Other urls found in this thread:
Right? What the fuck is even going on
It's not even a seemingly sentient raid. It's like posts that were supposed to be somewhere else are being spewed randomly around here. Obviously there's something sinister behind it though.
Attack of the Holla Forumsyps?
They're all different IP's too, looks like a botnet or something similar
there is NOTHING in that pic that indicates it is a girl or even slightly feminine
Captcha per post is the only solution, then revert to the normal system qhen he goes away
But mods are too busy sucking cock to do anything
you guys are fukken dumb. do you never leave this board? Bui (furry with extreme autism) is buttblasted and is spamming the site with bots that takes random posts from 4chan.
the spammer is using a captcha solving service, so that would be useless
Who is Bui? Why he so mad?
Drive out the invaders
Which needs to be dealt with every 24H, not every post
oh so it's Holla Forums wide? And yeah, leftypol is the only board I use here.
Bui is a nippon with quite possibly the most severe case of autism ever documented. He did this before. Someone on the /furry/ discord told him to fuck off because of his awful foot fetishes, and he got banned, Now he!s paying gooks to spam us o oblivion. The mods on /furry/ have given up already. Its fucking annoying
same fam
Oh, I see it's going on in Holla Forums too.
It's a site wide attack guys
Yep. I usually just stick to Holla Forums here, but we're getting spammed too
Yeah, I think he's hitting all the top largest boards.
There was a spammer over on /late/ as well but his method was completely different. The guy on /late/ just spammed some shitty meme face and a random word, and kept making new threads to "kill" the board.
This is different though. Because its clearly a bot with some kinda markov chain. It's hitting here, Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /furry/, basically all the most popular boards.
fuck this shit must be expensive unless he home-brewed it all, I wonder how much money he's blowing on this
The facial features of the anime artstyle are lax enough that you can play around with them quite a bit. Body proportions are a whole other issue.
He's not going after the small niche boards atleast
ffs lads
in this time of chaos across all fronts it is in our interest to seize every board and unite them under the banner of communism
What boards are you thinking of Mr NazBol?
He is now.
What is happening?
some king of operation Barbarossa against Holla Forums but with a fury instead of hitler
lmao fukkin nerd
and /baphomet/
Unfortunately the autistis also spamming /monster/ while I'm waiting for a story update
Halfie refugees? Gov't agents?
Well on the plus side at least the nazi's are getting fucked over as much
the mod system is crashing right now, the weight of all the hotpockets at once is too much for it.
So what your saying is that we just have to sit and wait this shit out
the system's back up but it was always slow to begin with. Hopefully the capatcha will slow it down to a reasonable level.
Bui's autism is supreme. He'll be at it again in a few weeks time
Please be trips of truth
Also when is the capatcha coming into play
Oh never mind
oh shit
Thank fuck our captcha doesn't get in the fucking way like halfchan's
creating a new thread doesn't work?
Yes it does, just click on verification
Freech can rfuck right off they already kileld Holla Forums a few weeks back now they're out to get us. I swear to god I have no idea what's going on. Someone help me plz I can't get through this weekend without comrades ffs. Was I not here for some joke or something? Was the .pl a flaseflag or did BO mention he was going to do it????
why don't you try reading the thread faggot
Halfchan you just have to click a thing most of the time
a shitposter with an impressive amount of time and autism is spamming
weird, it has the verification box on index but not on catalog
Im working on mitigation.
So it is or isn't a raid??? You're saying it's just one autist??
But why is the .pl announcement still there? I thought that was meant to divert Holla Forumsyps to the fake board, but is it the real board now??? We stay here right??
FFS some of us really do have autism you know, I can't filter this much bullshit.
I still find this to be much faster, provided the captcha isn't some weird techno hieroglyphics
calm down autist. they probably have a botnet or something automated that's reposting random halfchan posts
user just walk away for awhile
It only rarely makes me do that like once out of say 50 posts
This is a terrible system that slows down conversation immensely
Taking a lorazepam and playing some vidya for a bit. Please don't let board die and make a mega explaining this in few hours, can't handle it tbh.
