What would drug laws in a full communist society look like? Limited legalization? No more drugs at all?
What would drug laws in a full communist society look like? Limited legalization? No more drugs at all?
Drug addiction wouldn't really be a problem in a Communist society since labor alienation would cease to be a problem.
If anyone is willing to mail drugs in the UK I'll buy. I'm not buying off craiglist and my dealer's done.
Capitalism is the source of the suffering that leads most people to drug abuse.
It is. Alienation would not be a problem under Communism.
In full communism you wouldn't need drugs you'd already be high on class consciousness.
I find that to be an absurd proposition. The universe is a cold lonely place with and thats not going to change whatever the economic system on this rock
Every drug would be legal in ancomistan
Hopefully all drugs will be legalized.
alienation is the cause of addiction? do you have any sources explaining this?
people would produce things for use value where everything now is produced for exchange value. I would imagine with proper education, we would at least stop making the more dangerous shit.
Probably unpopular opinion here but I wouldn't want some drug addled free for all. Rampant drug use would make a society passive and incur huge costs for treatment.
You know nothing of economics. Read more Milton Friedman.
This. No one's gonna be doing heroin if they have no reason to do heroin.
What about marijuana? You don't need to be depressed from working to smoke that. Some people do it because it's fun to chill.
Depend on the commune i guess.
We have practically a lot of capitalists societies atm. But one one hand you have California and netherland, on the other you got Phillipines and Singapore.
If drugs are all legal then there's less chance of or pressure to cut them with dangerous shit, which will make them much safer. Destigmatizing drugs would make it easier to handle rehab and education, so society as a whole would have an easier time with safe use.
luxury anarcho-capitalism
Even under capitalism, full depenalizaton is likely the best answer to the problems surrounding drug production, distribution and use.
Making drugs illegal only makes everything worse.
How can you make anything illegal under communism when communism is stateless?
Local communities would still need social control and establishment of some formats of basic law. Difference is that it would be decentralized to local committees instead of state courts.