Other urls found in this thread:
I have no practical skills, and if I actually went to the front lines I'd shoot my squadmates and myself before I shot anyone from ISIS.
I have shit I need to do before I go, but I definitely intend to.
They'll teach you. Have more confidence in yourself comrade
I'm going before spring. You're right, more people need to realize this is the real thing. If you're not willing to pick up a gun or help out during an ongoing revolution, what hope is there you will trigger one at home?
Learning a useful skill doesn't take long. Learn the language, learn something you can apply or teach there and if possible bring useful supplies with you.
I have like 10 dollars to my name
my hot tub is too nice and warm, my gf too pretty and my weed to dank to be tempted by such spookery
the worst crimes are those in which the victim is a willing participant, aren't they?
they are a crime against the moral order itself, so it's participating victims are slaves, lowest of the low, the true enemy
then free yourself from this mortal plain and let your spook rise to valhalla
There are greater things in life
The only one worth a fucking shit would be in the heart of Capitalism itself the United States. I don't give a fuck.
All I got from that was
Ok point me in the right direction and ill be there asap. Who do I talk to?
You gotta learn Kurdish first
Also, best way to get into contact is through one of their various facebook pages.
yes, things greater than ourselves, adventures, thrills, hopes, the smell of napalm in the morning
will you be rewarded for your bravery, will you go to heaven, will your sacrifice somehow serve your own self-interest?
that's the problem with anarchism and such, it requires the heaven that it doesn't believe in
I mean, good for Rojava, but I'm not going to learn another language, lower my quality of life, and risk being beheaded by Muslims.
People that try to change society do so because they're not happy with it. They're not happy living it, they're not happy seeing other people have to live in it as well, they're not happy to simply make the best out of a bad situation. It's like trying to explain what blue is to someone who can't see it.
I mean that's not really the reason why I don't wanna do it, i think I would be willing to do those things but the concept of death just really scares me
Why though? You've been dead for billions of years. If anything, life is an unusual state of being, not death.
so they throw away their lives in vain, no valhalla, no heaven, just a rotting material corpse
no thanks, i like my fatalism to have some actual purpose
This is just lazy sophistry. If life is ultimately pointless and death inevitable, might as well spend it doing something that makes you happy. For you it's pointless hedonism, for others something very different. This is what I meant by trying to explain blue to a person incapable of seeing blue, no matter how I try to explain it to you it won't make sense simply because your perception makes you incapable of seeing it.
Absolutely HARAM.
On the one hand, I am a firm beleiver in reincarnation. On the other hand, broke as fuck. I also feel like the Mounties would take issue with somebody doing a thing that is non-evil and would prevent it somehow.
You got a job?
but isn't pointless hedonism exactly why you throw away your life? so that you can have means of productions, the product of your labour, no oppressive constructs to constrain your desires, more stuff and more fun?
this is what i'm trying to explain, your sacrifice lacks an altar
I don't want to die
Nothing is worth dying for, not even socialism. If a was given the choice to die and everyone lives on FALC or I stay alive and everything stays the same I would choose the latter
I think about it every day.
even tho I'm not well read and I have just a tiny of experience as electrician and welder.
I would really like to volunteer.
but I just don't have contacts, I'm scared of dying, I'm too paranoid that I might end up giving my information to infiltrators and ending up in jail.
Also I'm really worried about retaliations against my family.
I feel like a fucking coward and feel ashamed of not being there.
Basically unemployable, despite job hunting for about a decade. No skills to speak of. Depression, anxiety, and awareness of the status quo being something other than The Best Thing Ever have probably been why creepy guys keep wanting me to build pipe bombs or dig up barrels of guns in the woods with them(nice try RCMP). I may as well already be dead.
I meant hedonism in the pejorative sense. The pursuit of ultimately self destructive vice, not all pleasure in general. Pleasure for you take the form of this sort of self destructive vice, pleasure for me takes a more altruistic form of pursuing social change. Also, don't assume I'm reducing things merely to economic change. I'm not a marxist.
For the following reasons
i'm not the one who wants to throw his life away for the self-destructive pleasure of martial glory, that's you.
Who said anything about martial glory?
That's tough. I hope you can work things out for yourself comrade.
If pissy and so many others have gone there why the hell would you be arrested?
I never heard of western governments arresting people for going to fight Isis, even spanish communists have gone there.
a gloryless death by IED then, my bad
I'm not cut out for this. I can't walk or run very far without my body going LOLNOPE on me. Combined with depression and my lack of desire to kill and have PTSD, we have a winning combination.
dying in the pursuit of my pleasure is better then living without pleasure. The possibility of death is ultimately meaningless considering that death is inevitable anyways, so am I going to live long doing nothing that makes me happy or face the possibility of an early demise doing something that does?
I'm not in a western nation and here the state kidnaps and kills socialists students.
I know I'm a no body no body would give a single fuck.
sorry for the graphic pic.
Courage is about doing something despite your fears. Make the choice about who you want to be, and what you want to achieve. Be forever living life with regret or take a chance and risk everything to live a more rewarding life.
Your country sounds like shit tbh. You could always become a more permanent resident.
all those that sacrificed themselves in battle gave some varied reasons, pleasure and fun were never among them, not even for the most twisted of spree killers. this the barrier anarchism and marxism stumble upon, they're ultimately empty ideologies
this is just suicide
the fight in the pursuit to end their suffering and create a place more pleasing to them. In one way or another that is all of their goals. Suicide implies intention to die. Accepting possibility of death in the pursuit of this ultimate goal is not suicide, just as accepting the inevitability of death is not suicide either.
I know mate.
if I had a trustworthy contact I would go there but I don't know anybody.
Mexico is a fucking hell hole ravaged by the US.
that guy was one of the 43 normalistas kidnapped and massacred by the state.
it would be neat.
Yeah that's pretty much unavoidable for every volunteer, unless you're going with other people you already know. It's simple to contact them, though. Just message one of their facebook outlets.
Who knows, perhaps you'll gain the desire to come back home and try to change things there. Rojava would be one of the places to learn how to do that, of that I'm certain.
I doubt they'd accept unskilled and unfit NEETs though
suicide is sacrifice without an altar. emptiness like "create a place more pleasing to them" is such a lack of an altar. that's what i mean.
Not necessarily. Part of it is just creating better relations with the west
Try talking like you're not an edgelord buddy. It doesn't make it easier to understand your point.
If you've got experience as an electrician/welder, they would definitely have use for you.
If you want to get in contact with someone you know you can trust, I'd start by getting in contact with a foreign volunteer who is there already. As of now, I know of 2 who have actually been there and have answered questions about it, and they've both been silent for 2 weeks-2 months, respectively.
DM them, and if they answer, you've got a trustworthy contact. They'll get you in touch with a recruiter, and hopefully you'll have someone you know there.
Other than that
Do this.
All I really have to offer is a second rate degree in computing. Would that be of any use.
I don't have facebook.
The US has a very strong grip on Mexico, a lot radical lefties end up as fucking lame ass socdems in some "left leaning party" this place is a waste of time.
I stopped being a Neet for almost one year now tho and I'm not fit but I'm not fat.
yeah but it's just a tiny bit and I'm still studying.
Also I don't want to rush things i have to learn how to weld with oxyacetylene
and work a little bit to gain a little real life experience.
Since you're in Mexico, what do you think of the Zapatistas? Couldn't you join up them?
Are there any flyers or infographics regarding Rojava? I've been curious about the asayish especially, are there any articles outlining differences between them and western police?
Hopefully this answers your question. Worth watching nonetheless
I prolly have 40 years of being able to die in a war ahead of me, I won't try to die for a cause I'm not sure is the right one (that communalism blah blah is really not speaking to me), being almost useless (they say themselves they have enough soldier, I won't give them the 5k euros I managed to make in my whole life, I have no useful skill).
I'll go fight a war I really believe in later in life, I have nothing to prove to anyone. Trying to make broke westerners feel guilty because they live in peace muh privileged lives compared to people in countries destroyed by imperialism is ultimately useless. There has been a hundred of failed revolutions blindly supported by guilt-ridden westerners all along the 20th century, we don't need anymore of that.
What's your beef with communalism?
I think they are very cool subcomandante marcos is a little Idpol but any way.
even tho they are a good example of socialism actually working in real life, they are almost isolated, they became like a ghost, there is no point of comparison with rojava, rojava is something huge.
it would be epic to be a part of it.
but any way…
Zapatistas seem to be more preoccupied with playing the long game. Perhaps they have a point given the current repression in your country. Still, no matter how slim the odds there is always the possibility for freedom. The question is, will people take the risk and choose it? Only you can make that choice for yourself.
no thanks
Why do tankies even support middle eastern fascism?
