What are yall's opinions on Asserism?
What are yall's opinions on Asserism?
Nazism for people who don't want to be associated with Hitler.
The thinies layer of false conscience but also the hardest one to remove.
the trotskyism of nazism
Giant faggots(literally in Roehms case), but at least they are socialist, which is one step above the amoebas called Hitlerites.
hang yourself
Good comrades
Good folks.
What happened to anti-sectarianism?
Why would you want to be anti-sectarian with Maoists or any other anti-Marxists?
Marxism is a sub-ideology of socialism. All socialists should be welcome.
I have more in common with lolbert / conservative friends than I do weird sociopath anemic college tankies.
Why would I throw people I care about under the bus for the sake of people I despise because they can parrot dogma?
Useful idiots that didn't understand theory and got puged once the Nazis came to power.
Modern asserists are Nazis that don't want to be associated with Hitler.
Except for your lot, who aren't socialists.
They must walk the plank.
Politics is cancer.
Useful idiots. Not socialism was a porky trick to gas all leftists.
As a beefsteak Nazi I think hey are the real Nazis and the real socialists
The west isn't going to see communism after some bigg proletariat uprising, that is just fantacy.
The workers of the west tends to turn towards fascism in times of crisis and so the only way for socialism to work in the west is if we come in brown uniforms
There is an alternate timeline where Asser comes to power and doesn't break the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of peace. In such a timeline, liberal faggotry would have been impossible. But we don't live in that timeline.
Stop projecting.
National socialists deserve to be slowly tortured to death. Its only fair after what they did to our comrades.
This could be a good plan B
Well if there is going to be fascism in west you will see me suicide bombing in fascist crowds. Its a little fuck you for all the communist they killed.
What a child.
you go first, we will watch and clap
itt Holla Forums is dividing the working-class again with memes that only have reactionary conclusions
Holla Forums is Holla Forumss great other.
">muh Holla Forums bogeyman" is probably one of Holla Forumss funniest memes.
this is the truth.
Also it is inherently homosexual.
nothing is inherently flamboyant
Accurate description of me btw
Good but they need to quote Sorel more. Add to their theory.