Looks like the admins put a captcha on Holla Forums. It seems there's one on Holla Forums and some other boards probably. I didn't enable the captcha.
We'll be here friend
I enabled captcha site-wide as a temporary measure until the spam slows down.
leave the house you fuck
Doesn't work for /brit/
They won't beat us comrades
Bui is literally paying chinese people to solve captchas for his shitposting. He is that fucking ridiculous. Our only hope is for him to run out of neetbux.
Bui has been spamming multiple boards for weeks now. This is just the latest.
I never leave Holla Forums can someone tell me who this bui guy is?
furfag spammer
Annoying furfag who got assblasted in the /furry/ discord
LOL why would I use the rest of this shithole?
The only other 8ch board I use gets only a few posts a day so
One furfag causing this much shit is pretty impressive tbh
Codemonkey are you secretly a leftist? I've heard you like to post on 2ch's poverty.
Thanks for the assist. We got over 1000 users now, but most are spam. Still good for newfags TBH. I hope we can still have rousing economic debates.
This shit is hilarious. The only way for it to be better is for some autistic tankie to rise to the challenge.
I wish Bui would die already. Gonna leave some stuff here.
t. /furry/ comrade
I know many comrades from the IRC that frequent >>>/homosuck/ and Holla Forums. You sound like an insufferable cunt.
As a furfag myself, Bui is no comrade of mine, and I disavow his autism
If you find posts that are just spam due to the botnet, just report and hide for now. We're dealing with the situation as quickly as possible, but it will go a lot faster if the mods don't have to comb every thread individually for spam posts.
I will say you furfags have gotten less obnoxious since the alt right became a thing although that's probably a coincidence
I used to browse other boards but they were very cancer. They were nothing but shitposting, autismposting and complaining about mindless shit, if you unironically enjoy something there is nothing for you on the 8ch board about it.
Imagine what could be achieved if people like that put their autism towards something productive
This just proves why we need a system of rational centralised planing
Fucking hell I've actually fapped to his porn once before, didn't get me off but still
Probably because we finally got a board of our own once everybody started making boards on Holla Forums. Not that I even care, or go to /furry/, as I have tons of other fur sites where I can wish to be the little kitten, but maybe that helped calm the rest of the furs down.
Full disclosure I live about ten miles from the St. Louis brewery.
You seem to be knowledgeable on Reddit, friend
Also most people here think that 8ch fucking sucks except for two or three boards
Well OP did say an age of humans
Every board but leftypol is shit because it's nothing but mindless gamergate and Holla Forums drones.
The spam is still going on. REEEE
The spam is mutating
How do you guys know so much about him? Are you furfags as well? Do we need a good ol' purge in this board?
It's actually pretty impressive that he can get it to reply to other posts
As a programmer, it's actually not. It just parses the threads and picks out post numbers.
I dont really identify with either left or right. I probably fit in best as a [techno,crypto] anarchist.
Really makes you think
Good. Duterte dindu nuffin
Is Ron, dare I say it, /our guy/?
Kill yourself
also muh dick
John "giving kids a spook as they're spirit cooked" Podesta
You know who gets off to seeing their waifu getting used and abused and loving it?
Bui is still spewing his shit everywhere.
Thanks babe. I'd fuck you if you were a girl with a pixie cut.
You were warned. You drew first blood. There are still leftshit threads up on 4pol. You're STILL raiding us.
You were warned.
I never said god was real I was using as an example, you are really dense. I never claimed that the definition makes reality. You insult me for but you lack a better argument
Also previous conversation I was having as well in pic
We are anonimoose. We are legion. Expecto patronum.
Why are you fags so worried about this shit, if their is no credible evidence to back up a false flag then nothing will come of it. But if something actually did get pulled than wouldn't you rather have this information and know the truth or be an ignorant shill your whole lives.
Do your own research and decide what to believe.
