At dinner with my aunt and cousins
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don't hate on them. Liberals are like children that don't know how to express there views properly
It could be worse, they could think Trump won because he was the best candidate to be president and because he is going to make America great again.
this also
This. OP, you're a step closer to every leftcom's dream.
top lel
Fuck off tankie
Socialists don't agree with this? I must say I'm happy you've finally realized that Muslims are the sworn enemy of socialism
Well I dont believer we should witchhunt t and persecute them like you guys do, but that doesnt change the fact that they're a fascist religion and are enemies of leftism.
Why not witchhunt them? What's the socialist solution to the Muslim problem? Send them to gulags? Why not just deport them all
America is racist and sexist and you should want to protect muslims from persecution, don't try so hard to impress Holla Forums you end up with terrible opinions.
Wow it's almost like liberals are totally incoherent to the point of insanity at this point
Stop forced immigration. Stop MSM and goverment gaslighting. Deal with the current criminals as criminals. They'll assimilate / integrate eventually and the right wing will calm down, they only glorious uprising when they're being pushed up against a wall hard, usually they don't care if they're left mainly alone.
The most hippies managed to do at their height in the 60's was put on a concert
Here in the UK Muslims are treated like absolute saints, yet we have a huge problem of Muslim "Brits" (pakis) going over to the east for jihad. Ignore the problem and you will make it worse
Your average muslims are less sympathetic to jihadism than your average american.
I'll gladly stand shoulder to shoulder with the lion of Damascus bashar al-asad
many muslims may be sexist and racist but that doesn't mean you should want them to be killed or deported by nazi faggots
Muslims aren't inherently anti-socialist. The jihad against the west is a Saudi-backed perversion of the original socialist struggle against American imperialism during the 70s.
I've learned to just keep my mouth shut when loved ones start "critically analyzing" news of the day. Let them LARP as fascism fighters until Trump does something the State Department disagrees with
My fucking nigger. Unfortunately only western Shias support him as far as I'm aware
shit like this makes it obvious that tankies don't actually care about communism, they just have a hard on for murderous dictators
There is a reason all communist nations exacted state atheism you morons
well nazis like you love him so i figure it can't be all lies
I'm not even a nazi, that was just to signify I'm from Holla Forums
Because most of them were in backwater feudal shitholes with extremely powerful religious institutions?
You sound like the american nazis who call Lincoln an evil tyrant, fighting reactionaries is no sin
lincoln didn't massacre civilians
I don't love him. While he was in power Syria was stable and at least working marginally. Now we have syrians streaming into my country because the united states with their Al Qaeda and ISIS allies want him gone
The American south wasn't reactionary (at least in relation to the American north). You sound like a LARPing liberal.
What a terrible dictator. Using barrel bombs instead of multi million dollar GPS guided bombs to kill jihadists like civilized people would.
Assad didn't either
Sherman did
It's time to stop posting.
Feudal slaver state more progressive than bourgeois industrial liberalism?
Your on way to many levels of contrarianism right now mate
I hope the south rises again, for us Yank's will be there to subjugate them a second time
nice logic
yes he does, stop getting all your facts from rt
No they were capitalist. They just had slaves too. The Civil War was not really about slavery. It was a fight to the death between two groups of porkies.
t. nationalist philistine
C'mon now
Start doing this.
The UK really does not want to deal with them.
Why do people on this board claim to be well read when they're not?
Sherman killed soldiers, any man who is a member of a nation at war is a soldier, there is no such thing as an innocent civilian you fucking retard.
Liberals are such obnoxious parrots. He won because an international movement of shitposters memed him into office just to punish you.
m8 I know what it feels like thinking you will be able to have a good rational discussion about politics with your family
Even the women they raped? Sherman did kill civilians, you can sperg all you want, but it's true. Not even pro south. I don't like the idea of importing and breeding negros on US soil.
Women are property.
Africans were brought to America by jews anyway. Lincoln would've tried to send them back but the jews killed him to stop it. Jews created The United States of Israel, and they have pulled its strings from the beginning, wake up.
Now we know why you easily believe socdem-stalinist propaganda about left communism.
Yeah no.
America was created by a bunch of petit bourgeoisie assholes who didn't want to pay for the crown's protection (despite the fact that they all benefited handsomely from it.) The American "revolution" was a huge fucking joke.
So what, are you going to now say that dogs have individual rights that they should be legal persons? A woman has no more self-awareness than a dog.
A few thousand autists on the chans does not a president make.
he won because he's best for the establishment, it can never be any other way
The scum that hang out on this board disgusts me sometimes.
The ignorant redditors that have infested this site disgust me all of the time.
Nice try bitch.
Implying the degenerate goyim will activated while the j e w s are technically still in power.
Might as well be. Don't you have a school to shoot up or something?
OP here. Cousin just recommended that my parents watch Samantha Bee
Whoops didnt mean to quote
Nobody cares bitch.
Enjoy your virginity, little incel.
Ask your cousin if they like ass to mouth because their taste is shit. Liberalism aside, she is the weakest of all fake news daily show knockoffs.
Implying "porky" cares about social engineering to run profitable media enterprises into the ground and stack academia for years with pseudo-scientif bullshit just to sell more microwaves
Stop funding jihadist groups
Socialist Afghanistan was ran by a muzzie and it was fine until jihadists ruined everything
Enjoy simulating thought little computer in an animal brain. It's very interesting how the words I type into my computer and transmit to this site cause chemical reactions when the animal in some other place sees them and translates the language into thought and provides a reaction based on a list of societal programs in order to simulate sentient thought.
It's almost as though you're a real person, though I can tell by your lack of originality and creativity that you are in fact a woman.
Might as well argue with a chatbot, kek.
