Is 2017 our year?

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I think things will get worse before they get better. At least in Europe.

tbh I'm kind of afraid of what's going to happen in 2017 due to how shitty 2016 was

America's life is too cushy right now. Until massive debt and automation start to really kick in and a head for another depression nothing will happen. Idiots will still keep voting for MAGA.

Then do what I'm doing. Join a party and radicalise it from within. Start with you, then get your other comrades in. Upon doing that, have them bring in more and more until your voices can be heard,

Then you step up the leftist rhetoric to make the porkies hot under the collar and use this position to spread class consciousness to others.

It will be the same downward spiral of libtards vs conservafags while porky cackles with glee.

Is Melenchon relevant at all?



No, you deluded faggot. The right will gain even more ground, specially when Europe starts imploding and the hate towards the socdems grows. People will blame the crisis on "leftism" and shift right.

This. Le Pen, The National Front, The Golden Dawn, etc. Eastern Europe is already going full right, Sweden and Finland and the Baltics are woke. Everyone except Germany is going towards the right.

Hopefully Le Pen sends shivers across the rest of Europe. Fuck Die Linke and the rest.

Hopefully we'll have you all rounded up by the next decade and gassed.

In the UK there is a shift to the left, a shift in class consciousness. Been loads of strikes this winter, May is dropping in the polls and Corbyn is rising slowly (she is still above him, by far, but direction is what matters most in a way). Events can move quickly.

In 1916, Lenin said at a conference in Zurich that he didn't think he'd see a socialist revolution in Russia in his life time. The year later, he led it.

In Germany we got the AFD which is gaining a lot of ground. We aren't safe from reactionaries either.

I cannot believe someone would love being a slave so much. I mean you want to literally defend rich fuckers owning your whole life. I mean how much of a cuckold are you?

The rise of the right is precisely what signals the rise of the left. The loss of the liberal 'centre' as it digs itself into a deeper hole with Clinton and the Dems in the US and Merkel or Hollande in Europe.
The populist right seen in NF, Trump and AfD are just as impotent as the liberals, there's literally nothing for us to fear. Anyone who actually thinks the new right-wing surge is fascism or dangerous to the left is autistic or more likely Holla Forums falseflagging about how scary they are.

He was right.

lol so much delusion
with minimal public support
may is fucking hopeless and a walking disaster.
The fact that she's still ahead says it all.
the left is dead in the UK, the challenge is coming from UKIP.

Are you a burger?

You are in for a big shock come the next GE

More people signed up to join the Labour Party in order to vote for Corbyn as its leader than there are members of UKIP.


If only membership numbers mattered a jot

Unless Farage becomes leader of UKIP again no chance. The party is tiny, its a joke and unless the tories simply refuse to leave adhere to the referendum result there is no way UKIP will make gains.

I might try but I'm pretty shy and idk which party to join

Well it does because what we are talking about is a changing mood in society - not the results of the next GE.

This changing mood will be reflected in GE results - more likely over time than in one instance - but fundamentally a GE will never express directly the mood of society because a) none of the political parties available offer a true representative voice for the angers and frustrations of people, and b) our actual electoral system is shit.

Membership is a good indicator for this development in the mood of society because it tells you where the most politically engaged/politically active layers of society are looking to, and ultimately these attitudes filter out into the minds of the less politicized.

Yep, keep dismissing them.


I thought Zyklon B didn't work :^)

It was January of 1917, not 1916.
It was lecture (about revolution of 1905) for the young Socialists, not a conference.
And Lenin was talking about final stages of world revolution (that might start in Europe), not about Russia.

Moreover, Lenin specifically pointed out coming post-war uprisings.

Doesn't change the point I was making, that events can happen quickly. The mood of Europe changed and the possibility for socialist revolution became feasible dramatically quickly.

doubtful, sauce?
the funny thing is that the far right (FN) and Far left (FG) have the same economical program, its truly amazing.
can't tell, either way they'll just rebrand themselves and start over, white supremacist will never go away.
probably, but we're gonna need to pure idpol and various sjw cunts who've hijacked the laft for the pas decade



not really, op is just delusional

The labour party getting hijacked isn't representative of the country as a whole by any stretch. England is almost entirely class unconcious with the exception of Liverpool.