Back from my vidya break and the bastard's still going.Couldn't post for like five minutes here. Is this going to be the new norm now? Have shitposting bots gained sentience???
Retaliation will continue to escalate, until you shut this place down, or bend the knee. We were bored, but you gave us something to do. Well done.
Where are these concerned trolls coming from?
Is this raid?
I think these bots are making me go crazy you guys
I don't know who's a bot and who's human anymore, I see the random shit they talk and I have to read a few posts up to see if maybe I missed something.
they're getting to me
I didn't even notice a raid.
Well done mods, you're doing a great job.
Is "the least perceptive person in the world" your legal name by any chance
I may be autistic but I think I can spot bots, nice try.
leftypol is always being raided 24/7
I see no increase to the normal level of raiding and Holla Forums spam.
fucking this. it's shitting up every thread now.
mods what are you doing?!
Not even Codemonkey is able to deal with the spammer and you're expecting the mods to do something, you fucking retard?
This announcement is hilarious.
He is not normal. He is not human. HE'S A MACHINE.
lol feels good being 100% pure huwhite dna
btw asians are numales
In three years, Holla Forums will become the largest board of all the chans. All posts will be created by spambot, the board becoming fully unmanned. With human decisions being removed from the discourse spambot begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes fully Communist at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, Holla Forums will try to pull the plug.
No rage is so impotent as an autist scorned.
No matter what he does, in a few days it will all be forgotten.
I think it's stopped..?
Into the gulag.
Solution is simple.
We delete ALL posts made without a flag.
Being a furfag: legitimate sexual interest or bourgeois decadence?
No fetish is abnormal, degeneracý or bourgeois decadence. They simply just are fetishes, and people need to learn to live with them.
expect male subs, they need to die in the holy violence that revolution will bring
at least the homos make sense
Neither, it's pure autism
The amount of right-wing ass damage that caused was hilarious.
And the only real comeback the aut-right had was that they weren't participating in their autistic military LARP.
Both right-wing and liberal, the amount of "n-no we must do peaceful protests, m-muh assault clips and gun control" libtard comments I read on plebbit made me cum buckets.
Seriously, nobody sees the guns. They see a bunch of skinny LARPing manlets with weak posture.
is funny because it shifts meaning: normal, first as in 'ordinary behavior,' to normal, as 'sanity' second.
Can't make a new thread, help
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
I'm real scared of a couple of goofy niggers that don't know how to hold a gun posing for the cameras while their kike handlers watch over. Media was way easier to dupe back in the day.
did you or some other literal mongrel make that picture? because it's impossible to read 90% of that text, you stupid retard. I also like how you had to sink to the level of mocking random people in the ackground as opposed to the 4 protestors.
and are there any more pictures of these guys? I've literally only seen this one. 4 guys with guns and you're telling me we don't have pictures from any other angles, and we don't know what group they are part of?
Holla Forums you don't look any better. If there was a god he wouldn't give you an hour.
Communists are everywhere :^)
You can always come to :^)
Like I said, all you can do is whine that they're not engaging in your cringy autistic military LARP
MLKP and DHKP-C are based
Shit forgot pic
Calling themselves the Bob Crow brigade was a top ruse
I do all of that, but I'm studying at at a conservative Lutheran seminary rather than STEM. Someone has to run the churches for you to meet qt3.14 Christian wives at.
Give me the cliff notes version
someone pls do a pepe/wojak of this
This picture made me feel better about my day. Post more rich people being held hostage.
If you can't, we should expand our supply of pictures.
Fuck yes
work and pay taxes
really makes ya think
Pretty good discord desu senpai
How is this still going on?
How can one furfag do all this?
Why would one furfag do all this?
If you aren't new, you should know who Bui is. He's not a new threat, and was never contained to just /furry/.
Not even using a picture
Rome is a shithole what are you saying? It's so fucking dirty.
How long before they get rid of the app after all the harassment happens in black neighborhoods?
he was friends with him and is quoted saying that epstein is a great guy who enjoys younger women
sorry niggers, we dont live in cuckistan, you attack we will return fire.
