Why do I even bother?
Talking with parents about communism and socialism
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You got that backwards.
post mom
At least your parents are leftist.
They believe in all that hard work crap and think you have to work to be mentally healthy
This is in some ways a function of a bunch of leftists terms meaning different things in different places… and also leftists deliberately substituting them for each other to argue in bad faith. Communism, the economic/political system, is distinct from Communism, the ideology that desires to achieve Communism-the-system, is a synonym for Socialism the Ideology that desires to achieve Communism-the-system, is distinct from Socialism the first step towards communism, is distinct from Socialism the ideology that says "actually i'm perfectly happy with just stopping at socialism-the-system, communism-the-system is just fucking weird."
Leftists like to use the fact that the USSR wasn't Communism-the-System to pretend that it wasn't Communism-the-Ideology.
That said its your own fault for not going "okay why was it the 'union of soviet socialist republics' and not the 'union of soviet communist republics.'"
Your mother is a walking echo chamber who proves why feminism could never work.
pics of your mom?
No wonder you want other people to pay for your life, you lazy commie fuck
Don't worry, if you lick that boot hard enough I bet you could own one some day!
The people on this board are so retarded they don't even understand the ideology they subscribed to.
How is your socialist utopia supposed to work if no one works hard?
Lol okay m8 off to Saudi Arabia then
Because everyone working their asses off all their life is no longer needed to keep society functioning.
If we really wanted to, we could probably cut the work week in half.
Yes we should lick the boots of the social planners instead. Oh I forgot, all of us will be the social planners because we are the most fit for that position, that's why we live paycheck to paycheck flipping burgers at Mcdonalds, because we're so much smarter than everyone else.
>fucking then
Like that socialist diner that failed miserably.
this sounds comfy, how do you do that then mate?
The only thing work gains you is the product of that work, it won't get you into Heaven or whatever the current secular flavor of that is.
There's no work hard in capitalism because literally all your work beyond whatever you're compensated for in a wage is stolen from you. At best, it can be used as a form of sycophancy to curry favor from your boss, but even then there are better ways of doing that.
some Marxists use socialism and communism interchangeably. Been following a dull as dishwater debate about it on the Weekly Worker between an orthodox Marxist (SPGB) and a Leninist. The orthy is the guy who believes they mean the same thing.
Do you work hard when it's not to do with wages? Like when you work out, do you work extra hard to push yourself?
You mean the """"""""""""""socialist"""""""""""""" vegan gimmick diner that had an owner and wasn't even a cooperative?
That has nothing to do with anything. We're talking about political economy, not lifestylist bullshit.
*there's no reason to work hard
Your political views and your lifestyle are closely linked lad, after all you have control over both
Answer the question even if you don't think it's relevant
By seizing the means of production from the bourgeoisie and giving work to those forced to live unemployed in order to keep wages down.
That doesn't even begin to refute the argument, never mind all the LARPing about muh revolution.
Cool liberalism you got there, nerd, but I'm gonna need a source on that or you can get the fuck out.
Yet i bet you are one cucks that claim taxes are theft
Most people work hard when it's something they care about.
It does. The capitalist doesn't actually do anything. He's a completely unnecessary parasite who big crocodile tears of self-pity don't change the fact that, in a material sense, all he does is shuffle paper around.
Nah I'd rather stay thx
Leftypol summed up tbh
Doesn't sound like a source fam.
Hell, he can probably hire someone to do that. Many rich people literally live off stocks and rents, never actually doing anything themselves.
I don't have a source lad :)
Do you have any actual evidence that ideology and lifestyle are directly linked?
Wagecuck detected. Why should I work harder when all it does is make my boss more money? I'm not getting any raise for it, in fact it just raises the standard which means I have to work even more for the same shit pay.
If you have actually had a job, you would know that people do as little as they can get away with.
back to >>>/liberty/
100% employment+happy people+free basic necessities=productive labor
Tell them you have actually read books on the subject while they watch fox news like fucking idiots
I'm serious, have a no tolerance attitude to this shit, it doesn't matter who you're talking to.
You tell us to quit larping about a revolution
How about you quit larping about being financially stable and having a job
this tbh
I hate all the guys at lesser-chan with a furious self-righteous attitude of perfectionism. But they're probably all average high schoolers
That was his mother speaking you fuck wit.
Communism is the abolishment of state, class and wealth.
Which is why we need more workers control. It creates more productivity.
I'm not complaining though.
You guys don't get it yourself, so i'm glad even that you are too stupid to get other people to follow your own delusions.
Those people i did talk to and sensed a genuine interest in, i taught well, and i've never been frustrated with them. If you do it right it's really neat to see them learn and understand, no matter how misguided they might've started out.
Feels good to be a Marxist Leninist.
Wow, how many? One or two?
How about you explain to your mom how socialist economics would work, instead of repeating stupid memes.
Fucking leftists don't even understand the nature of decentralized worker-managed business, how do you expect anyone else to buy into it?
They're really good at abolishing class, wealth, human dignity, living standards…
Lurk more
Speaks volumes about the retarded esoteric nature of communism. The only people that buy it are those who are so 'smart' they could talk themselves into believing anything and idiots who if they could understand the code would hate.
This is pretty accurate. I live in the UK and people openly make fun of yank because they confuse socialism and communism but those are the same people that think the UK is socialist and that socialism just means welfare. I thought the same until a couple of years ago.