Hilo latinoamericano

Latin America general.

With the death of the (pitiful) pink tide, let the subject of this discussion aim at the current political developments of the relevant region along with its socio-economic status and forecast.

Is there anything regarding the topic for other Hispanics to report and elucidate?

Personally, the future seems enduringly miserable.

Sagese de aqui


Why do Hispanics need their own thread?

i'm pretty sure its a thread on latin america, not a thread only meant for hispanics to participate in. also, do you know how many threads only focusing on the US there's been?


Peruanos y Bolivianos de Holla Forums. Hablame de tu pais. Yo soy un europeo y quiro vivir en estos paises

Venezuela is socialist and must be defended. PanamPost is bourgeois lies; read telesur for the true picture.

The future of this region looks very grim, most countries are already falling for neoliberal leaders, and the left is sure to hold a negative reputation for years to come. I liken this to the infamy socialism holds in the US due to Cold War propaganda.

I am honestly hoping the Venezuelan government is toppled already, anything is better than this shit right now.

Verga guevon, buscando argumentos en contra de tu mierdapost? Reportado correctamente.

The central government in Venezuela is filled with corruption. The central government after 20 years failed to make Venezuela independent from abroad.
Nationalizing muh oil and watching money pilling up is not socialism. They failed and i can only hope for a coup d'etat.

Socialist in what sense? It has a market, private property and commodity exchange.

Metete tu waifu por el culo

No soy el OP, pero gracias por los bumps negro marico :^)

You're responding to a shitpost.


What is the leftist situation where you are ?

Of all the places the us screwed up during the cold war latin america got the worst of it

t. ignorant canadian

Apologies if that impression was given, but this is not meant to be an exclusive thread.

Pero, ¿porqué querrías irte a esos países?
¿Qué es lo que estás buscando?

Tienes la persona equivocada.

There is no Left.
It has not been too long since the neo-liberal energy reform was passed for the delight of private foreign hands. Within a few short years, the USD/MXN exchange rate has widened by double, while the wages have unreflexively stagnated.

This is a redundant reminder that the country is burdened with the title of being the longest-working one in the world, laboring in outsourced factories through agencies for little pay.

Una vela


the only successful left wing parties are Trotskyists here. why?

Why do they call it Latin America? I've never understood this shit, you're as latin as English America. Why not Iberian America?

Because it was the Spaniards, French and Portuguese that conquered it, pass down their language and culture and mixed with the indigenous people. Not as much the French though.

On the contrary, I for one, believe the future is ever brighter! (Al contrario, yo, para comenzar, creo que el futuro no podría haber sido mejor)

If it weren't for Trump, the left would be dead (Si no fuera por Trump, la izquierda estaría muerta)

The 'pink' (more like deep red) tide was shit, and everyone in it deserves helicopter rides (La oleada 'rosada' (más bien roja) era una mierda y todos en ella merecen viajes en helicoptero)

Typical tankie (típico zurdo)
This kind of mentality must be wiped out before the left can reorganize and actually do anything (Este tipo de mentalidad debe ser destruida antes de que la Izquierda se pueda reorganizar y hacer algo)

We have to erase all traces of the old left (Debemos eliminar todo vestigio de la izquierda vieja)

And we have to start anew, hopefully by aligning with the nationalist movements springing up everywhere in LATAM (Y debemos empezar de nuevo, con algo de suerte, alineandonos con los movimientos nacionalistas que estan apareciendo en toda Latinoamerica)

We need to reorganize around cooperatives and social movements instead of battering ramming into government all the time. (Debemos reorganizarnos entorno a las cooperativas y los movimientos sociales en lugar de buscar a toda costa entrar en los gobiernos)

And we must purge all that sectarian 'leftist' language and seek to link with the people in their language rather than ours (Y debemos acabar con todo ese prontuario 'izquierdista' y buscar vincularnos con el pueblo en su propio lenguaje)

Bordiga is the path to failure (Bordiga es el camino a la perdición)

Que quiso decir con esto?

Que defiende a un gobierno 'izquierdista' a muerte sin importar lo que dicho gobierno haga.

En lenguage leftypol, un tankie (es el sobrenombre que llevan los 'comunistas' que apoyaban las invasiones de checoslovaquia y hungria en los 60 y 70s)

Un pedazo de mierda.


I'm Argentinian and we had 12 years of an central-left government which achived really great things but had really a negative image created by the media monopoly called "Clarin group" who defended the landowners in 2008 (I recomend to you to read about the conflict between the government and the landowners in 2008) and defended the militar dictatorship in the 70 (Plan Condor).
Then the only active self called "left" are the trots who are a bunch of SJW


Central left government who mostly did short term initiatives just turn to be corrupt like every other government. Officially lost their power this year when the president gets impeached.

Now we're getting a lot of reforms done by a neo liberal power hungry party, with a really impudent cronyism.

We will have elections in 2018, but the image of the left is being battered by the media.

Because spanish and portuguese are just like latin, right???

user uruguayo aca, que opinan de mi pais?

veo que ultimamente se nos esta bombardeando con propaganda (junto con un poco de verdad) hablando de lo inseguro que es.

como se puede relacionar el aumento de los estandares de vida con el aumento de la delincuencia? no es siempre lo contrario?

Si yo me cambiar para tu pais, puedo comprar cannabis por 1$ como si fuera uruguayo?

your "revolutionary" government brought Chevron into the country. Cristina praised capitalism like two months ago. she literally praised capitalism. look it up.
You call the actual left SJW when the FPV is the one that shilled hard for idpol

A única coisa boa que pode acontecer nesse lixo de América do Sul é o Brasil invadir tudo e unificar essa coisa toda. Bolivarianismo inverso. É hora de aceitar o pipi macaques pela revolução.

What's everyone's opinion of Salvador Allende? Do you think he would have succeeded if it were not for the coup?

Cala a boca João. Resto da América do Sul > Brasil.

Uma vela

Não to falando que o Brasil é melhor.

Estou falando que o Brasil é o país que poderia fazer isso, pela força militar e so on.

Brazilian troops are ezpz to defeat. we'll just throw some poisoned bananas and y'all monkeys will die

wtf i hate bananas now???


PR represent

Rossello genocide best day of my life

i dunno man, debo ser el unico uruguayo que no fuma weed, toma mate o mira futbol.

not surprised tbh.

Literally where?
All Latin American Nationalism has been leftists since their inception, and it's been completly dead ever since the CIA highjacked their rhetoric for anti-communist purposes.


haha well meme'd familia

the nigga you talking to probably drank that koolaid
he even uses "lefty" as an insult

I live in Lima and it's awful , don't come here.

unless ur a qt gurl in which case you can stay in my flat, we can arrange the payments later ;^)

Criollos aren't hispanic
Way to turn over a new leaf for the new year, faggo

O que tu faz?

Eu recolho o livro "Primeiro como tragédia, depois como farsa" do chão, que acabara de adquirir por míseros 95 réis em uma promoção e, enfrentando o olhar irlandês do ser em questão, proclamo : "MEIN GOTT. DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY afiliação política ? ???"

No quiero vivir en Lima. Grandes ciudades no me gustan. Quiero vivir en Cuzco