Because a tankie thinks like a KGB agent>>1164599
At the beginning, they wanted to become some kind of political democratic force, but the conflict quickly escalated and the Mexican government started a very punitive action against them.
then in 2006 they started la otra campaña and subcomandante got a lot of heat for it, because he rightly called out the "leftist" candidate on his bullshit and a lot of leftists stopped supporting the Zapatistas after that.
today they are nowhere to be seen, they stopped the armed struggle, they still kept their guns, but they have no relevance now a days here in Mexico.
that's what I ask myself every day.
but I'm too much of a coward.
seems relevant
Who knows? Maybe one day you'll surprise yourself, comrade
I don't have the will to go into it, sorry (I'M ON HOLYDAY RIGHT NOW FUCK THEORY IMMA EAT SHIT AND FUCK AROUND IN THE GARDEN WOO). But it's deeper than a simple "counter argument"; it just really really doesn't speak to me. I cannot see it as resulting in anything more than a bicephal system with at best capitalist cooperatives and a few autonomous moneyless productive organisation. The scope seems so limited to me. Where I come from everyone thinks like that, with this emphasis on small groups, this cult of communes and opposition to capitalism on the ground of it being, I would almost say, "too large scale". I know I'm not giving a very solid argument there but I don't wanna go threw that book and do a structured answer with quotations and all that, but that's basically it. I don't see where the actual focus on constructing a socialist revolution is. To me it is more like a way of defending traditionnal structures in a way that doesn't imply racist imperialism ; that is, while promoting equality, internationalism and a form of direct democracy. Of course I'm not blaming anyone, I don't know the situation and maybe they're doing the very best thing there is to be done there, I'm merely pointing out the reason why I don't feel like this is something I could give my life for. I give money to the secours rouge tho.
My post is a mess but who cares I'M ON HOLYDAY FUUUCK
Where are you from, and what book are you referring to?
not suprising that the CIA puppet buys into the western imperialists lies/propaganda
Wtf I love death now
Just france.
Well the Democratic Confederalism of Öcalan, Abdullah. Aside from secondary sources that's my only reading on their theory.
I don't care about quality of life, or about being beheaded. But learning a language sounds like a pain.
I would, but how long, realistically, before America shoves it's big throbbing erection into the government, in the name of 'freedom'.
I was considering it. I just don't know who to contact. That and I'm poor as fuck.
Saw this in another thread.
Check this. Pretty much all the leftists who went there have had this kind of response. There's some American volunteers who went there solely to fight ISIS and later on left because they didn't know the YPG were super leftist kek.
I gotta finish learning skills that will make me useful to the revolution first.
What happened to Lions of Rojava and Rojava Plan?
this kind of explains the Asayish and their differences from a typical police force
This shit is why we are completely doomed while the right is absolutely thriving
They dont let westerners do the fighting. They just use them for propaganda and keep them in poor living conditions..
lies btw
pic related is some of the international martyrs, and more have died since this pic was put together
I've considered it, but I've got too much to learn. There's no way I'd go over without understanding democratic confederalism theoretically.
Come to think of it, it'd be mostly men going over wouldn't it. Does anyone know if there are many women in the international brigades? (Or whatever they're calling it.)
This German woman Ivana Hoffman went there and died. I've also seen a few Western women volunteers in various vids on YouTube.
The above pic is only of the dead who've gone through YPG international. There's been many more who've gone through other avenues and thus wouldn't have been recorded in the same way (like Ivana).
That sucks. They need to organize this shit better, but I guess that's low on the priority list next to finding water and killing Daesh.
Why would they want people with no combat experience, they have limited resources most of us would just be a drain
If they streamlined their recruitment process and publicised it a bit more the volunteers would start streaming in even more. It's just difficult because some countries will consider you a terrorist if you fight for the YPG. For example a Danish woman went over to fight and she came back after a year and was jailed. But when Danish ISIS fighters come back they get treated very well and put into "rehabilitation centers".
There's also the fact that whilst people are aware that the Kurds are fighting ISIS on some general level, there's not a wide degree of knowledge of the revolutionary aspect of Rojava, even among some circles in the left. People think it's all jihadists and Assadists.
Bourgeois "justice" can reveal certain class perspectives it seems.
If you have an ear out amongst left publications you would have at least heard of it. Even the WSWS has mentioned them, if only to shit on them. I heard they want to rename Rojava to the "Federation of Northern Syria". Very official but I'm not sure it would get more hits on google.
Comrade watch this. Even if you're not on the battlefield your welding and electrical skills could be very welcome.
They actually sad that they were planning on joining the 2018 elections with an independent candidate, who knows if they were serious but that'd be interesting.
They only lt them fight as a last resort usually. They worry about ISIS catching them which has more propaganda value.
This attitude is why the left is dead
I was, but got wounded twice.
I was bound on a wheelchair for one year and a half and now I am working on shipping meds there.
You need to read Ecology of Freedom, The Rise of Urbanization and the Decline of Citizenship, and Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization to really understand communalism. "Democratic Confederalism" isn't really a serious theoretical work.
They decided not to, for whatever reason. I guess I should be glad that they're sticking to their libertarian roots
Was your experiences over there positive overall?
Also aren't Turkey blocking any aid shipments?
N e c k Y o u r s e l f
Considering the situation, it experience is very positive. These guys are very hospitable and friendly.
But then there is the war aspect. I actually spent more time at the sick bay due to my limited medical knowledge. They lack specialists down there. And what you see there will change you. I think it is great injustice, what these people have to suffer through. They deserve every assistance they can get.
Turkey is of course blocking, unless you are IS or al-Nusra. We are shipping them from Iraqi Kurdistan. It doesn't always go as smooth, though, since Kurds there are more conservative, and Berzani is a Turkish lapdog, being in charge there since he won a civil war.
And what about the leftist aspect? Is the ideology shared amongst most of the fighters? Did you notice if/how the revolution has taken place on a social level?
wow hadn't see this vid before. the Italian guy is great.
This. Most soldiers go over there because they want to kill muslims. However, this is not to say that all soldiers are reactionaries and that there are no soldiers that identify with Rojava's vision.
Jordan Matson wanted to kill himself after Obama beat Romney in 2012 because he "didn't want to live under a socialist president" and yet a few years later he was fighting for socialism in Syria with the YPG. Funny how things work out.
Most people would love socialism if they actually knew what it was. Blame years of propaganda.
Serious question: how do you actually get into Rojava? I'm willing to, but I just don't know how.
Do you fly? Walk? Train?
Do you have to cross a border? From where?
Anyone who can help me with these things, please
I'm a Frenchfag if that helps
I'd probably be useless
How do I get in contact with this encrypted messaging service?
Also here is an article about a French commie joining the YPG.
You won't be alone out there.
DONT! Only the YPG-International website is the official recruiting place. Ignore all others, they will direct you to YPG-I at best, or scams at worst.
Read the website
The wiki says they enforce 40% women, but not men. It also says they indoctrinate their police and soldiers.
There's female quotas at pretty much every level of Rojavan politics because they've placed feminism at the heart of their revolution.
New Internationalist Brigade just announced.
Antifa Internationalist Tabur (battalion). A.I.T.
My gf just broke up with me comr8s. Now that i have nothing tying me down here, I'm seriously thinking about getting in shape and going to Rojava. Can I get some resources on starting to learn Kurdish?
Yes, they try their best being as democratic as possible.
And it's a system that has the potential to work. If war and blockade can't crack them down, imagine it working under more peaceful circumstances.
While I am at it. We don't have means to refine crude oil. So we have to spill it into the open, which does the environment no favour. I'm no expert with these, but if a comrade could help us out, we would be eternally thankful.
Getting in shape is a good idea, but before you can fight down there they will put you through a boot camp.
The training is tough. It certainly packs a punch, but once you are out there, you will be thankful for it every second.
how many non Kurds were there when you were training?
loads of links and facilities including there.
Thanks comrades.
i can't believe I'm seriously contemplating doing this
what's so absurd about it?
Apart from the local minorities (Arabs, Assyrians, Turkmen, Armenians, Circassians, I'm probably forgetting someone) it depends, really. No matter the location, there always were a foreigner or two. It's not like I actively sought them out.
The guy who treated my wounds was a German for example.
Then there was another girl from Germany. I also met two Spaniards on the field, a non-tankie Russian from the Donbass region, and a guy who I think was Czech. Then there was a Chinese guy from Britain and another British lad, who died sadly. There were more, but I have to stop somewhere.
Before you consider fighting, try to organise stuff at home, like meds or techs. The hospital I was in had 6 kidney machines but only 2 of them worked, because we lacked spare parts for the other 4.
Contact the Kurdish Halfmoon and their partner organisations. They can help you further.
Google doesn't seem to know what it means.
Try Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê
What do you make out of the current situation in donbass and Russia
I can't believe you're still contemplating and not already there. Do you want to help build socialism or not? It's really that simple.
we should try keep this thread up as a rojava recruitment resource
In my opinion it is a US-Russian proxy war, with Russia more directly involved, since it is right at their borders. Also Western media depicts the seizing of Crimea as something like "Russia throws it's entire reputation away from the window because of a rock". As someone who served in the Marine (Anglophones call it Navy, I think), I can tell you, Sevastopol is one of the most strategic places to have. There was a reason why Americans invested in this place with the Ukrainian government to be. And since the West did the unprecedented thing in Kosovo, Russia would've been stupid not to do the same on a much more valuable strategic location, that is the Crimea.