Really hoping to see him PM

If anything it is resurrected back from 'NuLabour'


The labour party has always been dogshit.


I don't qutie understand why you put theis video, is it coz the labour party was in charge of the UK gov in that period?

Also keep in mind Communism in SEA is very closely tied with Chinese nationalism and solidarity and seen as an alternative to minority Chinese dispora.

As in most Communists were chinese and its spread is seen as Chinese expansion, which is something SEA have to deal with to this day

This is not our year, comrades.

Its never going to happen in the first world.


We got raided sometime back by a botspammer though

Why don't you watch the video?

Social democracy everyone

wtf happened ? we were literally twice as many just a month ago.

when bui was shitposting the whole site with his botnet a few weeks ago he did a lot of damage Holla Forums is still recovering from it

Yeah, 'cause three quarters of a century's worth of entryism has done so much good for you, Trot.

If you look at the polling he's more relevant than the Socialists, which is really impressive, but he's still going to need lots of luck to get into the top two, which have been Le Pen and whoever the Republican is on every poll. Of course we could have an upset.

2016 was just practice.

T. Atheist, conservative

As long as the political left continues to play the politics of guilt/shame, you will never win.

Can you really call people idiots who are voting to maintain relatively comfortable material conditions?

Lurk moar Holla Forums murican

Yea that's not a leftist that is a feminist and a liberal.


So what? You both voted for Hillary

It doesn't matter how inept they are, they will continue to grow as long as they are the only anti-immigration, anti-globalist party. It's becoming clear that May is not going to deliver on her populist rhetoric and she may not even deliver Brexit by 2020, so I expect UKIP to get north of 20%.

It would be a major achievement to supplant the PS as the main left-of-centre party.

It is like I am living in wonderland. This is Owen Smith tier delusion

lurk moar faggot

Yes, you're all mad that your boy, Bernie Sanders lost. (Back stabbed)

A true comrade!


i just want off this ride.
fuck idpol, leave me the fuck alone !


HAHAHAHAH stop posting this fucking fake goddamn image why don't you go memepost about the house he bought with money he inherited instead

Christ. Why did you remind me of that?

purge the idpol liberals from the ranks, comrades


olvide el sage

>tfw Holla Forumsyps are either shitposting, or they still believe leftists voted for Hillary



Uh huh

I'm somewhat skeptical. The """left""" (idpol liberals/ SJWs) must be exterminated, mostly via subversion.

When people start looking at shit via economics and realise that class is a major divider, that'll be fine.

When most people realise that these right wing politicians are mostly hot-air, and don't keep their promises (UKIP/ Donald Trump), there's going to be a soaring amount of discontent.

Communism isn't going to be the answer, however. But rather, we're going to see more libertarian socialists/ market socialists, and maybe even Anarcho-Syndaclists (if I'm lucky).

When people start to realise how shitty the authoritarian left (in reference to SJWs that is), as well as the authoritarian right, you're going to start to see some major class conscious. The working class gets fucked over by capitalism and the government in most cases, being either wage slaves, or welfare dependant. I think most people are fed up with political correctness, but in enough time the Alt-right are going to become the new laughing stock after the SJWs fade away.


This board is making me into a Third Worldist tbh.

Authoritarian left also definitely encompasses many 'anarchists', 'communists' and the like, and must be opposed. Authoritarians just take shit over because that's what they do, kinda axiomatic. Libertarian left needs to move beyond sectarianism and bully the authoritarian left out of existence.



just for this I'm going to buy up every hard copy of Bordiga online so you Bordigafags can't even have it gathering dust on your shelf

Then still not read it and put them in landfill, FUCK RECYCLING.

turkey will probably become like russia circa 1917



edgy socdem is an oxymoron tbh

Challenge accepted

He is indeed rising. They already accuse him of Stalinism.
That means he's a real threat.

The sad thing is public polling has shown the people support corbyn's policies, just that they don't like corbyn.

Probably thanks to the blairite mps and british press

Wow, I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this.


The alt-right is useful when it comes to go against the mainstream media (aka 'we want more status quo' media) and they won't get any real power.
Media will go against any hardline socialist anyway.

you guys can have it. I got my fill in 2016.