What was your mother like?
When people describe how intelligent themselves or their sex in toto is they're usually a bit slow. You should work on that so it's not so obvious you're a bit slow.
Is she saying that as a good or a bad thing, since a lot of the actual avowed revolutionaries from the '60s-'70s hated the hippies for being narcissistic hedonists that cared more about getting the next fix or fuck over actual political revolution.
He's a tranny faggot, welcome to Holla Forums
there she is!
Is there some kind of pleasure stimulation when you make a post? Why continue.
Not a woman, but the stereotype holds true. The most vocally woman hateric men tend to be social losers. Look at Dylan Storm, Elliot Rodgers ect. All narcissists who felt the world owed them something and are bitter because they feel cheated. No wonder they tend to gather on online forums and chans, if they vocalized their bigotry in public, they'd be rightfully chastised for their shit opinions.
Are you asking if I cum every time I post
This shit was also some of the most autistic shit I've ever read and indicates a total disconnect with how people think outside of the internet.
I don't hate women, I love women. I have a pet dog, do you think I hate dogs just because I don't let it eat at my table?
I don't think you have the mental capacity to experience the true range of human emotions.
Your opinions are not shocking or really even that subversive. Try harder, tryhard faggot.
How about you gas yourself.
feed me your loosh faggots
It's the only upside of places like Reddit. Edgy teenagers like just get b&
In fact I think you're emotionally stunted.
Not an insult at all, I'm just telling you that you're probably stunted.
Calling women dumb animal children is really old considering the general demographics of people who post on Holla Forums.
It's the men, don't flatter yourself.
t. loosh hurt faggots
You want to know what liberals are going to do?
They are going to make real mean tweets and right think pieces about how trump is a big meany poopy head.
Maybe the more outgoing of them will impotently protest in their own neighborhoods and destroy local small business with rioting.
You want to know what republicans are going to do?
And they are going to gut obamas legacy.
They are going to redraw the distract maps to keep democrats out of power for ages.
They are going to fill the supreme court and keep it conservative for the next generation.
I really do not think liberals comprehend how boned they are.
I bet your a pedophile too.
Calm down jimmy
The Democras have been drifting to the right since Carter.
The redistricting won't happen until after 2020. If Trump fails badly enough, dems could seize control and draw lines in their favor. I'm not sure which outcome is worse tbh.
Liberals and conservicucks are both fucked.
The future government will be a combination of the best of Stalinism with Monarchism and Autocracy. The Philospher Autarch will be created by the violent revolution, the majority of the human population will be gulag'd and sterilized and long term eugenics programs will begin.
Praise be to the Autarch of Mankind.
Why is leftypol so retarded
Those who oppose our coming Autarch will be disposed of.
Praise be to the Autarch of Mankind, may his glory be eternal.
Stop posting
congratulations i now have actual cancer
he's trollan, check the flag
My aunt was also complaining about how Bill Maher makes fun of fat people. They even condemed him making fun of Chris Christie for being fat.
Identity politics has warped them, of all the things to hate about maher they choose fat shaming and nonexistent islamophobia and defend fucking Chris Christie.
Or, you know, lead ultimately successful anti-war protests.
I think i saw some webcomic about hitler coming back to life and getting a sex change and everyone calls him brave and they let him kill all the jews again and if you say anything against him you are a bigot
Man all the jews have been killed how many times? Like 6 times already, that would be a SEVENTH SHOAH?
ok al-baghdadi
The anti-war left is a joke, the same people mobilized against the Gulf war are gung-ho about invading Syria and fucking with Russia. They're whatever you want them to be, as long it's deeply triggering and problematic.
Hasn't leftypol become noticeably more retarded recently? What happened?
So, what did you do? Did you try to use their well-meaning though ill-informed comment as an opportunity to educate them about the nature of Trump's victory, or did you just stand there like a smug idiot silently eating your Christmas tendies?
We are talking about hippies, not about contemporary liberal anti-war activists.
some1's triggered
Same shit, different day
Try harder
There's nothing wrong with imperialism and genocide if the good people are doing it. You either take the moment or it takes you and the future generations who will have to suffer under it. hippie faggot.
I kinda felt like the straightest person in the room, because everyone else was a fuccboi. Even the grills.
Man up to your own fucking mistakes or you will have a guaranteed loss in 2020.
Although something tells me the guys who criticise Trump as a sexist, racist, homophobe will be his fiercest defender, because Ellison will take over the DNC and the Corbyn-effect will kick in.
tankies are insane
What next, we need to defend Nazi Germany and fascist Italy from the Imperialist USA?
Educating is a waste of time. Liberal ideology runs too deep. After speaking with my friends and family, I've concluded Posadas was right all along.
KEK. The stupidity is really impressive here
Spoiler, the trump supporters were more racist (and rich) than the average white american. Also, ffs his supporters are talking about concentration camps..
Republican voters in general are more racist and wealthy than dem/independent voters. It has nothing to do with Trump.
could be worse
your fam could be Trump voters, eating with their hands and making racist jokes while farting
Whats wrong with eating with your hands?
Utensils are bourgeois
le gulag meme
Liberals are functionally braindead at this point.
I don't know about "Liberals" and it's a fact that Trump got a lot of forgotten proles (and Lumpen) into his boat but Republicans are on average wealthier than Democrats (don't know specifically about White Reps or White Dems)
His supporters on the media were deeply entrenched with the Alt-Right meme wave, of course they would.
His actual working class support heard him on rallies and debates, and there he wasn't surrounded by nazis as he was in the news.
No leftist should ally themselves to any religious group. Muslims are right-wing to the core and will become an enemy the moment they get the chance to purge all the non-believers.
Pretty obvious what happened.