchy gone, most men will be objectively better off.
The patriarch–i.e. Agamemnon, Negan, Chad, too many Lynch characters to name–is a gigantic asshole who makes life Hell for everyone else so that he can live out his Fantasy.
Try telling spiders that.
it's Holidays, so It was a slef-concieted snide remark on bourgeois construction of relationships.
your perspective completes the image because it functions with the implicit idea of individuated character vs. actual being (sam hye( being portrayed in an object - its actually a parody of some really shit Holla Forums post i saw where the innocent lies of women trying to hide their figure are dramatically exposed next to teach other.
if you think about it, they're from one and the same image. it would be clearer if i just used to completely unrelated photos.
And women.
Women are not willing to see potential threats like men.
And we're about to enter SPACE
This is impossible.
What's funny is a race of sentient spiders wouldn't have as many gender problems as we have. Female spiders have insane control over their reproduction and eggs don't have the same problems is carrying a baby for 9 months. They'd be pretty easy to incubate with some modern technology.
under communism all males will be traps
I can't wait for it.
Traps are gay, and homosexuals are expression of bourgeois decadency. Therefor all males expect for the select few to fuel sperm banks will be sent to gulags.
Traps are the most reactionary form of heterosexuality around.
read Marx, larper. it's about property, not what you put your dick in
Pls no
Can't I just get a catgirl gf
shhhh, your spooking the children
I've always wanted a spider gf.
Why is leftypol so full of degenerate and/or r9k-tier ressentiment autists?
Much worse I think, at least now I can get a literal 10 to gag on my cock by going on Backpage and saving up $400.
Abolition of capitalism will eliminate what little leverage less attractive but somewhat higher earning men have.
are you fat? Improve your appearance my man
also hookers do not constitute relationships
I think the OP image is supposed to be a comment on the cheerleader affect
My friend's face was destroyed in an autoaccident and even he is able to pull in honies.
I don't think the problem is exclusively being "less attractive."
They can substitute for them.
You should not talk about subjects you hold no experience in.
Better. With more time to spend together and plentiful resources, relationships will no longer be damaged by lack of time and resources. So instead of having to wait to the weekend to do something with your gf and having that fuck up because unforseen expense or pulling an extra shift comes up you'll be able to do shit you like doing when you want without worrying about that.
The only relationships that will be negatively affected are those based on material, like gold diggers and shit. So rich dudes and women will now have to be interesting and attractive instead of just rich. Which I see no problem with, read to be interesting and lift to look good niggqs.
well if chomsky said it then
what makes a penis feminine
honestly there's no way that this can resolve itself, usually people just learn from their mistakes and stop trying or caring, but the internet is physically incapable of admitting its ever wrong about anything and this potent mix is just going to create an environment for complete nut jobs to manifest themselves in everyday future life.
Nice. There's some relationship problems in Capitalism we wouldn't have if say, the United States actually had a functional mental health care system not gutted by Reagan.
I looked up the origin of the meme. NSFW obviously.
Hi. Ex 4/r9k/ robot here. I'm fully aware that OP's post may or may not be bait, but I certainly know yours is, but I'm still compelled to ask you this: don't you think it's a little ironic that you say >Why is leftypol so full of degenerate and/or r9k-tier ressentiment autists? when there is currently clearly a great deal of overlap between /r9k/'s culture/lingo and Holla Forums's?
I mean for fucks sake back when I used to be a robot I've seen threads where guys were actually trying to argue about how "muh BBC" myth is, in fact, truth and, from the way Holla Forums acts when it comes to "muh white wimyn X black guy" rants they seem to think the same way
…It's almost as if they are the same…
It took capitalism a looooong time to accept my relationship as valid.
Then capitalism found out, that we are a better demographics than radical evangelicals.
So it's this kind of ambivalence, you know.
studies comparing east berlin vs west berlin found that women in east berlin had more sexual satisfaction
What do you mean we won't get away with as much bullshit? The only man in a relationship that get away with bullshit it's because the woman is an idiot and tolerates the bullshit to begin with.
I don't pity women that are spanked by their male companions, because most likely the signs were always there, but women always want the most retarded mens.
The mental healthcare in USA was fucked much before Regan:
There's nothing feminine about a penis.
A trap is a trap.
this is l i t e r a l victim blaming.
haha this board really is full of dumb pol refugees