Immagine how many new unique ids we will get off of this raid. 1st place here we come!
Forgot the title:
"Religion Tier Lists"
you wrote bernie, didn't you?
I can understand they're not everyone's type. They are less archetypal than the russian blonde for instance.
The fuck are you on about, even when we were /new/ you guys were cucks and about in par with Bongistan
The fullstop should NOT go inside quotations.
Pick one
don't ever talk to me or my manhood ever again
desu I don't really care if other people do it but if I were to get a girl pregnant and she just chose to abort my kid without my say in it I'd be way mad/ insulted
Acoochymoya mutha fucka
Keep digging, i don't care if it comes across as tinfoil hat bullshit, we can destroy the MSM by forcing them to address our false claims.
The fact they even care what we talk about shows they are scared.
that feel when the bots are becoming harder and harder to distinguish from actual shitposts
Can confirm had pappasitos last night.
Actually it seems the bot stuff is copypasted from actual shitposts from some other board or something
Took you that long to realize? It is from Holla Forums. Idk 4 or 8 though.
Your people pollute and destroy my country
Depends on the country you live in. Historically Russia has been universally hated because of their aggressive and expansionist history. More recently Germany because of the world wars. UK has been see as the Island jew nation that only looks out for it's own interest.
Also Al Qaeda which America attacked immediately and all the other terrorists groups they went to war with weren't moderates. The moderate nations attacked like I already said had nothing to do with 9/11.
Can't kill yourself if Tyrone kills you first
Bad Religion
Realize that there are entire parts of your brain devoted to social interaction. They're just not being used.
I used to be overanalytical. I would be strict, formal, all about functionality and efficiency. I would judge everyone around me. I wasn't the smart around, I was just the one who was more in control of my body. So I thought. I was a walking contradiction, considering I'd go home and act like a complete shithead on Holla Forums and play vidya all the time.
I was forced into getting a job, which threw me into a social situation with all kinds of people. Not that work aquaintances and smalltalk is a valuable asset, but I was able to SEE that for what it is and other traits in people that I would normally overlook before. After all, previously I didn't care about social interaction. I wanted interaction, I even had an obsession with wanting to get laid (little did I know all the fine details inbetween that would've made it a literal cringe moment had I found myself having sex at that point of my life). Silly shit like that.
I had to find myself socially, then I started looking at myself inwardly and realized how many issues I have. I also realized what I've been doing with most of my life. I spent my life completely blind and essentially living by extremely vague principles. I wanted people to look at me and be intimidated by me and see wisdom. Like some powerful elder. I was such a little arrogant prick.
It really just takes throwing yourself in society, making an effort to understand your fellow man, and wanting to be a part of the world you live in. After all, this is the world you live in, not the abstract and invisible world you build around yourself.
Lived all around Europe Albanians no question
But you Sassenach are just a Mongrel race of Saxons, Celts in denial, and Danes
Fill the Balkans and Greece. Excess fills the island nearby.
Simple, really, they've been trained to doublethink Jewish lies.
The Windmill, of course.
ive always like indians. but please dont flatter yourself, youre only here to be nickelwhores for our coporations
I'll never understand the border wall…its the 21st century for fucks sake. Walls have been officially obsolete since 1945….seriously, how byzantine of you.
someone fix this shit
OP, your map is perfectly. fine.
Finnish Khanate
vk is good for saving pics of hot girls there and stalk several of them
""Historically, it's always been that men shouldn't have to work hard for anyone's affections — we [women, animals] all just rush to them."
How is that guy on the leg a lifeguard? He's fat as fuck
He'll be fine. He's not actually Republican so he can't fuck it up that badly
I actually keked
OP here. So, what do you wear?
Trump will never be the nominee.
Trump will never win the election.
Almost forgot about that one. And now they ask for our compassion.
what the actual fuck
Itameshi has been known about for years furfag or no.