Man it's gonna be funny when Trump inevitably gets Eiffel-towered by Saudi Arabia and Israel.

The Alt-right too gullible. They always dance to the media's tune.

He literally have the 18-25 Forum with him which is the 4chan-like of France, a lot and I mean ALOT of young people (mostly "Millennials") are for him, his Youtube channel is becoming bigger and bigger (it means something in France) and the mainstream medias are spitting on him.

Oh and he perfectly summarize the Trump Election too:
(It has English CC so don't forget to turn on CC)

yeah but he'll fail
I'll still vote for him but he'll fucking fail you know. Without revolutionary forces winning in the streets and factories being elected doesn't give you enough power to enact good change ; most social democrats in power in this way are just capitalists with shitty management skills.

tho we do need more support for him from our international allies. You are all sucking corbyn's dick because he is english but Mélenchon is way more radical.

Jokes that need to die

we need to purge what's left of the gamergate alt-left bullshit right. now. tbh fam

In 2017 I'll force myself to like some broad to start dating again to make up for how awful 2016 was. It can't get worse if I do that can it?

It can get so much worse

They are vital part of left. Without them how will we agitate the white labor aristocrat young men to our side?

We don't jej

Link me to it! My francophilia needs it

keep dreaming, first worldist

brace for fagotry tho

Comrade i live in the 3rd world,colombia, and the farc guerilla have given up signed a peace process with the goverment. Most of latin america while poor destute and exploited have lost all class consicousness.

Don't forget to turn on the CC.

I don't want this year to end.



Jesus Christ, what a horrible interface.

I have been thinking of starting a vidya forum lately, maybe I'll do it tomorrow, if only to coincide with New Years. I know it makes me a fag, but I miss forum culture.

thks familia
Will have to lurk there for a while

The interface gives me a massive blast to the 00's, it'll be more comfortable with larger typefaces.
I'd love to see your forum user but forums are hard to start up these days


why not date me?


What's his endgame?

this is true, third worldism makes no fucking sense anymore, keep fetishizing foreigners but I tell you I live in Latin America and we nowadays live in a similar situation to that of first worlders in regards to class conciousness and commodity fetischism, this is not the 20th century anymore and unless you expect the revolution coming from Cambodia or Honduras get your ass off the sofa and make it happen in your own country

To implement social democracy.

KYS reformist scum.

The problem with Corbyn is that he thought the general public actually had some fucking brains and that simply being honest, well spoken, calm and telling the truth, that people would see him and think "thank fucking god, a real human" and follow him. This was the entire point behind "polite politics" and why for the first 6 months, Corbyn and Labour spent question time acting like actual fucking adults in a meeting.

Corbyn didn't predict though, his own party would rather have Tories in power than him and will do everything to destroy him, the establishment and all it's shills would be after him and the media would so throughly trash him. He also viewed the public wrong, he thought the public would enjoy Question Time actually being professional and actually talked to like adults, the opposite, the Public fucking despised it and wanted their "entertainment" they want Question time to be a complete fucking sham and they just want to be told what they want to hear.

Sadly, Corbyn is just out of touch with how fucking vile politics and MSM reporting actually is and how fucking stupid and gulliable the general public are.

Go look at the hypocritical fucks on /r/UKpolitics shit on Corbyn for being a decent human being.

What is wrong with reforms that generally will improve the lives of working class?

last time you were in charge, you actually made conditions for the working class worse.

Enjoy your 20%

Purging the Blairites, and but seriously what he said

This is strikingly similar to what happened in the US with Barney Sandals, except that Americans surprisingly were more open to hearing someone give straight talk.

Man the irony of First as Tragedy, Then as Farce keeps happening.

If said conditions come at the cost of the world's climate going to the toilet, exploitation of international workers and wars for resources, fuck yeah I can and will.

Your local newspaper writing club is really not of much concern to international capital.

Most of them *are* liberals. Just more neoliberal privatization economics, except with some racism on top.

No real leftist has ever won an election in a liberal country. Either Melenchon will capitulate and turn into a soc-dem, like most do, or he will lose.

What's even the point of a third world revolution? If the nation was at all important, the US would just coup or invade it with the aid of local reactionaries and they wouldn't be able to resist by virtue of being an impoverished shit hole.