Something similar is going on in Syria. The proxy war, I mean. Them being busy with each other, is the reason why the Kurds are still existing. It probably helps that the Kurds are the faction that kicked Daesh ass the most. The reason of Erdogan's intervention in Manbidsch was, so there was still a direct connection between Turkey and Daesh. Russians were right when they said, Erdogan's son traded oil with Daesh. I am just surprised why all of a sudden Russians are OK with this. Despite the progress against Daesh, I think out greatest threat will be Turkey. Since we have an ambiguous relationship with Russia, Assad and the US and they are more busy with each other, we are let alone to be dealt with later. But Turkey is our greatest threat. There is clearly a force holding them back from invading us fully. But despite the force, Erdogan is surly biding his time until he can afford to ignore said force.
This is all my personal calculation though.
Oh and there is one more thing.
Sometimes some leftist groups from all around the world visit us, unfold their banners, show the solidarity fist (sometimes using the wrong arm), do their photos, promises us the blue from the sky then fuck off forever, never hearing from them ever again.
If you plan on doing something similar, don't! We do not need that kind of solidarity. It is totally annoying and it's the reason foreigners are sometimes eyed suspiciously, because they have to ponder, whether we are jokers or not. Don't worry, once you proved that you are there to help and are a repeated visitor, you will build up cred and they embrace you with open arms.
You just have no idea how much we have to deal with those annoying jokers.
I'm assuming training would weed most of the jokers out?
They are not even there for training. Just for PR and uploads on fakebook.
I like many people just aren't able to get to Rojava, and may never be able to until after the revolution. BUT… this doesn't stop me from doing what I can at home, and it shouldn't stop you.
Hold a benefit show, plenty of local punk acts will want in. Convert the money to bitcoin and send away. There are bitcoin ATMs in most big cities, DC for example.
A lot of people don't know what's going on, educate them, so they can get in on helping. Build solidarity with sympathetic groups.
Help other people who can go over there, do it. Link them up with contacts for the YPG/J.
They need people to do IT work, and you could contribute to FOSS projects they they are using. This doesn't even require you to get off your ass.
After the opposition finishes getting btfo by the government, won't Assad turn his sights in Rojava? I doubt the state will be happy to give that up post-civil war. Unless foreign powers decide to prop up Rojava of course, but then what would stop Rojava from being just a puppet state of the US?
I'm pretty critical of Rojava but
Wut, thats an oxymoron
They aren't fucking trots. Western trots support the syrian "rebels" more than them
Nah, Trots love Rojava, because it undermines the actual socialism of Assad, and they're trying to get back at them for being friendly with the Soviet Union rather than one of their pet causes of the week.
I can understand supporting Assad over the rebels because of the lesser evil thing but zozzle at the suggestion that Syria has "real socialism"
please kill yourself
Found the anarkiddies
Everyone I don't like is a trotskyist: The emotional Tankie's guide to political discussion
Fuck Kurds.
Can somebody quickly explain to me:
Who owns this health-care center they build?
Is it communally owned? Self-owned, with a charter defined administration? Organizationally owned? "State" owned?
I read somewhere that outside of the female only councils they do have a 40% male qouta too, but that was only mentioned once.
You can probably send an email asking this to ICOR, or the MLPD .
I would really love to but I'm dependent on regular prescription meds. Of course I could die over there anyway but my quality of life would be so shit without them I'd only be a burden on the other fighters.
every single day the SDF grows bigger, beautiful to see :')
the good news from Al Bab is that the Turkish soldiers are currently getting routed by ISIS.
im 16
Maybe if they stopped having private property.
I know mate, that's why I mentioned that I'm taking the courses of electrician and welding, there is a lot to reconstruct after the battle is over, but I want to prove myself in battle, I don't want to live like an armchair revolutionary and a coward.
looks comfy :DD
It's incredibly vain I know but I'm too beautiful to die. I wanna enjoy being pretty and glamorous while I can. When I'm bored of it and I grow old and ugly I'll give my life away, because that shits honestly what I mostly live for. Also I'm pretty stupid and useless.
Live in Ausfalia so no guns allowed.
Literally no skills beyond IT shit.
Our country has a law that strips citizenship of people who go to Syria, if I went there, I would never be able to return to see my friends or family and I would be stuck in a war torn shithole that will likely be obliterated by Assad and Russia.
Suck at languages.
Terrible eyesight.
That being said, I would have no problem doing propaganda and website design for the PYD/YPG or helping run charity campaigns and such here. YPG propaganda is hilariously like 90s Powerpoint tier bad.
What the fuck?? Do you have any examples of verdicts made in Australian court? Pretty sure that's a human rights violation.
I know it's
but does Australia have any international obligations with regards to human rights and/or citizenship? Are they a signee of the European Human Rights Charter for example? Has that shit been tried at the court of human rights?
btw here's an interview with pisspig that cuts beyond the memes
It seems a lot of the IFB lads are in the frontlines of the Raqqa offensive.
I know this carries the weight of fucking nothing but I did a year of law school in fucking Europe i.e. not Australia, and a surface level understanding of international obligations was a part of that.
So, from a cursory look at the available information, it seems like the law you're talking about is this[1] amendment right?
The relevant change it makes to the bill is including a new section 33AA which allows the minister to revoke Australian citizenship of people who are citizens of other countries, if they fight in terrorist organizations. There are some other conditions under which they can revoke the citizenship according to this bill but those aren't relevant. (Stuff like fighting in a war against Australia)
So, for your citizenship to be revoked, these two things need to be the case. 1. You need to be at least a dual-citizen, and 2. SDF and/or more specifically the YPG has to be a terrorist organization, in Australian law.
Now, I tried a bit but couldn't find any Australian case law on the subject, (If it's anything like here you need to physically show up at the court houses to get the documents, or shell out subscriptions to law services for a couple thousand dollars per year), and you don't usually keep an up-to-date list of 'organizations that are terrorists'. Sometimes you have a statement from a ministry of foreign affairs or something, but I can't find anybody other than Turkey taking stances of opposition towards the SDF.
This means that we have to go into interpretation, and every single method of interpretation of both the descriptions usually used and by "usually" I mean the only one I've studied: the Danish about terrorist organizations and using the wording in section 32A
the SDF does not fall under this description.
Australia is currently bombing in allegiance with the SDF, the SDF is also not currently committing or supporting terrorist acts, they're not committed to causes that endanger the lives of Australians, and their principles are not in sharp opposition to principles of the commonwealth or Australia.
It seems to me that there's no fucking way anybody who assisted the SDF would fall under the description of this bill.
DISCLAIMER: yaddah yaddah seriously though check case law, if there's been any verdicts those carry much much more weight than any mumbling by either internet law specialists (me) or even a fucking Australian judge.
As a side note, I think it's weird and pretty telling that they chose to write that subsection 8 of section 33AA, since that shit's just daring to be challenged in a court of human rights. (Which it turns out that Australia has no real obligations towards! The only international human rights obligations they have that relates to this area is the ICCPR[2] which carries no sanctions, no real court, and no real obligations in the end[3] which means that the way I understand it the Australian state is free to violate human rights, as long as it's ready to suffer the consequences of A Stern Talking to from the UN and it's in accordance with Australian law)
It seems to be in the Zeitgeist of the western world to write laws that pretty obviously stretch the human rights to their fucking thinnest when it regards brown people traveling to protect their homelands or fleeing from homelands in destruction.
This tbh
Maybe I'm making excuses for myself, but I think it would also be good to have informed revolutionaries in US and Europe fighting against the political leaders that are condoning the violence against the YPG, and have jobs and are able to provide a food and water supply to the YPG.
In a few years maybe, when I'm actually done learning chemistry and can help in the relevant industries.
Ok few questions before I sign up to potentially go die:
1. Is there even a remote possibility of this going anywhere past fighting and getting gunned down?
2. If there is a successful 'revolution' what's to say the new government just wouldn't sell out immediately?
3. Are Russian and Assad really not going to crush this shit hard and if not what guarantees are there?
4. How do I know this is not just one whole big CIA operation where calculations are being made like: "Well they managed to help destabilize the region and piss Putin off before they all got killed and tortured soooooooo…… all in all, great job!"?
Ok, so I looked it up.
So yall are team Pentagon and Fursan al Haq is team CIA. Still doesn't sound to appealing.
And ISIS is probably team Mossad and some shit huh?
Bump for: Why should I go fight a proxy way for The Pentagon?
Come to think of it, yall probably just want me to go so yall got more photos of pretty Americans who died in Syria to post on facebook.
Alphabet boys, your game is corny and easy to see through.
You better be texan or some shit.
You seem like cancer anyhow tho.
Nigga what. You DOD fucks are lame and pathetic. Get a life.
