There is literally nothing wrong with the EU
There is literally nothing wrong with the EU
EUSSR when?
Gulag is literally the most comfortable place for OP.
But there is something wrong with shitposting, though.
Name a more psychedelic union, fascist.
Che voui?
Pic related is where all the eurocrats need to go.
Am i now?
Exactly! If it's against the European Union it's undemocratic.
Fourth Reich mein negger.
Europe is once again mein bitchstaat.
If you use my flag they won't know you're a Nazi
Posting as a socdem or a tankie should be a bannable offense
Masquerading as a socdem doesn't work, but nice try.
pure tankie yes but I hope you aren't saying you want to ban all marxist leninists…
Honestly people are just far too stupid to figure out proper solutions for problems. Everyone is just desperately clutching at whatever semblance of a cause they can make out from their limited vantage points and hoping that if they smash it enough the problem will go away. The real relationships between policies and effects form a vast and intricate web of causal links, but no individual can see more than a tiny subset of them. It's like trying to repair a faulty circuit but you're only allowed to see a tiny fraction of it.
Maybe the EU is good. Maybe it's bad. Either way, humanity cannot reliably predict the consequences of destroying it.
Indeed, please maintain the predictable outcome of current politics.
I wasn't advocating for that at all. Stagnation is even worse than a wild leap into the unknown.
I'm really just here to insult humans.
There's two things.
Do you even live here you fucking faggot ?
Fuck off, the EU is a capitalist corrupt piece of shit.
It finalises the long bourgeois revolution and therefor must be supported by any real marxist
remoaners pls go
are there any benefits to the EU other than open borders
Open borders aren't a benefit, especially when the EU is unable to act as a cohesive force and at the slightest problem hermits and tells everyone to fuck off and fend for themselves.
Honestly I'm looking forward to watching the poor who voted for it scramble to find some other excuse for why things aren't magically getting better now that they've exchanged one bunch of slave-owners for another. I don't think it will have much impact on capitalism one way or the other, but a hell of a lot of people just voted to take a pay cut under the banner of sovereignty.
Note: open borders are never beneficial under capitalism.
Brexit was just another example of Britain booj not being able to finish off the aristocracy, and after 400 years it's getting pretty embarrassing
Tusk pls go
I didn't realize that the EU set wages in Britain.
I admit EU could have been a huge step forward, but it is nothing but neoliberal cancer for Europe. Reform or die
Mosley is that u?
How anarchist of you
wasn't Lenin literally a social democrat,ohh I know the Social Democratic party of 1906 wasn't socdem
Literally everything wrong with it.