Can you be white and be a pan-african?
White Pan african
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Africa is a plot of land, not a skin color.
OP here i want a black person to answer not a cumskin
Guys can be feminists so yes.
Pan-Africanism is stupid
Any black comrades have an answer for op?
You're stupid
Sex and race are not equivalent
ur mom isnt equivalent
Regale me then
What do Moroccan Muslims and Angolan Catholics have in common?
so by this logic you can defend pan-african ideas
Then why did you use the word "African?"
Because its called Pan-African(ism) ? retard
Second most retarded ideology below Pan-Arabism
Why is Pan-African(ism) supposed to be black?
I mean why not? There are white Africans in South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe. The Seychelles is technically an African country and many of its inhabitants are white/mixed. Some North Africans like the Kyble people in North Africa would definitely pass for white, so I don't know why you couldn't be a white panafrican.
Pan-Africanism including that flag is made up by African-Americans. Real africans dont even know about it and most dont care
Don't know why it matters to (you), but black comrade™ reporting, though I've never even been to Africa, which might be more important. In obvious news, the answer is yes, you can be. The only way Pan-Africanism would make any sense is if it were some kind of economic region focused around developing the African economy away from its continued role as a resource mine for more developed countries, but it'd still be kind of retarded
You're right, Sex is real and Race isn't.
Makes as much sense as calling yourself kurdish nationalist while never being in Kurdistan.
There are white africans in africa.
Have you ever wondered why most Pan-Africanists seem to be American?
It's because TWism is peak liberalism and reactionary idpol.
Some Berbers sort of look "white" so I suppose.
OFC my nigga, retardation is not racist it knows no color, you can be a retard 2 just like them.
don't Africans and African-Americans hate each other?
Yes, but you really should be Pan-European and supported of EU also.
Sure. Dunno why you'd want to be though, and I'm sure no one in Africa would care.
half-southern amerifat here
yeah a bunch of tribes sold other africans into slavery and as you can imagine a few people are understandably pissed.
What about African-american imperialism in Africa with Liberia?
Of coursh
You just have to support complete genocide of the native animal life, namely niggers.
There is no such thing as white Africans. If you are white, you are not African, period.
There is no such thing as a black Humans. If you are black, you are not Human, period.
Gaddafi was
>>>Holla Forums
They are exploited by the same oppressors
It's you who should go back to Holla Forums with your idpol views of race being a social construct.
Black Nationalism is Intersectional so anyone can be apart of the struggle. Anyone have that Fred Hampton Webm?
Screw him. I take White Allies over Black Traitors any day.
Really makes you think. A true black nationalist should want to kill all whites in my opinion, it's only rational to want to reduce evolutionary competition. Let the best race win m'niggers.
Hey some of them just want to send them all back to africa. Historically was a much more common position too. Its why you had shit like Malcolm X meeting with the KKK: they were in completely agreement on everything except where exactly the separate black nation would be (that is, within former united states territory or over in africa.)
The "African race" is a spook anyway.
I love this meme.
I love this meme
The problem with some strands of pan-africanism is that it invents a historiographical mythology that is just untrue, whats the obsession with of Beethoven being black or Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs?
Every famous person in history up until 200 years ago was black. All of Europe was completely black. Then whitey came from space in spaceships and enslaved us and changed history. I know it true my grandpa told me. You won't fool me cumskin.
Fuck it, why not? As long as you're not trying to fuck over other Africans the more the merrier.
Qaddafi is like an Arab-ish right?
I see it as fine but Pan-Africanism is retarded to me. Africa is perhaps the most diverse continent. You can't see everyone there as one people. An economic union is fine, but other than that, no.
Is African Union any good, pan-Africanists?
Wasn't he a Berber or a Tareq or something like that? I am pretty sue he wasn't an Arab.