You really went to West Point and some point just to learn how to get patsies go die for yall cuz you're too puss to go in yourselves?
Fucking weak.
It's cuz I said yall.
Got it. You fucking fed shills are not even fucking creative with the insults.
While we're here.
Since DOD seems to be working this board, who works Holla Forums, FBI?
Yall really infighting right now over there in the DMV or is it all just a pageant?
You sound cringy and childish. It is as if you are some sort of nigger that has just found out about imageboards a few hours ago. You talk like you're some sort of ponyfag immigrant from facebook.
Please stop pretending to be retarded. And if you are not pretending, learn how to pretend not to be retarded.
And if you can't be bothered to learn, please just leave.
Bitch, I am going to just leave. This shit is sad and pathetic.
I take back everything I said yall. Go die for the Pentagon in a proxy way.
That'll show porky! Annnnnnnnnnddd I'm out!
Before I go. Since The DOD won't answer my questions.
(After rereading I've come to realize the only actual question in the OP was What the fuck? but I'll try anyways.)
The fuck is: I don't want to die for you Pentagon, if I wanted to sell some of my time to yall I would go to Japan or some shit, your brain washing is subpar and I feel sorry for the poor fools who fall victim to it. That is all.
Learn how to speak proper english or stay in facebook.
It's ON, you fucking dip shit. What, are they farming this shit out to India now?
Why not use better pic OP?
If only you'd proofread your own posts like that before you posted them…
And how about doing what you promised? Why are you still here? Go be "le epin trole" somewhere else.
Wouldn't you like to see your face on one of our lovely infographics Holla Forums ?
It's probably better than anything you got going on or may have going on from now until you die of natural causes amirite?
Don't worry I got the pic from facebook Sgt.
Nigga who are you and what connection do you have to YPG?
I'm just a dude on a computer asking questions and not advocating for anyone to go kill themselves.
You are the one that is very suspect here.
These islamists are worse than any neonazi. Kill them all to the last man.
And also you bitch, I'm not the one getting fucking anal about proper grammar and spelling in a thread that started with this shit:
I'm also just a dude behind a computer, I don't have any connection with the YPG.
I just feel like the person I was responding to (is that still you? You changed your flag for some reason.) talked like a complete retard. I don't advocate going anywhere to just kill yourself. But if you want to show people that doing certain things is dangerous, it generally helps to put it forth in a reasonable manner, not like a thirteen year old who does not know how to speak proper english.
It didn't take nothing but a simple google search to show that this shit was a complete MIC-op from the top down.
Why is this fucking flag on here too? This shit is creepy and weird. This shit was creepy and weird when fucking Saban's News fucking came out with the step by step guide to become an unlawful combatant in the fucking Middle East. It was weird when they made it clear it's legal for a citizen to go become an unlawful combatant as long as it was on a preapproved list.
Mane you even got people in this fucking thread trying to soft sell some Aussie guy with some fucking legal advice.
North Korea
i made this i hope it helps
Nazi Germany
Or even that one.
Using capslock does not improve your arguments.
I like how you're improving though, now you sound alightly less like cancer.
Or it might be because I lost enough brain cells by you that I can't see it anymore.
But anyways, you might give some valid points. But how you are supposed to bring those points is shit. Try formatting it sonething like this:
"Please read the following before you consider going to kurdistan: (link that proves it's a meaningless proxy war)
If you go there, you will only get killed by isis, and the pentagon will piss on your grave and whatnot."
I still don't understand what the problem is, going there. There are plenty of ways you can help out begin the frontlines if you aren't willing to fight at the front, if I remember correctly.
Furthermore, isis is only getting pushed back. It's not as if they might return suddenly. Turkey can hardly attack them openly by now. I don't know about Assad right now, but it'd be unwise for him to fight on all the fronts he can. I admit I am not well-versed in the current middle-eastern political situation.
Also, I am confused as to how you seemed to describe on front as CIA-supported, and the other as pentagon-supported. I believe the CIA and the pentagon are both on the same side, or is the US fighting against itself?
Both Russia and the US (more heavily) have helped out the YPG. There is no centralised YPG command as far as I know and the sympathies and amount of support each canton gets will vary. Afrin canton is isolated, and they are on good relations with Russia and the regime. Sheikh Maqsood similarly so.
Kobani canton, I'm not sure.
Cizre canton would be more hostile to the regime seeing as they've fought with them in Qamishli and Hasakah.
m8 Rojava would have no use for me. my body is shit and computers are the only thigns i'm good for
This moron doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. He literally just googled the conflict and now he's an expert on the extremely complicated and layered civil war.
It's even worse than I thought lmao
The middle East is full of tiny factions hating each other guts, what the great powers in general and the US in particular are doing is funding and sometimes training the ones that might help their interest or disrupt their own ennemies interest. Two factions having the same suggar daddy won't make them neccesarmy become bes buddy.
Alliances can be disregarded when they stop being profitable. The US funded Bin Laden against the USSR, but that didn't stop them to going at wars at each other years laters.
As long as the US seeks to destroy ISIS, they will still offer support to Kurds, once this is done it might stop to appease Turkey.
Unless Erdogon fully turn to Russia and secede from NATO, in this case, the us would perhaps increase the support to Rojava to fuck with Russia's ally interests.
tldr: The ennemy of my ennemy is my friend until it also become my ennemy while still being ennemy with my ennemy and also ennemy of my ennemy's ennemy which is also my ennemy.
Motherfuckers I started by asking questions:
I guess I should've given it more time for a response.
Also: >>>1169858 >alightly less like cancer.
You done goofed again. Also did you see the picture in : and the article attached?
Sounds like a shit show.
Thank you for the info. So why exactly are both The USA and Russia supposedly backing this group? Every element in this 'Arab Spring' narrative has been far-fetched and a major cluster fuck.
What's an ideal outcome? Libya? Egypt? To all the YPG supporters where do you honestly see this going at this point?
All very good points friends. Now the question is why post here? Is it like some deep-sarcasm post-modern kind of thing? The flags only seem to make the LARPing worse.
I guess this board will remain useless until you guys find your Trump. But have a feeling he'll remain the pinnacle of chan history. Well it was an entertaining year.
On a side note: What were things like here when Bernie was still in the running? You guys even help out in the meme department?
Nah dude. Hate to break it to you. But it's just posting crudely drawn cartoons and re-purposed crudely drawn cartoons.
But it still manages to be a cut above what you've got going on here.
Fucking #pizzagate manages to be a cut above what you've got going on here.
At least come up with something a little more original.
Actually, I'm sorry I was too hard on you. I take back everything I said and promise to be nicer in the future.
This is why this whole fucking format is a fucking joke and I never used this shit before like two to three months ago.
Disregard that, I suck cocks
Whatever floats your boat.
Well I sure as hell don't. Give me vag please.
This is why anfems will be the first to the gulag..
See the post above yours. It's indeed a clusterfuck in which it's faction pursue its own interests which can coincide for some times with some countries interests.
You have people going over there because they consider it's worth fighting for it. Whether because they want to remove Kebab or because they see it as this generation's Catalonia.
What they're doing in Rojava is trying to find a model slightly different from theocratic islamism and regular dictatorship.
How will it turn out? No one can know for sure. Will they make a Kurdish nation state? Will they establish a society based on socialists principle until the rest of the world decide that they can't have that? Will they become a tankie shithole? Will they be anhilihated once they stop being useful?
I don't have the answer. No one have it. They're in a fucking war. There is no such things as guarantee.
Loving these gains
So basically:
LARPers that play too much vidya.
and LARPers who read too much lit.
I've heard both of these lines of reasoning before and neither of them makes a lick of sense to me. Certainly not without a lot more info.
Also if those guys would've finished the book I think they would've learned it didn't work out too well for The International Brigades.
WWWIII when?
All the commies can unite with the cappies and drive out The ebil fascists again! Yay!
I'm too unfit and the middle east is too warm, I can't even cope with British summers
Why would it be sarcastic? Is the SDF taking territory away from ISIS not a good thing?
Yeah I'm convinced you're COINTELPRO.
If the government didn't want you to go, they would just prosecute your ass, just like they do with people who buy a ticket for Syria who intend to join ISIS?
That doesn't raise your suspicion in the slightest?
Like who could I be COINTELing for? The evil Russians? Apparently they support YPG according to people in this thread. Fucking Assad?
The "moderate rebels" aren't the YPG you idiot.
Do you even know what LARP means?
Anyway, i won't fight for Rojava because: 1 I put my life above fighting for a Cause.
2 Said life is on good tracks
But i understand people putting their money where their mouth is.
Not that guy, but without subtitles, it's hard to see whether ISIS or SDF made gains.
will they bully me for being a tranny if i go
oh in that case
all the yellow flags are recent SDF gains
What's up CSIS and CIA!
just wanted to take this opportunity to say everything this account has posted has been satire.
Thanks have a great day!
Your article has nothing to do with the YPG. The "moderate" rebels are the various Sunni rebel groups in Syria. You clearly don't know what's going on in the war.
The US government can't legally prosecute somebody for fighting in a foreign war. They can prosecute you for fighting in a group designated as an enemy or terrorist organization. Unlike ISIS the YPG isn't labeled either. The US government definitely would prefer that disaffected leftists not join, be trained, and learn combat tactics. Essentially becoming force multipliers for domestic radical groups. But due to the complicated politics involved in the war they can't label the YPG as enemy combatants so they would send someone like you to spread your fatalistic, paranoid, and wholly ignorant drivel to discourage leftists from going.
SDF is always yellow. ISIS is always black or a brownish color.
My bad dude.
WASHINGTON: U.S. special operations forces photographed in Syria wearing the insignia of Kurdish troops considered terrorists by Turkey have been ordered to remove the patches, a military spokesman said Friday.
Ankara accused the United States, a NATO ally, of "unacceptable" behavior for such an overt display of support for the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG).
"Wearing those YPG patches was unauthorized and inappropriate, and corrective action has been taken," Baghdad-based military spokesman Colonel Steve Warren told Pentagon reporters.
"We have communicated as much to our military partners and military allies in the region."
The United States has more than 200 special operations troops in northern Syria, where they are advising the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces, the bulk of which is made of YPG fighters.
Like who could I be COINTELing for?
Also, you're not neccessary COINTELPROing, but you can always find factions having interest in engaging in Cointelpro tactics.
Turkey because fuck Kurds
Holla Forums because fuck whoever Holla Forums seems to root for.That would be the summum of pettyness though.
Or even regular fbi because gotta break that consensus whatever said consensus is.
Thanks, so the flags are representing the gains r are thoses just battles?
Oh silly me, i forgot good olds Islamists.
imagine thinking you can understand the syrian civil war with a quick google search
LARPing. AKA Live! Action! Role! Play!
Meaning it has to be done in person. Meaning not writing things anonymously on the internet as is the popular usage here.
LARPing? What would a westerner be LARPing as in Syria you ask? As a Kurd my boy!
But you don't have to know much to get in contact and buy a ticket to go sign up!
Keep it up guys. Whatever you're doing, it's working!
Uncle Sam would be proud.
There's also about 200 US SOF embedded within Turkey's Euphrates Shield operation, which is in conflict with the SDF. Not to mention as shown by your previous link the DoD and CIA both pursue different policies in Syria. It's a clusterfuck.
Keyword is play.
If you go to an acual war where you know you can get killed, that's hardly a play.
Unless you consider every soldier, every revolutionnary or volunteer in any rebellion since the beginning of time is a LARPER.
Which kinda defeat the point of the word.
We already know green berets are embedded with the YPG. The US's support for moderate rebels failed so they had to find another group in the war to back because public outcry about ISIS demanded action. The YPG were glad to accept air support and weapons because at the time they were literally surronded by ISIS and would have lost without air support. Ideological purity kind of goes out the window when you're about to be overrun by crazed Wahhabists. But this doesn't mean that they are US lap dogs because as we currently can observe they are in a join task force with the SAA, Russia, and Hezbollah. If they were truly loyal to US interests why would they be aiding the regime that US is desperately trying to overthrow? Your narrative is trash and you obviously haven't been following this war.
Can any of you even speak Kurdish or Arabic? Why would you trust information sources available to you in English on the internet?
It was bad graph. I apologize.
Here we go.
People don't understand the the existential threat posed by ISIS. If the siege of Kobani succeeded the YPG would have been wiped off the face of the earth.
As it happens, the US airstrikes saved their asses and ISIS have been on the backfoot ever since. ISIS threw everything they had at Kobani and lost many of their most elite fighters like the Chechens. When you're people's existence is on the line, as you say, ideological purity goes out the window.
the acting out or performance of a particular role, either consciously (as a technique in psychotherapy or training) or unconsciously, in accordance with the perceived expectations of society with regard to a person's behavior in a particular context.
Putting on a costume so you can get shot over some vague ideal with no clear strategy or objective seems a lot like roleplaying to me.
I'm getting a ton of information, sites, blogs, youtube videos.
Is there ONE source of information that has the basics. Something you'd send to a friend or local group that you would use to explain/advertise what you are fundraising for?
thanks this would be very helpful
there's a very clear strategy and objective though
Even most of the dudes arguing with me ITT:
Me: If Rojava is so great why don't you go?
Them: Nigga is you crazy? I don't got time to be LARPing like that! I got a life!
nice numbers
Not really. This war is extremely complicated and every source is colored by regional and factional bias. The social media propaganda on all sides is next level. You're kinda late to the party.
Ok that's what I was trying to get to with my original post in this thread:
Let's say I do join. We fight. We kick some ISIS-ass. Allah willing, I don't die but ISIS does, then what?
the aim is to construct an autonomous federation of communities and cities which operate on the principles of democratic confederalism (a kind of libertarian socialism). this process is currently well under way.
If it wasn't for airstrikes ISIS would've probably taken over the whole of Iraq and Syria.
quite spooky to think about tbh.
lets see how this develops
It would be odd for the YPG to stay in Aleppo/Sheik Maqsud. It doesn't offer them anything strategically and it's not a part of the cantons. The only outcome would be souring their relationship with the regime and Russia.
Haha people are blaming even the News Agency of working for Turkey.
How the fuck is Turkey running the world/internet without me being aware in the slightest. Real sly.
So I'm not a major fan of the Turks. I don't really know what the Kurds got going on. So all you knowledgeable bros. Does a Kurdish state in anyway seem likely seeing as they're spread across four separate countries it seems.
What would it take? All the Kurds in the region forming a united front and going full ISIS 'we'll take on every regime in the region' kind of thing? How likely is that?
I just love the idea its a giant honeypot for jihadists and they will all be killed.
Not to be Ms. Debbie-downer-cointelpro again, BUT, if the Kurds couldn't get an fully-autonomous, internationally recognized Kurdistan out of the Iraq war why would they be able to get it out of the Syrian Civil War/ISIS fiasco?
Rudaw News is heavily aligned with KRG (Iraqi Kurdistan) which is firmly under the boot of Turkey. That's why they're calling it Turkish propaganda.
KRG is blockading Rojava and is not on good terms with Apoist/KCK Kurds. They have a very nepotistic corrupt form of government and are seen as traitors because of their connection to Turkey by a lot of Kurds.
The Kurdish areas in Turkey and Syria and pretty much in sync ideologically and unity wise though. Iran is a bit further out of the question.
Iraqi Kurdistan is very close to independence. After the Mosul offensive everything will be sorted out. I'm not sure if it's the wisest decision but it seems they're intent on it.
The Kurds aren't a politically homogenous group. The main governmental body in Iraqi Kurdistan are allies with Turkey who hate the Syrian Kurds. A unified Kurdish front is not going to happen. The best that Syrian Kurds can hope for at this point is uniting the cantons and becoming a semi-autonomous region in Syria.
The Kurds in both Iraq and Syria have a lot more political and military power then they did during the Iraq war.
Honestly you should research this shit yourself. We aren't here to give you a history lesson on the Middle East.
The western public knows their struggle and it will put pressure on western goverments meddling in syria. They have also lots and lots of western provided weapons to back up their claims.
The thing is, Aleppo and SM is the home of all the YPG there. They probably don't want to leave because of that. SM is an awkward one though.
If SAA attack they can take it, but no doubt the YPG would destroy SAA in Hasakeh and Qamishli if they do that.
Hopefully they reach an agreement though.
Well if it makes you feel better your post was redundant.
Already answered my questions.
Just here to tell you to nut up and go die for some random ethnic struggle in the middle of it.
Thank you as well.
Well I think I have a better picture now. I'm still not entirely sold on signing up. So far I got:
1. (Rojava) Kurds are pretty cool. Nice guys.
2. Hot lady soldiers
3. Lvl up for the upcoming revolution by grinding on ISIS grunts.
Questions remaining?
How many (living)western soldiers do these Rojavanians have left with them?
I feel like the regime is saying the military elements of the YPG need to leave but I doubt they'd object to the local Kurds staying if they disarmed. Maybe the YPG can use this as leverage to disarm the NDF in Hasakah.
There's no official numbers on that. But our comrade above who was there says you're always within touching difference of a foreigner or two. I would put a guess in the high hundreds, maybe close to a thousand? I can vaguely recalled a YPG commander saying they had something like 600 international volunteers about two years ago, so I imagine it's only grown since then.
You have a combination of leftists of all banners flooding in there and you also have ex military guys and people who just want to kill ISIS.
also when you say western i'm just gonna take that as 'international' because there's Brazilians, Chinese, Mexican leftists over there too
Between 200 and 2000 depending on whether you count ethnic kurds residing in the West or not.
some interviews with western leftist volunteers
not all in english but google translate does the job
I want socialism in my country, not socialism in an underdeveloped war torn nation that the USA, Russia and China all want control over due to its strategic location and natural resources.
Having fought for Rojava would give you a lot of "street cred" to help achieve that.
That's what I want to see. What happens when everyone who's fought for Rojava comes BACK.
considering that they haven't been so far, I find that to be unlikely
When has america referred to the YPG as a terrorist group?
Does the YPJ accept transwomen who pass/had surgery?
One of the main reasons MLKP are in Rojava is for exactly that, to better understand revolution so they can be better implement it if the circumstances ever arise in turkey
ISIS just put out a video them them roasting two captured Turkish soldiers alive. Man oh man.
Al Bab is turning into quite the meatgrinder for them. This is all just to spite the Kurds.
typical left com
Read Bookchin
Burning is toward the 16 minute mark. Don't say I didn't warn you fam.
Not available
So give them political training.
That's why I can't support them.
So it's worse than I thought? Are they forming some kind of matriarchy?
One man's political training is another man's indoctrination.
it's only indoctrination if you're feeble-minded.
Exactly my point?
I can see why forward thinking chunks of one of the few cultures outside of Africa practicing female genital mutilation might want more feminism than would be the "right" amount of feminism for a modern first world country.
The problem with leftcoms is that they're incurious beings. They're wrong and they don't even care.
I don't think so. Training is open education. Indoctrination is forced beliefs. Training makes people better able to decide within the framework of society, potentially either agreeing with it or improving it, while indoctrination typically forces a certain set of beliefs, typically self-destructive beliefs, on the individual.
I thought of that point. But the fact is, once a society begins a practice, it usually becomes tradition. When do you stop? People fall into patterns and it's tough to get out of them. (And I won't even go down the 'male genital mutilation' / circumcision rabbit-hole, so I'll ignore the suggestion that genital mutilation should equal gender dominance.)
how can they advocate for matriarchy with the historical record of previous matriarchies?
oh there doesn't seem to be any.
This isn't gender dominance. It's not as if women are oppressing men there because they have their own groups to address female issues.
oh no
Gotta fix my broken brain first. I doubt a soldier in the ass end of the Levant will have much access to a modern pharmacy.
There is, within a margin of error, 0% chance of this happening.
Why is this literally the only thing Holla Forums users who are supposedly giving this place a "serious look" can say to us?
What about realizing that we don't give as much of a shit about "internet presence" and our fucking memeability?
This place was primarily a place to discuss and joke about theory and make fun of fascists until the American election fucked it all up. Why isn't that fine? We're not 'lefty'Holla Forums. We're an entirely different board with an entirely different background.
Well, the point isn't just that they're nice guys, although they certainly appear to be that as well. The point is that Democratic Confederalism is one of the first real leftist political developments globally in a long while. Helping establish that, and helping it take shape and develop will not only emancipate Kurds and hopefully establish better life conditions for a few million people, but might also give a strong example of a working leftist political system. Both in terms of educating the left (both those who participate in the revolution and those who merely observe) and in terms of setting an example.
Those female councils are local level councils that deals with female issues specifically, their purpose is to make sure that women organize politically and that local societies don't drift into traditional norms. Also the way I understand it that 40% quota in 'regular' councils is both for men and women.
This has absolutely nothing to do with gender dominance.
I like this from the MLKP on the "imperialist proxy" insults.
does the right wing have any equivalent to internationalism?
which right wing?
Neoliberals have globalism.
I'd like to know this too
There seem to be various separate groups recruiting (Lions, YPG-I, IFB, maybe more), and I don't even know if they're all still there. The Lions abandoned their FB page and site, which is a shame because it had some very interesting stuff. At least I managed to dig up their checklist for material to bring to Syria:
I just hope that at least someone will put together a comprehensive account of foreign volunteers after the war.
Rojava Plan has a presence on Reddit, /u/RojavaPlan, you could try sending a pm to them.
Sup guys,
So I have a $150 check from the government, I want to give it to the YPG.
How would I go about doing this?
those are some impressive digits you got there friendo
I mean, you can get yourself killed if you like, but I'd rather do it in a controlled environment without fucking up and being crippled for life.
there is no of donating directly to the YPG but donating to the Kurdish Red Crescent is basically the next best thing. they do a lot of medical aid and reconstruction work in Rojava and are generally very helpful. The YPG probably don't need your money organisations like the Kurdish Red Crescent do.
There was also a site set up specifically to accept donations to reconstruct Kobani but it looks like it's down now, which is a shame.
Because Sheik Maqsud is ethnically a Kurdish district of Aleppo. Giving it up would be a massive kick in the teeth to those who live there.
what happens when this guy dies?
He becomes a martyr but nothing else changes since he's in prison and only has ideological power.
This might sound bad but it would probably be good if he dies in prison; there's such a cult of personality around him in Rojava that he could easily abuse it if he ever gets out.
Speaking of Rojava, the SDF are very close to taking the dam near Al-Thawrah
This Raqqa offensive is being very well executed and is obviously very well planned too. The gains of the SDF in this phase has been mainly small villages but it's still impressive that they covered so much ground so swiftly. Taqba dam will be a bit harder but I'd say they could have it by the end of the month. Got a lot of hope for this offensive. How beautiful would it be too see the SDF rip the heart out of the caliphate?
Mosul is a lot bigger but Raqqa has always been their capital.
I think just taking the dam and thus Lake Assad would be a big win for them. I mean controlling water and electricity is extremely important especially in the desert. I think they'll definitely take the dam by the end of the month but getting to Raqqa is going to be harder
Oh yeah there won't be a full fledged assault on Raqqa city for months. I think they'll sweep in from the east next. They've even created a Deir Ezzor Military Council which signals to them having plans to break the ISIS siege. It's all very ambitious.
Isn't Deir Ezzor under the control of the SAA, I knew they collaborated in Aleppo but I thought that was out of a mutual need to not get killed by Al Qeada. Didn't know there was a country-wide alliance or pact
No there's no country wide alliance or collaboration. But there's sporadic alliances. I think relieving the siege could be similar: SDF relieves the siege on Deir-Ezzor, and they in turn eventually get help taking Al-bab (or connecting the cantons by circumventing it).
Al Bab will fall into regime hands eventually imo, even if the Turks take it (which they're having extreme difficulty with at the moment).
Yeah I noticed that, the Turks and the FSA seem to be having trouble getting passed the hospital, I know a few made it inside the town but got encircled and killed I think.
There's essentially no FSA elements there anymore. They all deserted because they got too spooked by ISIS. It's majority Turkish soldiers now, with something like only 40 FSA left.
shit that few, I assumed they had a couple thousand given the area they took, surely the SDF could just push through and unite the cantons if the troop density is that low
Militarily they could but in terms of geo politics it'd be suicide for Rojava. Turkey would take that as justification to invade Rojava.
It's best to just let Turkey bleed out in Al Bab and wait for the situation to swing around to their favour.
The Turkish military is currently is currently in an awful state because of all the purges Erdogan's been doing.
It's absolutely disgraceful that an army of Turkey's size and prestige is getting beat by a group like IS. They also lost tens of millions of dollars of equipment (including two leopard tanks).
Which map is that?
anyone read this yet? just ordered it, looking forward to reading it.
My mother is a kurd and I consider myself one. But she fled ba'ath rule so I'd be breaking her heart to go back to a warzone in the M.E. Family comes first, ideology second. Once I've earned enough cream for my moma then I'll go. Shit, I might go next year and do some "charity", scratch that, mutualist work. Kinda like that old marxist-leninist from that Vice documentary.
This would be way better tbh since kurds everywhere (PKK, YPG, Peshmerga) say they don't need more people, just more resources. You won't make much change on the frontlines if you don't have any prior combat training and can't speak the language. Then you're a liability.
Biji Rojava
fuck off
Daily reminder that Rojava will be Israel 2.0 without a revolutionary Marxist foundation in the thought of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Bordiga.
Too bad democratic confederalism is an established leftist ideology, you lelinist pig
Rojava needs Bordiga. It's the only way the project can survive beyond national liberationist schemes.
Its ok, to heavy on the pro-PKK propaganda though.
How does it feel to still be operating on an outdated theory?
PissPig still alive and fighting
I have been investigating the price to get my passport, but how much does it cost, to get a ticket to wherever you go to get to Rojava?
also Tools can I bring the tools I have with me?
w2c YPG clock
Where are you travelling from? The price would be dependent on that.
Read this on what to bring/what can you bring
Oooooh this is really useful.
I asked in another thread what I needed to buy to go there no one posted this.
thank you!
Well you'd be flying to Erbil in Iraq and you'd wait around there for a day or two before you're picked up and carried across the border.
I checked flights from Mexico to Erbil and there ain't much tbh.
If you could fly from Los Angeles you can snag flights for €412 (don't know what that is in Mexican currency) which is pretty damn cheap I think. The price will vary depending on what month you're flying out. I'd check with YPG international to see what time they could take you first.
I was actually talking to a Mexican guy on 4/pol/ recently who fought for the YPG. Would've definitely asked him his route there if I knew it would've come in handy like now.
That's new to me I haven't heard anything about Mexican volunteers.
is Rojava doomed? Considering Erdogan seems intent on taking Manbij after Al-Bab and Assad has repeatedly dismissed the idea of confederalism.
He said he was over there more for thrill seeking rather than ideology. But in general I think there's a broader array of nationalities there than we tend to suspect. It's just that the white European volunteer gets more coverage.
Erdogan will not take Manbij because America won't allow him. Even aside from that, militarily they would really struggle. He also said they've beseiged Al Bab and the operation is nearing completion. The reality is Al Bab is absolutely not beseiged and their attacks on the city have been repelled by ISIS six times. The Turkish casualties are mounting up and they're losing tens of millions of dollars of tanks.
Erdogan is a madman, ignore him. The Turks in the end will probably get Al Bab but that's as far as they'll go.
this is by far the best thread on your gay little board
PissPig is online atm, I'd DM him if you have any serious questions
(if you don't know this dude is an American YPG volunteer was an internet memer before hand)
Nice documentary on the YPJ.
If I didn't have a family I'd probably go over tbh. I'm not a bad shot, and have survival training, etc.
Dunno how long I'd last with the Turks bearing down on them though.
Gj being a counterrevolutionary cunt.
Packing your bags at the moment for Rojava are we?
The only revolution that fucking matters is an American one. From there nothing would be able to stop world wide revolution and the creation of a true International
While it's normally nice to see nation states broken up, it's hard not to consider the Oded Yinon plan in that part of the world which called for all of the nations in the region to be broken into smaller weaker ones that can't present a threat to Israeli hegemony.
Sure thing friendo. I'm also not an American.
Is this contact behind an encrypted address also relevant for people who want to donate bitcoins?
What sort of FOSS projects do they rely on, other than obviously GNU Privacy Guard?
Anyway, good luck to all of the volunteers, be they commie or thrill-seeker. YPG's hopes and ideals deserve to be protected.
"In the case of a war of legitimate defense, as a requirement of patriotism, there is the responsibility to actively join the defense of the homeland and basic rights and freedoms."
"Rojava : Reality & Rhetoric" - Gilles Dauvé
"Rojava: Fantasies and Realities" - Zafer Onat
In Rojava: People’s War is not Class War - Internationalist Communist Tendency
“The Kurdish Question”, ISIS, USA, etc. - Il Lato Cattivo
Rojava Plan has a bitcoin address:
But I'm not sure if RojavaPlan is still active anymore so I'd send them an email ([email protected]/* */) or PM them on reddit ( and ask them if your donations would be still valuable before doing anything.
"In that sense, it is equally excellent to attribute a mission to Rojava that is beyond what it is or what it can be, or to blame those people engaged in a life and death struggle for expecting support from Coalition forces or not carrying out “a revolution to our liking”.`"
Source: it's from your own link, fuccboi.
Cherry picking skill: 1000000 exp gained
Level Up!
Learned New Technique: Missing the point
Pick your sources more carefully then. I would say that ideological purity is impossible when the people on the ground are still trying to protect themselves from a medieval death cult. They need to appeal to a bunch of different groups for aid and volunteers.
The volunteers are important. You see, they will eventually return home with left-wing ideals. These people will include yankees who previously had no idea what socialism even means. Such ideals will then spread a hell of a lot faster than any chan board can accomplish.
We also need to cherish this thing taking place in the ME of all places, if Zizek's opinion is any indication.
lol bookchinists
Then I hope they like getting lots of bitcoins. Don't see how the average weeaboo nerd can help otherwise.
uhh racist much?
This third link criticizes the comparison between rojava and the spanish civil war, and talks about how an anti-fascism meme was used back then as a ploy by stalinists that distracted from the real revolution and ruined everything. So, ISIS would be today's fascism, I get that much. But then the article just calls Ocalan a stalinist and doesn't explain why. What the fuck.
From looking at a bunch of articles, I certainly get the sense that the kurds are yearning for a chance to somehow unite and then to preserve their shared culture. This is probably still their main objective, rather than kickstarting global class war. To deny them their cultural roots however would be a pretty nasty thing to do. In fact, that's something Stalin used to do, in central asia etc. How? By chopping up cultures by means of nonsensical borders. A ploy that's also bugging the kurds, right now. So it seems kind of an asshole move to just call Ocalan a stalinist.
It does sound shitty when there is so much anticipated tension between arabs and kurds in the citation at the end, but the citation itself says the arabs were brought into that region by the Syrian regime, so implicitly to push out the kurds. Of course there'd be resentment from the kurds then. The article's author glosses over this.
The whole premise of Rojava is that all the different sects and ethnic groups in Rojava are able to this, not just the Kurds. Some groups are skeptical of the system at first because there's an uneducated tendency to think it'll be Kurdish rule over them but when they see how it actually works, they gain sympathy for it. The Syriac people are allowed to teach, learn and speak Aramic and practice their Christianity without harassment or fear in Rojava and thus the Syriac population become not only sympathetic to democratic confederalism, but active fighters for it (see Syriac Military Council). This is the same case with many other of the tribes and groups in the region.
There's also been an adoption of the ideology on the part of non Kurdish groups. Many Arab women have joined the YPJ. The Syriac women have set up Bethnahrin Women Protection Forces. Yezidi women have done the same: Êzidxan Women's Units.
A revolutionary mindset is slowly being introduced to the people of the region, a region mired in sectarian and ethnic hatred and regressive, ugly views. Rojava is setting out to diffuse all that. It's a very positive thing and fuck the leftcoms who'd say otherwise.
I`m left libertarian,
but i think the whole banning cash and gold for cashless society is a terrible idea…
They support the concept of private property
They support the idea of property based on use, and all productive property being under communal jurisdiction ultimately.
Sounds like some sharia law bullshit
Seconding this.
Compleat female supremacy.
Rojava's just been renamed to "Democratic Federation of Northern Syria". Of course most will still call it Rojava but officially it's not the the name anymore.
So you're trying to derail the thread, but the only method that comes to your mind is to blow your load and drop your Holla Forums spaghetti straight away.
Look, if you want to protect burgertown from terrorism then it is in your best interests to support the boots on the ground who are actually driving back ISIS, right now. Everything else you do here is just part of a stupid fucking internet war and of no use to anyone.
this is insightful re the "ideological training" aspect of being a YPG fighter
(the guy is a PKK and YPG fighter)
This is cool.
"Concerning ideology I have just this one question:
Since Noam Chomsky and Murray Bookchin are one of your main influences, why doesn't the movement consider itself anarchist?
Is it jus tbecause the word "anarchist" has the meaning of "chaos, violence, destruction"? Or is there an ideological reason you don't see yourself as anarchist?"
-"There are good critiques of anarchism by Ocalan. Namely, it never really identified with the masses or at least have strong grassroots connections (it was in someways overly intellectual), it was very dogmatic/it never changed as the world changed, it was overly individualistic, it did not talk about how to change the state itself, it never had a strong impact on society (historically), etc. All of this can be found in The Roots of Civilisation (book 3 I believe).
That's one element. Also, don't forget, we have to synthesis what's good about anarchism. It's rejection of authoritarianism, it's ecological aspects, and so on.
You have to separate what has not worked with what has worked. A longer piece can be found on this here, specifically in regards to the anarchist-elements of Ocalan's ideology that we are using:
"Thanks for your reply (…) After that, it is as you said, that it became purely intellectual and it has been a very long time since the masses have identified with anarchist ideas so critique is definitely in order. But the only thing that is really important is that anti-authoritarian socialist ideas are spreading, and if the PKK have become open to these ideas, than this is defintely a very good step forward. "
-"Yes, and we celebrate May Day every year to commemorate the sacrifices of the early anarchist movement."
Probably this criticism of (intellectual) anarchism will further piss off our local leftcom. YPG have to be practical, though.
They also talk about the conscription part cooked up by TEV-DEM, and how it's not that strictly enforced and only really locally applied. Seems they do rely on peer pressure inherent in the culture to get dudes to show up for guard duty but they don't send people to the front lines unless they actually want to go.
The HXP (Self-Defense Forces) is the only military or security element of Rojava that is conscripted. These people hold the fort while the YPG are out at work.
But even within the YPG you're allowed to choose where you're allocated to.
Christ I wish I could go.
I'm ex US military, a good shot, have knowledge in electronics, networking, and programming. I'd love to teach what I know and some english (if wanted), maybe do some communications or self-defense enforcing.
Call me counter-revolutionary, but I have a family with three small kids, and I'm a broke master's student. So hopping on a plane is nogo for me sadly.
No I think that's reasonable tbh. But you sound like their ideal volunteer at the same time.
Some of the more nationalist Kurds getting a bit butthurt about Rojava being renamed, but it's entirely in line with the Dem Confed ideology.
You need to take care of your kids m8, that's not reactionary at all.
I appreciate the sentiments, still want to go though, I miss the desert actually. It's shit but shit I know.
I _am_ starting a left group in my area (midwest) though. Due to the auto industry and it's unions it shouldn't be too hard, he says before actually starting.
Well at the moment its because I don't fancy being caught at the airport and thrown in a Turkish gulag where I'll be having my nails pulled out with pliers while they hook my nipples up to a car battery.
because as soon as lord kebab Erdogan finally stops fucking about in Al-Bab then Rojava's next and they won't last a month against the second largest military in NATO
this is your brain on tanks
that's weaksauce shit man
I've been interested in going for a while now but it seems like on the official website it's near impossible to bring people over at the moment plus there's a huge waiting list. Should I bother signing up or will I just be on a waiting list for two years? Also if I get to Iraq what are the chances that I'll be detained/killed on the way there? Is there any point or should I support from home and start my own home grown revolutionary group?
same questions i'm asking buddy.
honestly i don't think they're gonna be able to bring many people over anymore, maybe not ever. Its probably curtains for rojava within the next year.
From my pretty surface level research, it seems that if you're looking to join the YPG, they'll smuggle you over the Iraq border, it's only if you're looking to join civil life and might have a problem with being smuggled across borders that it's impossible right now.
If you want to go they'll try make it happen for you as soon as possible m8. You definitely won't be on a waiting list for years. Maybe a few months at most.
Iraqi Kurdistan is the safest region of Iraq, you'll be fine.
I think you should be sure of these questions before you go. They're something you need to ask yourself.
If anyone does get in contact with YPG international, please tell us how it went. I gather they ask you questions about your politics and such but something more detailed would be nice.
In one of our Rojava threads a few weeks ago some user posted DMs he exchanged with PPG from twitter which offered a lot of valuable information on the volunteering process.
Anyone know if they're cool with foreign volunteers staying indefinitely after they've done military service? If its something I'm ever reckless and dumb enough to do, it'd be somewhere I'd stay
6 months of military service with the YPG is mandatory for volunteers, but after that you can go into civilian life if you want.
1960s archaism? What is he talking about?
no kidding. nobody ever wants to do the dishes anymore
Alright man I'll send them an email and get a lay of the land. It seems like based on the publically available info I've found that the number of people they can get over the border is slowing down due to new restrictions and a very large waiting list of people but
I'll hopefully hear it from a direct source anyway and if I get s response I'll post it here.
God bless comrade. I hear they might take a few days to respond, so just remember be persistent.
Anyone know if it's possible to bring your own firearms?
How do you think this works? Like some kind of package holiday?
I dunno traveling unarmed through hotzones doesn't sound like the brightest idea to me but…
Allah will protect you brother.
So take your guns then. If you can even get them on the plane.
Well that's what I was inquiring about. Anyone familiar with firearm import laws?
Here's the paperwork to get your shit out of the USA:
What are the best routes to Rojava? Anyone familiar with Iraqi firearm import laws?
Seems illegal…
"Iraq. 2012 ‘Enforcement and Prosecution.’ National Report of Iraq on its Implementation of the United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (UNPoA), p. 3. New York NY: Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United Nations. 1 January
Relevant contents
3. Enforcement and prosecution
(a) Under article 4 of the Weapons Act, the manufacture, transport or importing of weapons is a criminal offence.
(b) When an individual is caught in possession of weapons, the fact is noted in what is termed a "record of seizure", which is subsequently submitted to the examining magistrate. The provisions of Iraqi law are duly applied by the competent authority…"
Anyone want to start an Iraqi firearm import company:
fucking kek
That gave me an idea, join a paramilitary group to do some bodyguard/base guard assignment in iraq then book it for the Syrian border.
When did you realize you were a neocon?
We're pretty close to the bump limit, new thread?
I hope you're a raider and not this much of a contrarian asshole.
Holy shit, sounds like a lot of anarchists.
I thought it would be mostly kids that just wanna shoot ISIS muppets.
For a national liberation movement Rojava sure does have support from a lot of ethnicities.
"For a national liberation movement"
Ahh, so you at least admit this is a national liberation movement, right?
No, that's my point; national liberation movements don't generally draw in the support of other ethnic groups in the region; that Rojava has support from Arabs and Assyrians suggests that it is not a natlib movement (although there are nationalist factions in Rojava).
day they purge KNP best day of my life
Don't make me cry
Is the goal to establish a Kurdish state or not - if not, it's apparent support for its appeal to ideals should not be taken at face value. Rojava also has support from the Untied States who don't generally support legitimately socialist movements either.
No. They're goal is to create a communalist not just for the kurds but for anyone that will join them in their vision. TEV-DEM is not purely kurdish.
*communalist society.
The alleged goal (of the dominant coalition; as I said, there are Kurdish nationalists as well) is to establish a pluralistic federation. Whether you believe that's really the goal is up to you, but if it's a lie it's one that Arabs and Assyrians have fallen for.
With regard to US support: I'm certainly not deluded into thinking the US supports Rojava because of a love for libertarian socialism. It's obvious to me that once ISIS is dealt with the US will either abandon Rojava to get wrecked by either Assad or Erdogan, or go full CIA and try to establish a new Rojava government that is more amenable to neoliberalism. At the moment, though, it seems like the US is content to give military support to Rojava without much meddling in their ideology.
I thinks it's quite likely that the US will try to use them as a proxy against assad
-YPG Commander Cihan Kendal
completely different organisation in a completely different country. essentially no female fighters either whilst we're at it.
The general rule seems to be that most of the Americans there are ex military guys who want to kill ISIS and most non American volunteers are there for ideological reasons.
Because IDGAF about you.
You don't matter to me or Europe. You are literally just a hobby of mine, I like to follow the levantine conflict every day, but beyond that curiousity you don't matter to me.
All I want is for you to not come to Europe and demand that the state steals our money to give it to you. Beyond that you can do whatever the fuck you want. Invade Turkey and Iran if you want, but leave me out of it.
I already dont like that tax money goes to funding your groups.
If Assyrians were powerful enough they would have their own liberation movement.
It's just strategic thinking on their part. it has NOTHING to do with ideology.
Same with arabs. They are supporting them, because actually they are sharing control of some territory with arab factions, instead of it all being controlled by some kurdish faction.
If Assyrians had as much influence in america as the jews they would also be special allies of the USA and have their own little state.
whatever happened to aryan unity? :^)
Many such cases!
of what?
fug I wish I still had that reaction image. Essentially you're a liberal, not a libertarian. The term libertarian was coopted by the right. It essentially means anti-authoritarian brands of socialism from mutualism to deleonism and everything inbetween.
Maybe that's the case, maybe not.
But I will never support the left, because even if your arguemtns are good, they just get corrupted by authoritarians every single time.
People who think like you are an extremely fringe minority who still for some reason feel part of the left, even if they bitch about them.
So really you guys are either ineffective or inconsistent.
It's both really, but nonetheless I will always be a socialist.
At least you admit it.
At the same time, Austrians are most irrelevant and neoclassicals are wrong so why not join us?
And what would joining you look like in my situation? I am from Germany and I sure as hell would never vote for either the SPD, Greens or Die Linke.
And what about interpersonal talks about politics? I am not going to stop speaking my mind and instead say something I don't believe in.
What does joining you mean, user?
Well I'm Canadian and not particularly familiar with the situation in Germany so I couldn't really advise you on which party to vote for. That being said, I abstain from parliamentary politics all together.
I don't know why anyone would shut you up ( At least on this board, unless you were incessantly shitposting ), as in regards to real life, likewise discourse can't take place without freedom of speech.
If you want to try "What Is Property" by Pierre Joseph Proudhon. It was the book that convinced Marx that private property was more or less, a fiction of the law. Proudhon was the first to call himself an "anarchist", and he advocated for a market socialist system in the absence of a state.
Marx of course, produced extensive critiques of the market aspect of Proudhon's socialism but I feel like he's the leftist that would appeal to libertarians the most since he was a "libertarian" in the original sense of the word.
just saying, but I am completly immune to semantic arguments
That still not an argument for why private property isn't real or evil or whatever.
I'm not trying to make an argument for "why is isn't real or evil", I'm giving you a text you can peruse to get an idea of why leftist think that.
If you want to stick around on this board you can. If you wanted me to give an argument, I'd need to know why you think private property is valid in the first place.
B-but you are stealing! ;_;
y.-you are evil!
And you k-know it!
Private property is used to appropriate the labour of others, while the owner sells it for his own gain.
If we're going to moralize, the right to be free from working under the despotic rule of a boss is just as valid an inalienable right as the right to take on the role of the depot.
Why are the 4/pol/ tourists being so snobby? Meanwhile, lefties are giving up all luxury to go shoot up motherfucking ISIS.
You've been very calm in subsequent posts but maybe next time, don't post a pickelhaube wojak. It's kind of a big red flag saying "I'm from Holla Forums and I am DEFINITELY a fascist."
Despite occupying about 20% of Syria, the PYD have constantly been locked out of peace talks and negotiations about the future of Syria. Same thing happened today. They were not involved in the ceasefire deal and were not thought off. It's sickening
New thread:
This commander is based as fuck